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9826407 No.9826407 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9826416

>buying any ethereum scam contract token in 2018

You deserved to lose any money you put into it, punk faggot

>> No.9826421

There were people actually felling for an outright scam? Seriously it fucking REEKED of curry. Did you even researched about what 0xBTC was? Bitcoin on ethereum. Fuck sake man.

>> No.9826428

0xBTC is so curry that my grammar has turned pajeety.

>> No.9826433
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Anyone who doesn't understand what the fuck is going on will soon enough.
ICOs are done for.
BCH is good as dead.

>> No.9826436

dude get into partial basic

you can mine it with no special equipment. just sign the fuck up and shill the fuck out of it

>> No.9826463
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for fucks sake i am down 48% on this piece of shit coin, is there any hope it will go up again or should i just take the loss?

>> No.9826471
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>> No.9826474

Yes sell your bags to me I need more.

>> No.9826482

It'll bounce back in a couple days.

>> No.9826485


>> No.9826488

What even is that?

>> No.9826492

it had a pump like this a few weeks ago and things died down for a while before this recent jump. Its still a cheap 7m marketcap. It'll go up again soon.

>> No.9826499

>taking financial advice from biz

>> No.9826504

DELETE! Still acccumilation

>> No.9826510

OP, think of all the good projects you could have bought into, shame.

>> No.9826513
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it's the most obvious shitcoin since ethorse

>> No.9826518

Not going to make it

>> No.9826539

bitcoin 2.0 will put the ponzi ICO to an end.

>> No.9826548


No shit. This was about the ideal example of a scam. When the only reasons the shils had were "Muh equal distribution" and "It's going to $500 because it has BTC in the name," it was fucking obvious this shit was going to dump hard.

>> No.9826561

Ok, let's face it, now the dust has settled.

It really is worthless shit - the endless clones prove that, because why buy 0xBtc, when you can buy a cheaper 0x coin since they all do the same shit

Literally worthless

>> No.9826609
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Thank you, sir.

>> No.9826674

well congrats then biz, what little ether i had is now even smaller, fuck me

>> No.9826704

we actually told you it was a scam
i personally posted no less than 20 times pointing out it's copypaste code from the original ethereum solidity examples, that there's no point in pow solely as a distribution tool, and that the people shilling it are discord pajeets who mined it a few months ago
this is what you get for not listening

>> No.9826727

newfags gonna newfag, we all start somewhere

>> No.9826748

Just jerk off again, thats how you get it bigger, if you stop jerkin off it will get tiny again

>> No.9826757

Its going to be back to $1.50 by EOD Monday.

Volume is nearly gone, good chance it will be dead in 2 weeks.

>> No.9826775

please give a public explanation of your thought process of buying this shitcoin, it will be valuable demonstration of what kind of a retards are we trading against

>> No.9826800

Paid FUD'ers talking to each other

>> No.9826817


There is no paid FUD on a token with no real real money behind it.

Its just what is going to happen, the volume tells the real story.

>> No.9826840

Who the fuck is we bitch??? You actually think all this shit is real??? Get a fucking life kid.

>> No.9826871
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>> No.9826881


>> No.9826901
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it was shilled so hard and going up quick i thought it was a good buy
obviously not because i have half what i put in, last time im listening to biz

>> No.9826913

Hahaha I hope this is legit

>> No.9826921

Why do so many retards buy in when something is obviously on a huge pump? It's got to come down eventually. I bought in at two dollars and made a tidy profit.

>> No.9826982

so.... no thought process at all? come on, you must have thought of any reason why this would rise in value, you can't tell me you just randomly wanted to buy something at ATH, no one wants that

>> No.9827004

how can you not believe him?
this is still 75% of crypto, maybe more

>> No.9827008

unironically this

0xbtc will be the go-to store of value for anything on ETH

>> No.9827051

I gotta admit, you pajeets did a pretty decent job shilling this piece of shit here. But beyond that, you fucking suck at scamming people. Seriously. Who the fuck is going to fall for fake fomo about a shitcoin called 0xBTC? A token with absolutely zero fucking purpose? KEK

>> No.9827094

Lol at the FUD in this thread
>0xBTC is a scam coin
>reeks of curry

That’s the best FUD that people can come up with. They can’t even support their claims. This token is literally FUD proof and will continue to sky rocket in price.

0xBTC is fully functional, has an active community including its creator, and the creator is close to creating a system that will improve eth gas payments. 0xBTC is the best hold in crypto right now. For once I am happy that Biz helped me.

>> No.9827203
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>fully functional
>literally doesn't have a function/usecase
lemme guess you don't know what an erc-20 token is?
i understand being poor calls for desperate measures, but at this point you're just burning the little money you have

>> No.9827220

Yes sirs listen to him sirs he will make you much rich sirs

>> No.9827229

0xbtc literally does nothing you stupid twat. How much more fud do you need?

Literally, LITERALLY nothing. All it does is exist.

>> No.9827259

Pajeet to English thread translation:

Sell me your precious 0xbtc. I bought a toilet. Now she thinks we should buy goats and have us a curry buffet/wedding.

>> No.9827285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9827296
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im going to assume u also own some BCC?

>> No.9827306

nope, at least i didn't get zero'd out on some shit like that, but still im probably fucked

>> No.9827317

It functions as an ERC20token that emulates the commodity-like characteristics of bitcoin. It is a programmable, fairly distributed token. Soon you will see DEXes with 0xbtc base pairs instead of wrapped Ether. Ether was not meant to be a currency. 0xbtc is meant to be a currency.

>> No.9827330

1-3 shills - Worth a look, newfags will buy in for sure
3+ threads shilling - Immediately sell. Do not wait for 2x. Sell it now.
Follow the above and you'll be fine.

>> No.9827375

it's an erc-20 token, moron. what you just said is literally impossible. i guess desperate third world poorfags that don't speak english well and don't understand what you're talking about fall for this bullshit

>> No.9827461

being an erc20 token is a positive as long as Ethereum holds up. Erc20 means that it’s compatible with Ethereum smart contracts and it means that is secured by Ethereum hash power.

Why do you view erc20 as a negative characteristic?

>> No.9827503


Devs created this coin to exploit the retards that missed out on btc. The sad part is that this worthless shitcoin would unironically reach at least 100 dollars if it got released in november

>> No.9827591

Poor niggers in this thread: if you consider buying in at 4 or sub 4 a justing than you need a fucking reality check. Head down to your local shelter for crackers and a blanket.

>> No.9827974

Vitalik is going to tweet about 0xbtc soon. he supports it because Ether was not meant to be a currency. 0xbtc is better suited to be a currency within the EVM than Ether.

>> No.9827993


>> No.9828088
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0xBTC is the true BTC
support ur local hobby miner