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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9819778 No.9819778 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really starting to feel like I'm not going to make it.
I'm currently a NEET but only have enough funds to last me until the end of the year.
I have 30k in crypto but that's nothing compared to what it use to be, and it keeps going down.

I've become so tired.
I can't imagine going back to work or college.
I'm over it /biz/

>> No.9819792

Go all in LINK and pray.

>> No.9819819

withdraw ur 30k, travel, have fun, then kys yourself when funds run out

>> No.9819851

Pull money and get out while you still can anon

>> No.9819869

If I pulled out and crypto mooned I would have to kill myself.

I feel like a lot of us are at the point where we have to ride this down into oblivion, where we will eventually kill ourselves.

>> No.9819877

Put it in the stock market. Buy high-dividend stocks.

>> No.9820463

You should not quit your job unless

1.) You have at least 1 mil non crypto assets & retire to non US (& live on 1/2 of 5% interest)

2.) Have 2 mil non crypto assets in US/Europe

3.) Are living cheaply in Thailand / Bulgaria and chasing alternate income (Dropshipping, building an app etc)

This is common sense anon

>> No.9820573

>I'm currently a NEET but only have enough funds to last me until the end of the year.
>I have 30k in crypto

Thats the whole point of this dip - to shake out small time investors like you who can't hodl through it. Sorry fren but you wont make it

>> No.9820669
