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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9820333 No.9820333 [Reply] [Original]


Did I not say this shit was going to happen? Please for the love of god, listen to me. I'm not larping. This is going to $0. I called everything that has happened so far.

You believed assblaster who was a larp that robbed you. Listen to me, I'm trying to help you recoup your money before the wheels fall off (they're wobbly)

>> No.9820352

suck my dick you loser lmao

>> No.9820351
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not selling

>> No.9820398

Shut up faggot

>> No.9820421

Battered wives syndrome. Mhmm. I get it, it's hard to come to the realization

>> No.9820479

Reminder that the team owns 88 of these wallets


>> No.9820617

>what did you do in 2018 dad?
>oh i went on an internet forum and talked shit about chainlink to try and get newfags to sell

>> No.9820641

checked, but boomers are not welcome here

>> No.9820666

>g-guys, I'm an oldfag!
>makes repeat threads identifying himself every time, something a real OG anon would never do

>> No.9820737

g-guys nothing else in the market is dipping
only chainlink

>> No.9820744


What's your take on REQ?

>> No.9820768

It's all pretty sad, as linkies became a tribe and started identifying with their investment. Which is disastrous as it looks more and more as a scam executed by a sociopath. The difference is that a straight scam just disappears with money. A scheme designed by a sociopath feigns incompetence. Hence the snail pace of development and lack of marketing. The goal is to let the project wither away without it ever looking like an intentional scam.

>> No.9820782


>> No.9820785
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wow I just googled it out of curiousity, ChainLink is getting rekt LOLOLOL. muh singularity

>> No.9820800
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>feign incompetence and lack of communication so the project can wither away
>exit scam with your bags that are worth $0.00 now because you never hyped your coin


>> No.9820812

If it goes to 0 can you send me your link bag? I'll pay the gas. Thanks

>> No.9820823

30m worth of eth at $300 each
Chainlink tokens are literally worthless to sergey and co

>> No.9820832

Link = Cisco of dotcom bubble

>> No.9820843

1000$ EOY

>> No.9820876

Do you know how icos work? They received millions in eth.
It would be a crime to just disappear, regardless of what they wrote in the ico terms. Sec actually prosecutes outright fraud icos. So they have to pretend to do something.

>> No.9820905

This is what I identified in my last post, they don't care about the price folks. They got tens of millions in free money. FREE. MONEY. They gave you worthless tokens which they own, but see here's where things get interesting. Since they own most of the total supply, they didn't need to distribute a working product to get those millions. They get to "consult on smart contracts" ala Red Hat, use the money to fund whatever they need, and put little effort into the investors that gave them the millions.

Hook. line. sinker. Impressive but unfortunate for you guys. What I can say is you are running out of time and volume to sell your bags before the clock strikes 12

Stay far away

>> No.9820934


Stay far away? That isn't anything out of the usual FUD we see around here.

>> No.9820938

I was sick of the linkies but I fucking hate this astro cunt (OP) more because he's a continuous BORING larp.

>> No.9820964

You will be surprised to know that the smartcontract.com team is registered in the cayman islands

>> No.9820978

In my circles, no one believes in REQ. Overpromises and would never, ever approach the V, MA, PYPL of the world who will always be wealthier, more connected, and better prepared to meet market needs. REQ would probably rely on LINK which is the perfect marriage of "make believe" companies

Anon how new are you? Astro is a poor, larp fag who begs for attention. He is not one of us, he is not an oldfag, and he is not wealthy. I deliver promising, factual info

>> No.9820979



> I’ll be back at .25 cents guise!

Comes back -.02 cents later

This guy is just begging for attention.

>> No.9821104

> yes goy, trust MY larps and not the other larps
Shill / fud larpers are low IQ trash posts for the retards on this board who don't understand their investments (this goes for any token, not just link.)
I doubt the OP knows even the basics of running the nodes or actually understands the whitepaper, much like assblaster probably didn't. This is why we DOOR and don't rely on garbage like you for info. Anyone who 'gets it' already understands the kind of doors link will open, and how the 'competition' doesn't have the tech or the leverage to do the same thing. Future wealth is guaranteed.

>> No.9821160

>Future wealth is guaranteed
>Open source
>'competition' doesn't have the tech

Seems like only one of us knows his shit. You are a poor nerd talking about nodes like that will actually affect the token economics. The radio silence isn't enough, you believe in the pivotaltracker and github too. Wow, well I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to open it.

