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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9821495 No.9821495 [Reply] [Original]

January ATH first time investor here. So, is this it or am I ever going to see at least half my money back?

>> No.9821500

if no larp, sorry man. how much did u invest?

>> No.9821504

>he is still at delusion

>> No.9821505

If you are in BTC or ETH then yea, might take some time though.

>> No.9821508

best be trolling you melanated gentleman

>> No.9821519

Those who bought at 1k said the same thing when it hit 200. At this point just hold

>> No.9821540

If BTC/ETH or similar, that money's gone for years at least. Honestly, even investing RIGHT NOW at $7300 will be seen as "buying high" in the months to come.

If shitcoin alts, that money's most likely gone for good.

>> No.9821541

We're you around then? What was the sentiment like? I've tried looking at archives and people seem alot more ugly and cynical in 2018 than in 2014 but it's hard to see the bigger picture

>> No.9821558

Hold anon. Unless you fucking need that money now do not sell. You should have only put in what you could afford to lose. This wont stay low forever we will make it dude. This shit is guaranteed to rocket in the future. if you cant wait at least 5 years you might be better off somewhere else. This isn't about overnight gains that shit is all pND scams

>> No.9821567

We will go up very soon, but just do not expect BTC to keep its top spot for more than a few months.

>> No.9821603

No BTC just shitcoins. Okay so Im done.. thought so. Im already past any emotions considering the money being lost since february so its all good. Fucking crypto... fucking ponzi

>> No.9821645

Oh and I invested 5400$ now worth 1200$ lol. Cashing out whats left would not mkae me feel any better it was 2000$ a month ago so it can go there again. Im looking for at least 50% return.

>> No.9821661
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kek wew lad
The ponzi worked perfectly
puts in 10k
Now is comfy and even focused on 'winning' half his money back
10/10 would jew again

>> No.9821715

BTC will unironically never be worth more than 10k again. Sorry mate. Thanks for buying my bags though I guess

>> No.9821717

Learned my lesson. Moving on.

>> No.9821749

To be honest I dont even know what other than "thanks fo buying my bags" I was expecting to find here :) but ye. glad I could help.

>> No.9821844
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Yes, buy high and sell low like a good goy.

>> No.9821859

$1 end of month
Some fuck heads had to ruin it for everyone