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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9811628 No.9811628 [Reply] [Original]

I made lots of EOS fud threads to drive the price down. I misrepresented and distorted facts about this coin. From ERC20 to Eric Schmidt denial, to Brock Pierce, mainnet, and centralization lies, I did my best to drive the price down. But I give up. This coin is unstoppable apparently. All in.

>> No.9811652

Holy streetshitter. What a pajeet thing to post. Also kys.

>> No.9811663

>acting like your fud can even dent the price

>> No.9811674

biz accounts for less than 0.01% of trading volume and the "fud" never leaves biz.
you're compensating for the fact that you have no life so you try to make it meaningful

>> No.9811676
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I just feel bad. Some people probably didn't buy EOS because of my posts. I've made multiple memes, samefagged, and just used logical fallacies to distract. I'm sorry biz, I think 20% of the negativity towards EOS was from me and a couple friends, and then quite a bit piggy backed on our posts. Hopefully as many people as possible see this and learn before it's too late

>> No.9811681

You're right. We attacked EOS on biz, reddit, tradingview, and more. We provoked Eth hate, and used reverse psychology to drive down the price as far as possible. It was a success, but I can't sleep knowing their are bizbros with no EOS in their wallet.

>> No.9811702

kek the fud was so bad I knew you retards were accumulating

i'm pretty sure most of /biz/ was dumb enough to fall for it though

>> No.9811719

nobody cares dude. you're the only one dumb enough to think what you do works
you're a baby pissing in an ocean of piss

>> No.9811725
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I sincerely apologise. EOS is the largest holdings of our group. We believe it will eventually absorb 50% of the total market cap. And still it's been the top performer weekly.


>> No.9811732

I understand you're upset. But all I can do now is warn you of what is happening. Godspeed anon, thanks for understanding.

>> No.9811778


>> No.9811794

yeah fuck you. i missed eth at 15$ cause the fud. and now i missed EOS at .50$ because of the fud. Im fucking mad honestly.

>> No.9811797

Not gonna happen. egg head's fund is tanking.
No, you probably weren't. quit LARPing with your lunch money.
It's about to dump now.

>> No.9811804

Look guys. It's fucking Nostradamus over here. Don't even bother bro. It's fake. EOS is the most important cryptocurrency and blockchain project right now. Buy before $100, it will come faster than you think.

>> No.9811812


you're one of the fucking shills with big bags to dump


>> No.9811814

Sorry pal. It's nothing personal. But now you know it's a safe buy. You can easily still 100x if you just hold

>> No.9811819

I don't need to shill. And I won't dump. I'll take some profits at $50,$100 and beyond. But I'll also buy every dip. Good luck Anon

>> No.9811832

Nice shills, pajeet

>> No.9811835

It's fine OP, I saw all the fud but still bought EOS. Sure it will never be #2 or ETH killer, but it's price will go up compared to the current one, so I can make a few thousands.

>> No.9811849

>being this deluded with self aggrandizement

>> No.9811868

Did you learn a new word today? Crypto is bigger than your simple, flaccid mind can comprehend. Take a hint when you see one.

>> No.9811875

Smart man. Usually this is the case for fud. I worked with other people on other did, but I'm not covering that here. It pays well, but I feel bad for the soft minded fags that can't see beyond what's right in front of them

>> No.9811880

>hurr my FUD drives the price down durrr
This meme is nos funny anymore

>> No.9811888

Haha true.

>> No.9811982
