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9815395 No.9815395 [Reply] [Original]

gramps died and left me a 1000 ounces of silver. should i sell everything and buy crypto or just hold. Been reading people think silver will eventually(whenever that is) goto $100 to $150 an ounce.

>> No.9815420

Sell half if you get a good price.

>> No.9815423

I would just sell it

>> No.9815434

Sell for gold

Use your wage slave earnings for crypto

May as well invest in precious metals

>> No.9815496

buy gold and not silver?

>> No.9815532

hold it unless you need the money.

>> No.9815540

wtf keep that shit
Silver hitting atleast $25 next few years

probably $41

>> No.9815597

Most people say don't buy precious metals because nobody knows when it'll go back up so you lose money on what you could've earned somewhere else. Usually you pay over spot price and sell under spot when you offload. If it actually ends up doubling or tripling in value within a few years you'll do great though. If I had the 1k silver I'd just hodl. There are institutions that horde this shit.

>> No.9815706

silver was $50 an ounce at its very very peak

>> No.9815830
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silver was like $120 once

>> No.9815853

It depends if you're weighing it in troy ounces or not.

>> No.9815873
File: 35 KB, 750x345, usd-silver-price-per-ounce-10-years-history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>120 an ounce

see pic

>> No.9815941
File: 106 KB, 1298x617, Silver Monthly IA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh yes,
here chart of silver, adjusted for Troy ounce AND inflation

>> No.9816250

why the moon? was it the economic policies of the time or a pump'n'dump? I think I remember reading something about circulating supply being reduced?

>> No.9816292

Hold that shit. Silver will be over $100 OZT within 2 years.

>> No.9816333

this don't ever sell physical silver retard

>> No.9816358

IMO it was simply the start of 80s "greed is good" culture
same thing happened to gold.

bunch of speculators found themselves rich and needed something to pump and dump

>> No.9816489

sell it and go all in on chainlink

>> No.9816691

Selling some to buy chainlink is kinda reasonable, however takking in the consideration the foresight your grandparent had and a personal sense of honor, I would hold to silver.

T: 28 years old boomer, 90% of crypto funds is in chainlink and also hold nore than 1500 ounces of physicall silver.

>> No.9817245

LISTEN TO ME ANON. I do Ag more than crypto. I know fuck me right. If youre in N. America youll get raped for tax(there is a clause you can claim on tax if you go that way because its inherited but you have to pay a tax from you profiting from your deceased ones death) because AML they require ID to see who it came from and you cant sell anonymously anymore other than it being P2P. Sell on the subreddit-/r/pmsforsale in small amounts and get a reputation building up to bigger amounts. Do not let uncle get his share. Thats a lot of Ag. If I find you on there Ill buy some from you.

>> No.9817260
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dumb commie

>> No.9817312

Also yes Anon. Ag is going up guaranteed. The gold to silver ratio is at ATH. At like 80. Historical is somewhere near 20:1. Im super bullish on Ag right now.

>> No.9817324

Hold all of it. Thank me later

>> No.9817333

Sell and buy platinum. I live in South Africa btw.

>> No.9817686

>belittling anyone while posting anime

>> No.9817902

Don't sell EVER!

Go to usdebtclock.org and go to the bottom right hand corner and look at what silver SHOULD be in price when you account for the debt. You'll be amazed.

When gold is revalued multiple times higher in an overnight revaluation to purge the the debt from the system... silver is going to catapult to neptune...

When the dollar crisis hits... 100 ounces of silver converted to the new currency will buy you a mansion. 1,000 ounces will buy you a small town.

Remember, for most of human history and even in America 200 years ago.... a days wage was the size of a silver piece the size of a silver dime or Roman denarius.

But here's the kicker.... today there's much less silver available and billions more people on the planet... so when fiat fails... a silver dime will equal like 3-5 days wage not just 1 days wage.

1,000 ounces of silver will be generational wealth. You'll be able to nuybincome producing assets for pennies on the dollar in the new paradigm for what it cost you to get in this paradigm.

China, India, and Russia have been accumulating record tonnage of gold and silver for a decade for a reason. Don't fucking put it in stupid crypto. And if you must.... make sure you keep at least 5-600 ounces of silver and NEVER sell

>> No.9817918

>biz can’t figure out how much an ounce of silver weighs

Surprising from a bunch of indians

>> No.9817920

Moreover... the historical ratio of silver to gold is 16-1... cuz that's the ratio it comes out of the earths crust. Because of manipulation the current silver to gold ratio is 80-1. So you keep the silver wait for that ratio to narrow to 40 or 30 to 1 and then exchange your silver for gold and you pick up a bunch of free ounces of gold that you otherwise wouldn't have if you exchanged all your silver for gold right now

>> No.9817935

3rd gold / 3rd silver / 3rd btc

>> No.9817943

You don't give the pajeets that much credit. Even pajeets and starving niggers in Africa understand gold is money without any formal education.