>> No.9821239

Reminder the top wallets are accumulating right now and this faggot OP wants your bags. He does not have your best interests at heart. Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy. If you didn't get into Link without being fully prepared to lose every last penny then you don't deserve it. Link will go down to 10-15 cents. Once the last of you panic sells then it will moon.

>> No.9821305

Proof? I've dug through about 20 top 150 wallets and none of them are accumulating. A lot of them have sent some to other, smaller <50k Link) wallets that either send to binance or send to other small wallets. Most of them have no activity for a few months. Haven't seen any with transfers coming from binance the past couple weeks.

>> No.9821328

> apparently nodes won't affect token economics
I rest my case right here. I don't even need to engage with the rest of your pleb tier drivel because you obviously have such a poor understanding of the basic purpose of the tokens.
If anyone reading this trash wasn't convinced that 'oldfag' is yet another loser begging for cheap bags, this should be a strong indicator.
Keep making these threads though OP. You totally aren't a retard hiding behind a spoon.

>> No.9821378

Keep checking around, you're digging around team wallets

sure bud, heavy bags, you wouldn't have a reason to shill muh token economics right? the only pleb is someone believing the network will have enough demand to make LINK get to $5, let alone $100

>> No.9821387

I'll hold this shit til rebranding idgaf you have no idea the beast you've unleashed upon this world, WE ARE NOT SELLING

>> No.9821446

proof of team wallets outside of the sergey wallets and the 500MM team wallets?

>> No.9821459


>> No.9821472
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kewl larp nigger faggot. same picture too!

>> No.9821518

Anything anyone says here is irrelevant in the long term. You might be right or you might be wrong. Personally, anytime a good samaritan shows up to "warn us" is a strong buy signal. After months of shitbags like you that try to make us sell, what more "factual information" do you bring to the table? None. Anyone with serious money invested in LINK knows better than to listen to pajeets like you. Fuck off. Not getting a single one of my LINK. I'm in this until 0$ or multimillionaire.

>> No.9821524
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The most you can accuse me of is being a shill after what I have said, because it is undeniable that you have no actual idea what the fuck you are talking about so you're deflecting at this point. It all says a lot more about you than it ever will about anyone who recognizes you as a bad joke. Future larpers take note - try to at least get the basics down before you post. RIP 'oldfag'

>> No.9821584

lol fucking destroyed

so sick of seeing that retard on here

>> No.9821599

RIP 'oldfag'

>> No.9821609

I thought I recognized you Thomas. No, we're still not impressed

What is there to discuss? Vaporware that lost half its value in weeks? Shut your poor ass up and get back to blowing your ico cash, faggot

>> No.9821618

So how about giving us a coin that you DO think is worth it?

>> No.9821740

Stick with the big 2 for now, better days are coming, Robinhood crypto is ramping up in more states which is bringing in more normies. Don't bleed out right now with alts, but it doesn't hurt to hold onto BNB

>> No.9821904

Oh look faggot OP is looking out for us for no reason. He just wants to help us!!!

Fuck off stupid motherfucker, you might get some idiots to sell but I WILL NEVER SELL.

>> No.9821977

don't listen to the haters OP....I see these fags bagging my groceries and serving me ice cream...poor broken individuals who will probably kill themselves soon

>> No.9822030

Dubs of truth. Just think, the ones who listened got out at $0.59.

>> No.9822045

i got out at a dollar. that was my goal since buying chink at .12cents on etherdelta when first shilled here in sept. these brainletts with their $1000eoy meme.

>> No.9822075

Piss off shithead.

>> No.9822081
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>> No.9822086

good on you, the chances it gets back are 0. the volume is gone forever. it would dump on mainnet. whales pumped to $1.20 and took off

>> No.9822219

>whales pumped to $1.20 and took off
Yes, it was muh whales and not the market at ATH. I guess the whales pumped every coin in the market too, right?

>> No.9822276
File: 121 KB, 830x738, feelgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just shorted 100k

>> No.9822949

the main problem with your deceptive argument is that "chainlink doesnt have a product" - which is entirely misleading and not true.
you can actually see work being done to the project, there is a testnet, and mainnet (at the current rate of progress) will be finished and deployed by September.
my guess is youre still accumulating because you are either insanely greedy or didnt buy big when it was $0.15
either way, youre still a syrup dipped double nigger.

>> No.9822964

>linkies always dismiss legit criticisms of their shitcoin with "huur fud stop trying to accumulate it wont get any cheaper" even when it was $1+
>linkies now still doing it
>they will never realize