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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9828523 No.9828523 [Reply] [Original]

Now that crypto is dying i need to find a way to make money

I don't care if its a scam or a legit business idea
I just need a way to generate income, i don't want that Mcjob.
I'm sure many are in the same position so lets help each other out.

Best ways to make money (scams included) ?
get the ideas rolling

>> No.9828553

sell boipucci and pretend you're underage

>> No.9828575

if you can't figure this out on your own, that mcjob is probably the best you'll be able to do.

>> No.9828582

Become a "tutor". Have them bring their course material and just walk them through the book.

"how do I do this?"
"well what does the book say?"

>> No.9828597

kys kikish neet

>> No.9828620

Do you have any job skills OP?

>> No.9828637

Alright, this thread is needed.
Crypto isn't the end-all be all.


I think the most money is to be made in a manufacturing niche market.

You have absolute control of each aspect of the chain (e.g. materials, production and retail).


>> No.9828646


>> No.9828714

i would if i wasn't an anti social fuckface

>> No.9828732

There seems to be a lot of money in telling normies and boomers how to make money. Create some shitty ebook and online course that basically says "bull low sell high retard" then market it to all the normies looking for the secret to becoming rich.

>> No.9828756

learn to trade volatile stocks with an edge.

>> No.9828803

Actually fuck you, my parents used to force me to see tutors like this when I was in highschool because of my ADD

>> No.9828814

how do you market it to them ? i can produce products but i suck at marketing them. do i just use facebook/instagram ads ?

>> No.9828870

Please don't teach normies basic financial literacy.
That'll make it harder for us in the long run.

If you're going to do this just shill them a 9-5 job and tell them money doesn't buy happiness or some shit like that.

>> No.9828919


>> No.9828961

Basically. Youtube videos/ ads facebook ads ect. Act like a rich asshat who "retired at 25" and title the video like "How I made my first million by $25" Then film yourself climbing out of you lambo, alking through htis nice how, all of which you can just rent. But at no point in the video give your actual "method" Just vague general moneymaking tips people already know but commonly ignore, and then at the end of the video plug your course/ ebook. And of course it will ALWAYS be $500 of information on sale for $100.

>> No.9829013

warehouse job and steal like a nigger

>> No.9829054

Thats interesting. I personally wouldn't want my identity known but i think i can find a creative alternative. I will try it for sure. thanks anon
Dw it will be "Just vague general moneymaking tips people already know but commonly ignore,"

>> No.9829077

kek, have you done it before ?
i feel like the cameras will catch my ass

>> No.9829226

You could like hire an actor or just some random chad off the street to star in the video if you wanted.
And normies must fall for this shit, because it's everywhere. And at no point do they think, "Hey if this guy is a multi millionaire, why is he wasting his time trying to sell me a shitty ebook?" It's because that's how he made his actual money. An ebook costs you NOTHING to produce and sell, and idiots will pay out $100 for it. So it's all profit once you get things rolling.

>> No.9829243

since dropshipping hits are few and far between today, I suggest pod
shoulda cashed out on the imaginary money sooner kid

>> No.9829312

dropshipping isn't worth the hassle to me.

nice idea. But normies also like to avoid the confrontation that their finance is utter shit.

>> No.9829314

Crypto is not dead, this is just a healthy correction, buy the dip lad

>> No.9829326

ye hiring someone sounds good. have you done it before ? if so you mind sharing your experience and how much you made

"Hey if this guy is a multi millionaire, why is he wasting his time trying to sell me a shitty ebook?"


>> No.9829328

it's the best economy in USA history right now go get a fucking job you neet

>> No.9829336

We all know.

But it isn't super healthy to only do crypto anyways.

>> No.9829350
File: 486 KB, 521x657, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I would do.

Find a cute girl on some cam site, with niche look and a good amount of pics on twitter or instagram or whatever, then pay her $100 or however much to make you a custom vid and taking some custom pics that will serve as "proof" later on.

Now just go download Tinder, set up a fake account as her, set your preferred age to men over 40, swipe right on anyone in a business suit/that looks like they have a high class job. This is where you need to get creative, feed them a sob story & nudes, bm them, say you need gas $ to come meet them, anything, whatever it takes to get the $$$.

Could probably make a few thousand a month if you do this on multiple sites with multiple accounts.

>> No.9829357

Reason this.

It's not in Europe. Karen the AI bot is going to kick the wageslaves' asses.

>> No.9829378

holy thot

>> No.9829389

So you're saying some smart ass business dude doesn't know that gas isn't shitballs expensive?

>> No.9829420

that sounds good to me kek

im in a position that i will literally try anything that looks worth it

>> No.9829424
File: 161 KB, 634x1139, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it illegal to post fake stories on gofundme/kickstarter saying you are terminally ill and want to help your family pay the bills?

>> No.9829432


give it a long hard think

>> No.9829456

You will eventually learn a lot of people are absent minded and leave stuff at random places where cameras can't see you

>> No.9829486

this isn't a good long term business strategy.

>> No.9829490

couple questions

1. is this illegal?
2. is this traceable?
2. how do you facilitate the money transfer?

>> No.9829537

you're probably right about the absent mindedness, but its going to be a pain in the ass waiting on people to leave something out of sight (and if its even valuable at all)

>> No.9829551


>> No.9829562

This isn't even really a scam, this can be helpful. Lots of kids are dumb as fuck and lack confidence, so telling them like "hey punk, look here, ya see this book you little fucker, just do what it says here, ya this, okay great you're doing it, congrats!" that can really help an aimless kid figure shit out

>> No.9829717
File: 82 KB, 487x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It's probably in some grey area legally, but realistically you'll never get caught or reported for this type of thing, especially if you do what I said and use pics that are untraceable. If it's $50-300, no one is going to go to police over that, $1,000+ maybe and again it'll only be if you hard blackmail them or something.

2. Don't see how or why it would be

3. Depends on case by case person, there are apps like cashapp, fake paypals, unironically crypto, amazon giftcards. If you end up with money that you want to cash out and don't know how, what I do is trade it to for runescape gold, then trade the runescape gold for crypto, the RS market is really friendly to crypto.

>> No.9829835

how do you cash out Amazon giftcards ? and cashapp & paypal will block your account and freeze your funds if you don't provide your dox

>> No.9829836

I really need to have Monero to pay for my gas. Please send to that address

>> No.9830024

Fucking kek

>> No.9830111

no for real how do you solve the ID verification problem ?

>> No.9830180

Make a cricket game on Android, get millions of Indian downloads

>> No.9830783

Its not illegal, but it violates the TOS.