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File: 309 KB, 1698x1131, kra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9822714 No.9822714 [Reply] [Original]

How much of pic related? Any anon here unironically taking this because of biz?

>> No.9822730

i legitimately hope it kills you

>> No.9822733

Kratom cant kill people brainlet

My fav are Green Mang Da and Elephant

>> No.9822747

now i hope it kills you even harder

>> No.9822752

I dont take it cuz of /biz/ i take it cuz my Computer Science Engineering professor talked about it

damn thats pretty rude. Why would you wish that upon a random person?

The directions on my kratom say to take 1 Tsp per day on an empty stomach. But I take 1 Tsp on an empty stomach probably once every 2 weeks. Still, it provides an ok buzz if used very day and a really nice buzz if used every few days.

I like to use it as an alternative to coffee every once in a while when my caffeine tolerance gets too strong.

>> No.9822765
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, 1528496461883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a pretty shitty bag right now. Red borneo was on discount so i got it. It's too old is really hard on the stomache. It's so shit i stopped taking it. Maybe ill get new bags of something weird this time like a gold strain. fuck i am bored

>> No.9822780

Have fun destroying your testosterone, you may as well drink buckets of onions
Also good luck with the constipation and bowel problems

>> No.9822786

i use a website caleld kraken kratom

their Green strains are good. Remember the stuff that is a bit more expensive (like 10 bucks more or so) is worth it. You buy the cheap shit, you get the cheap shit.

Red vein - Relaxing, sedating
White vein - stimulating, euphoric
Green vein - mix of Red and White effects

>> No.9822802

Well my sex drive is significantly lower now thats true. I almost completely stopped caring for internetthots or pornograph. Actually makes me go out and hang out with flesh woman. Oh and bowel problems well yes stomache pain from too much or withdrawal is nasty but i did so many times i don't care. And i shit giant rock solid bricks too.

>> No.9822810

Is it weed?

>> No.9822818

I fucking love matcha drink that shit erryday.

>> No.9822819

Experimenting with it right now. Feels okay now. I just made the mistake that i was sober like 2 weeks bro and when it arrived i literally just took 15g. Ended up feeling like shit, didn't sleep for 2 days. During this catastrophy i traveled across country to a wedding by car. I mean you can imagin. So me and this bag have a interesting relationship. I am def gonna get weird strains next time. Gold Borneo and Trivium lol.

>> No.9822821

dude weed (lmao)

>> No.9822829

jesus christ mate.

Yeah a good dose is 1 Teaspoon a day, maybe 2 if you need it.

15g is an extreme amount, no wonder you didnt feel any good effects only the shit effects.

>> No.9822850

Ye sometimes bags suck ass. I actually have a micro scale that measures 0.01. So ye even at mini dosage around 2g my guts start moving. It's this "slightly more coarse" green kratom. Interestingly i had green malay that looked exactly the same, tasted exactly the same, same smell everything... and was awesome fun.

>> No.9822871

The problem with Kratom is the hangover after the buzz wears off.

>> No.9822877

It's an opioid. Kratom adherents will probably deny this.

>> No.9822878

No thanks. I'm not trying to get hooked.

>> No.9822887

I'm proud to say I discovered the benefits of matcha long before /biz/ turned it into a meme.

>> No.9822889


>> No.9822897

enjoy your degenerate drugs that will permanently alter your brain to become more of a sheep for the jews you mongrel

>> No.9822899
File: 71 KB, 261x192, 1522704376662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought that was matcha

>> No.9822920
File: 8 KB, 360x360, 1528593184439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really considering buying this, shoud I?

>> No.9822925
File: 436 KB, 1200x645, 1525079005405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out its green meme heroin. Sorry bru for the feels.

>> No.9822934

You smoke cigarettes?

>> No.9822937


We all know it is broccoli powder.

>> No.9822944

ya this

meh its fun i guess. I am a heavy drug abuser (weed all time every day, alcohol every weekend, caffeine every day) and even I cant find it in me to use kratom every day. Doubt you'll get addicted, and it can provide a nice buzz on the days you need one.

But it wont make you smarter or anything. Just in a better mood.

>> No.9822947
File: 318 KB, 500x750, woq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no never have, I stopped smoking weed too

>> No.9822958
File: 45 KB, 700x461, a6V4opA_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the buzz like, I looked online and they put hallucination as a possible symptom?

>> No.9822967

Ye don't get any if you feel fine right now.
I think the most binge i had was 2 months. After a few weeks you just take it to feel normal. Kratom is fuckin disgusting sometimes. If you wanna get high get real painkillers.

>> No.9822981

pretty much exactly like percocet but with included nausea /stomach discomfot.

So ya like i said do it for fun dont end up like OP here
doing it to feel normal..

Thats how I am with weed tho OP, so I am not ragging on you ;)

>> No.9822987

It's a weak opiod-like buzz. The thing is personally i experienced so many different feels at different times its confusing to even think about it.

>> No.9823022

It's all good man kratom sellers bullshit people so hardcore on the side effects its criminal. I had horrible withdrawals and hangovers haha

>> No.9823044

yeah the withdrawals are awful

nothing like pill opiates. But still an opioid withdrawal for sure

>> No.9823056

6 grams. I've taken this shit like 100 times and 6 grams is the best dose. Never go higher or you'll be nauseous. Never take it more than twice in a week.

>> No.9823095

I know and its almost not worth it. I am lucky and i can get my hand on hydromorphon and tramadol (this one even cheaper than kratom) but i dont wanna binge them especially not hydromorphon. Well i think i gonna get 1-2 more bags and after put my Kratom career to rest. You end up taking too much too often. I'll just get myself some nice DHC drops so i can get a turn every now and then because i don't drink, no cigarettes, not even coffee. I need to get hammered sometimes to feel alive haha.