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9819884 No.9819884 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related, which of these stand the most chance, which the least

>> No.9819907

1. OMG
2. BAT
3. REQ

>> No.9819909

0x, BAT and REQ

>> No.9820119

>Less than 800K volume


>> No.9820130

BAT and 0x are obvious. It’s basically irresponsible to not hold them right now.

>> No.9820164


>> No.9820697
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Thoughts on golem?

>> No.9820736

I don't understand why is Golem completely forgotten. With an actual working product, I would add GNT to 0x and BAT threshold of top tier candidates for Coinbase.

>> No.9821026

How much is 3k bat 1k zrx eoy going to be

>> No.9821057
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if BAT doesn't blow then i'm blowing my brains out

>> No.9821089


>> No.9821091

I'm worried that REP might become a real thing

>> No.9821103


>> No.9821120

0x is pretty much guranteed at this point. I haven't seen a single person even doubt it.

>> No.9821129

OMG is a security and the other shitcoins I really don't know why they should be added to Coinbase.
I know they said they're adding ERC20 tokens too, but they only list BTC, LTC and ETH, there's literally nothing so important to get listed there.

>> No.9821151
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Golem is a cool project but the actual people are extreme libtards. They’re mostly godless Jews as well so hopefully it tanks.

>> No.9821164

Jews, so pretty much guaranteed, got it

>> No.9821175

Coinbase is or will be licensed to sell securities

>> No.9821190
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>> No.9821203

LINK is more important.

>> No.9821207

I made some money off of golem, they literally don’t have a working product. No ones been able to prove they in fact have had a completed task ie: a completed render. I think they have some rich kike backs that just keep the price at certain levels that’s why they have random moons of 5-10%. I’m going to buy some more golem at .45 because they’re pointless moons are that consistent.

>> No.9821280

BAT and only BAT, but it might not get added this year, or next year or ever. Coinbase might just shutdown or become irrelevant if this crypto ponzi doesn't get any bigger.

BAT has the lowest marketcap of the three that are most cited as possible listing on coinbase. How can a normie rationalize buying ZRX (I know they'll just buy it cause it's cheap but some trick themselves into thinking this shit has any value)? You might know that coinbase supposedly uses it for something but that shouldn't be the main selling point. I think you can vote on updates? I don't even know nor do I want to, same for OMG.

BAT has real world value, a few big non-crypto youtubers shilled it already. ZRX doesn't and OMG is just theoretical mumbo jumbo to make ethereum go vroom vroom (plasma? ytf should a normie care ethereum will tank once they understand it can't scale)

Shilled hard last summer because of coinbase and has stagnated since. Common theme with all these tokens: Who the fuck is going to use them? Why not just use bitcoin (blah blah blockstream bcash I know)? Thing I like about BAT is that people say the brave browser is good, but I don't know if most are saying that just because they hold BAT. I don't even use brave, most of this shit isn't going to get used and we all just want to be the big bad whale who dumps on everyone.

>> No.9821321

the brave browser is shit. ever tried it? Buggy, filled with shitty ads, extremely slow loading times. Felt like it was 2005 again.

>> No.9821345

How can REP be useful at all? We can't predict the fucking weather let alone the market..

>> No.9821453


This guy says he sold BAT but still prefers to use brave. Says it's a complicated process to turn tokens into cash.

>> No.9821467

0x is going to be on coinbase, not sure about others

>> No.9821571
File: 373 KB, 1920x1620, BCH The Matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall of reddit style text
Okay, let's see... He uses "crypto ponzi" -- ok, right, let's start from that, that's the key to unlock his text. Alright, here's a translation of the gist of his post:

> "BAT is worthless and will always be so, therefore we want you to focus your attention on it. Don't buy anything else. Don't buy OMG or ZRX obecause those are legit. BAT has zero real world value. But coins like XMR and BCH have massive real world value so I'll either just ignore them totally and not mention them... aww fuck it I can't stop myself, gotta write bcash! ..."

>> No.9821744

Uphold is the current broker for the BAT payments and it sucks, Coinbase will replace it solving that problem.

>> No.9821763

0x and go have a chance

>> No.9821815

That meme was probaly made by some guy who posts on r/btc btw. I like BCH too, not that I hold any, just would like to see BTC get rekt.
You deserve to stay poor if you refuse to go on reddit because of memes. It's good to gage market sentiment.

I don't care if you think this is a ponzi or not I'm going to play it as if it were and be shorting for the rest of the year

>But coins like XMR and BCH have massive real world value so I'll either just ignore them totally and not mention them... aww fuck it I can't stop myself, gotta write bcash! ..."
I said "bcash" to placate the BTC maximalists because I know why it became shit just wanted to seem more agreeable reread my post.
I also think XMR is one of the few coins that have any value but it was like $10 last year and it has an infinite supply this shit won't go up forever.

>> No.9821861
File: 136 KB, 699x163, brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filled with shitty ads
LMAO what the fuck are you talking about retard? The whole point is that it's ad free. I've been using it on mac laptop, pc desktop and iphone for about half a year now and I love it. Still have to switch to Chrome every now and then but once it gets its 1.0 release we're all set. Also once the BRAVE/BAT verified ads are released this shit will be fucking awesome. I can't wait to literally earn crypto from using a web browser, how cool is that shit?

Enjoy getting tracked and targeted by Google you little google slave.

>> No.9821933


Also REQ shills like to talk about the ycombinator connection but BAT's DCG connection is brought up less often

Coindesk, as in the people behind CONsensus, coinbase and brave all have DCG as investors.

>> No.9821961
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>> No.9821983

They all will. That's why coinbase bought paradex and not something else.

>> No.9822098

What about spankchain? Shills always leave it of the image because they don't want to face the fact that their shitcoin might not make the cut. The coinbase pajeet said "hope would be that most" to get baghodlers excited, they're adding 3 max this year.

>> No.9822115

The ico money they raised is worth more than the token. It's over.

>> No.9822117

everytime you receive BAT you'll be taxed and need to keep records of it. You think normies wanna deal with that shit for pennies?

>> No.9822194

if you can deposit to coinbase they will provide a statement at the end of the year. problem solved.

>> No.9822212


>> No.9822218


>> No.9822229

yeah, that solves that problem, but people are going to have to want to make coinbase accounts and give up their information. I'm sure most people would be cautious or disuaded. I'm really assuming people would only be making pennies off of BAT. I still think BAT is a great idea.

>> No.9822230


>> No.9822335

ZRX and OMG for sure. Not sure about the others.

>> No.9822401

If REQ doesn't get added I might consider suicide

>> No.9822487

I thought maybe ZRX but coinbase isn't adding anything younger than 2 years old. We are clearly looking at the more established ones with betas released (or just about to).


>> No.9822515

Just realized GNT is a couple months shy of being 2 years old.

It's REP. Come July 9th the mainnet drops. Im really afraid that this takes off without me. A lot of hedge fund people are talking about REP and it's because they know it's coming to coinbase

>> No.9822562

Req is a weird one since ycombinator is invited in both it and coinbase...maybe just play Russian roulette

>> No.9822589

Its not rep, rep is a scam coin.

>> No.9823572

Spankchain, Status, Augur have lots of connection with Paradex-0x-Coinbase teams...just check the shit bird