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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9817441 No.9817441 [Reply] [Original]

A very simple reason for why 99% of crypto wouldn't survive long term or wouldn't get any enterprise scale adoption.

Bcaz they all r permissionless network, having different consensus module - pow, POS, dpos and list goes on.... But what they don't have any control on addition of nodes , computational power/mining power there network gets... Many various hack able risks.

Enterprises will not put there business on stake.

That's why I m quite entusiatic about hybrid Blockchains.

They can take token culture to mainstream business with a very few upgradations.

Other field which can lead blockchain into big adoption is "smart oracles" .

LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.9817453

I like the word upgradations

>> No.9817596

we're all going to make it desu

>> No.9817900

preach it! (lowly)

>> No.9817947
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I'm losing faith though. Peek the volume it's literally 0. I have a shit ton of link already and if price falls even more I'll likely breach 100k by august. If I'm wrong this will be the biggest financial mistake I've made in my early career so far. I'm actually not thinking I'm very smart anymore. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to be true.

>> No.9818001

$1000 EOY if the rapture doesn't happen sooner

>> No.9818031


can you explain why the volume or price matters to long term holders pre-mainnet? or why low volume and market prices would hinder the enterprise level adoption the team has already secured?

or are you worried that you won't be able to flip your link for a healthy profit in the short term?

>> No.9818170
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>> No.9818190

Smart oracle is different than an oracle ? Please explain

>> No.9818813


>> No.9819020
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>> No.9819064

they added the word smart to oracle. there is no oracle its a fucking price check

>> No.9819185
