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File: 39 KB, 476x260, 200ETH_NOW_20ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9820450 No.9820450 [Reply] [Original]


Please tell me this was not a pump and dump. PLEASEE TELL ME

This had 200 ETH total volume TWO days ago, now it's 20 ETH.

I fucking told you morons that the devs that pre-mined this shit were dumping their bags and you didn't listen.


Wow. Just wow.

>> No.9820472

lmao lel kek lol

>> No.9820506
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 1503075969487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9820616

desu i have a bit at like 0.7 how low will tthis go
or can these reach 10 $ end of week?


>> No.9820644

volume is about about 250 eth across all exchanges


>> No.9820728

dude ive seen dubs in every single 0xbitc thread
thats the only reason im inot selling

>> No.9820745

This is as bad as the ponzi schemes. You stupid fucks deserve what you get.

>> No.9820754

What's the point of 0xBitcoin?

>> No.9820778
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be dev
>Decide to do PoW token on ethereum just for fun
>"Hey guys I just made this PoW coin on Ethereum"
>Pajeets see it and believe it's going to be the next BTC
>Hype is created
>"Hey guys I just made this thing called Lava Network"
>Even more hype is created

>Mfw it's only use-case is to be a token that is fairly distributed on Ethereum
>Mfw it will eventually go to 0

>> No.9820780


thanks anon, i did deserve to turn 3.5 eth into 40. you missed out huh? don’t miss the next leg up.

>> No.9820821

Congrats on scamming vulnerable idiots into losing money. You're a superstar.

>> No.9820826

to be used as a pump and dump

>> No.9820830

Let me tell you something: I bought bitcoin back in 2011. That year saw Bitcoin's first big crash, where it went from $30 to $10. I foolishly sold at $10, thinking it was over.

It's far from over.

>> No.9820834
File: 737 KB, 683x767, Well then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who bought and sold to make a quick buck.

>> No.9820835

Seriously, do they have any technical reason for it? Like is it better than Ethereum or some shit?

>> No.9820856

dude its just like eth look at this picture of someone shit talking eth lmao dont be this guy buy my bags now xD
kys pajeet

>> No.9820867
File: 16 KB, 250x239, Kaji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9820873

Aw come on man what the fuck.

>> No.9820875


>no presale
>no ico
>no premine
>waaahhh i missed out so it must be a ponzi

the absolute state

>> No.9820912

Dude you took that from the subreddit, r/0xBitcoin
it was under oreo575's post, "is this the end? comfort me."

>> No.9820920

I didnt say it was a ponzi I said it was worthless. Which it is. Im sure the dev mined massive bags very early which is basically a premine if you're bothered by that sort of thing. Anyway, you already know this so you might aswell stop bitching and accept that you're scum. A useless person, a negative on society.

>> No.9820931
File: 7 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure it's worthless
right...... Okay.

>> No.9820949


>Im sure the dev mined massive bags very early which is basically a premine if you're bothered by that sort of thing

do you have any other arguments against 0xBTC? Because the dev didn’t premine, no matter how sure you may be kek

>> No.9820969

wait for the real bitcoin on ethereum, with a way to claim your actual btc balance on the contract

anything that isn't a true fork is worthless

>> No.9820986
File: 18 KB, 259x194, 6AE7E501-806F-432C-B005-C21B79FFA493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know miners who made a shitload off of you idiots. Lol mine and sell a coin with no inherent value to brainlets. Dam what a life. I missed it reeee

>> No.9820994

You cant even quote properly Im not surprised you buy useless coins.
You're a piece of shit.

>> No.9821031

Yeah, I took it from that piece of shit from that horrible website

>> No.9821036
File: 577 KB, 480x476, 1471606401128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rekt faggots

>> No.9821038

This! 0xBTC != wBTH (Or whatever it will be called when it's done). I think a lot of people don't understand what 0xBTC is really about.

Only think it has for itself right now is that it's the first token to be distributed through mining. It's literally no different (from a use-case perspective *right now*) to a token that was airdropped

>> No.9821048


>> No.9821106

who cares what its about, its not bitcoin, so call it something else. like every other shitcoin trying to brand itself bitcoin _____, it's going to fail.

>> No.9821293

Toast has 17k 0xBTC, said so in discord.

Anything else?

>> No.9821313

I swear to god, if you were dumb enough to buy this steaming pile of shit at anything over $1, or if you didn't sell it at $2+, you deserve to lose your money. There has never been a more obvious PnD in the history of biz shilling

>> No.9821352
File: 314 KB, 536x459, 1508617885588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that there’s no possible way to do that because of the difficulty adjustment and how it relates to the different mining algorithm. Bitcoin uses SHA-256 hashing while 0xbtc is mined with SHA-3 the same as ethereum itself is mined.

Even if you could somehow create a mineable Ethereum token that forks the bitcoin blockchain such that it genuinely preserves the entire chain with all coins at all corresponding addresses and private keys, how would you then start mining THAT? The difficulty would be retarded high I assume - but that doesn’t even make sense since each currency uses a completely different cryptographic hashing algorithm.

>> No.9821381

Lava wallet is just a pipe dream to drum up hype...look at the GitHub lol

>> No.9821527

Once plasma comes out, create a sub-blockchain that is a copy of Bitcoin's. Create wBTC on the eth mainnet, import the token into this new chain. Have a centralized authority who can link bitcoin and eth wallets, with a user sending a 0 BTC transaction to a certain address with their eth address as the message, and have that eth address send a 0 eth transaction to the new wBTC chain with the bitcoin address in the message. You know have a mirror of BTC on Ethereum.

Hell, maybe the centralized authority could charge a little bit for this, too, especially if they're the only ones running the chain at origin.

>> No.9821538

read the white paper..only invest in good shit..if you cant do that dont bother frickin IDIOT

>> No.9821565

Forgot to mention: since this is a "new" blockchain, it can use SHA-256.

>> No.9821569

That's like adding a saddle on your horse when you can use a car.

>> No.9821605

was a pump and dump

Money literally moved from idiots to non idiots anyone who fell for it is genetically inferior

>> No.9821760

>once plasma comes out
>centralized authority
>users having to sign empty transactions with an eth address in the message

Holy fuck I think that gave me cancer.

Even IF that were remotely possible or the slightest inkling of feasible (protip: it absolutely is not) it kind of misses the point of 0xbtc in the first place: which is fair distribution. Why the fuk would you want to preserve satoshi’s 10% BTC premine in your quirky new BTC-forked-to-ethereum!!!11!!1XDDDD chain? I mean cmon. This is why the project was created in the first place

And that’s also why it’s such a big fucking deal. This is ACTUALLY unironically the next generation of bitcoin; what bitcoin could have been (what bitcoin cash “should” have been).