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9826387 No.9826387 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain the Trans-Pacific Partnership to me? Does it really mean that corporations can sue countries for cutting into their profit margins?

>> No.9826736

>Does it really mean that corporations can sue countries for cutting into their profit margins?
yeah basically, and a lot of other shit too

>> No.9826763


Is it still in existence or has it been killed off? Also,are there benefits that I am missing? Why would a country agree to it lol?

>> No.9826783

It's not countries that agree to things, it's politicians. Politicians will happily sell out their constituents/countries for personal profits. Tmyk

>> No.9826832


So, politicians are not beholden to their constituencies in the race for re-election?

I'm just confused as to why anyone would vote in a politican who agreed to this. My knowledge is incredibly limited on the matter and I am just curious as to what I am surely misssing.

>> No.9826908

>have 2 choices
>both are crooked

>> No.9826967


You can always vote for a smaller party, no?

>> No.9827118

It only came close a couple of times, and most of the herd voted for the two party dictatorship.