Americans are so stupid and brainwashed by anti-gold Jew propaganda.... they think silver is a color

>> No.9817965

Wrong....!!!!! All silver.... and you wait for the current 80-1 silver ratio to gold ratio to go back to the historical norm of 16 to 1.... or close to it... and then you exchange your stack of silver for gold and you get a bunch of free ounces of gold.

Gold is very undervalued but silver is in another galaxy when it comes to being undervalued. Silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet right now

>> No.9817974

>t. bagholders from 2011

hahahahaha at these bagholders. Imagine if you had sold you could have bought BTC, you could have bought stocks, you could have bought RE but you kept your shiny coins with no roi.

>inb4 muh manipulation GS
>inb4 real currency !1!1!
>inb4 chinese/russians sick of oildollar

Same old bagholder cope for years and years.

>> No.9817985

You fucker. Hold that shit. He would have given you money if he wanted you to have money.

>> No.9817997

Op... again.... silver is the MOST UNDERVALUED ASSET ON PLANET EARTH right now.

Do not listen to these uneducated millennial faggots... you are literally sitting on a gold mine right now. We are 20'trillion in debt. Do not sell for imaginary money.

>> No.9818004

This. Fuck you, OP.

>> No.9818012

You idiot... silver IS money.... the word for money in many foreign languages is Literally the word silver!

>> No.9818037

Real money isn't supposed to give you an ROI you stupid nigger. Real money is savings.

Sure... if it was 2011 you could have made a bundle in bitcoin and bought more silver but there's no guarantee that if you do that now you will be as lucky. The debt bomb could literally implode tomorrow

>> No.9818051

2011 was 7 years ago.... that's not even 2 fucking college cycles. 7 years is a nothing time frame in the grand scheme of things. Unless you are a self important faggot who thinks 7 years is a long time because.

>> No.9818113

>i-it was only 7 years, what are you a self-important faggot?

The cope is real.

>Real money isn't supposed to give you an ROI you stupid nigger. Real money is savings.

Like fucking clockwork. muh real money. Savings are better than returns only if you hate money, beside PM fags are all to happy to imply that SHTF and muh PMs will buy the world.

Same shit, different decade. No y2k, no 2008 end of the world, no collapse just a shitty fucking investment.

>> No.9818167

Dude nobody is belittling investing and returns.... are you fucking retarded? Of course investing is a good thing.

But when you go buy stock in google.... and then also buy silver coins.... you are buying each of those for completely different reasons.

I know the Jews have infected your brain and you don't understand the importance of savings... but guess what? You will find out soon enough when the banks fail and the bond market implodes and we have a dollar collapse. When your starving I'll be the last thought that goes through your Brain... because you thought you were so savvy with your edgy crypto investments. That 99.8% of the world doesn't give a fuck about

>> No.9818189
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friendly reminder that Metals are for doomsday retards and you should buy Bonds instead

>> No.9818265

hold or find someone willing to give you a loan against it if you really need the cash

>> No.9818319

Good luck buying into the ticking time bomb with all the cheap dirty money from QE. Look at the mess in europe. Look at the mess in america.
>Buying bonds, lmao.

>> No.9818343

shut up commie retard

>> No.9818358
File: 12 KB, 284x177, WHEEL-BARREL-OF-MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh i don't even understand eco 101 or what QE is, but shut up commie!!!

You pic related in under 10years

>> No.9818362

>I know the Jews have infected your brain and you don't understand the importance of savings... but guess what? You will find out soon enough when the banks fail and the bond market implodes and we have a dollar collapse. When your starving I'll be the last thought that goes through your Brain... because you thought you were so savvy with your edgy crypto investments. That 99.8% of the world doesn't give a fuck about

lol at these fantasies like imagining sinners in hell. Nice attitude, you covet gold, wish misery upon others and say others are infected by (((them))). Enjoy polishing your gold to the thought of others starving though.

>> No.9818376

oh dont worry, I understand more than you dumbass
Markets will go up and you cant do shit about it ;) enjoy your rocks fag

>> No.9818381


silver is going nowhere short term, just saying

>> No.9818387

Markets will go up, you are right. The question is for how long, then obviously this isn't sustainable in the long run.

>But this time is different!

>> No.9818401

dont try to play nice you faggot ass commie
Obviously you dont know your market history and preach doomsday bullshit. Once again, enjoy your rocks and shut up

>> No.9818405

just hodl bro

>> No.9818448

Gold is an extremely common component of microelectronics.