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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9811282 No.9811282 [Reply] [Original]

Alright faggots, this video answer literally all the FUD

>muh 4 billion ico
>muh centralized token distribution
>muh brock pierce
>muh no launch

educate yourselves https://youtu.be/5RroRO-6GrA

>> No.9811307

>muh 4 billion ico

>> No.9811373

stay poor

>> No.9811390

I am an EOS whale, but EOS should stay as far away as possible from Brock he’s a disaster. They should’ve kept the Swedish guy talking. Congrats on the gain anon :)

>> No.9811523

I CANT EVEN FUCKING HEAR BROCK. okay that shit audio started working again. thank god.

>> No.9811542

And shills said that this pedo is no longer with EOS.

>> No.9811554
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You have a problem with the libertarian faggot in a shitty project?

No problem - here, listen to the libertarian faggot, why you should have no problem with a libertarian faggot!

Listening to a libertarian faggot for half an hour should heal you from hating the libertarian faggot!

The literal state of /biz/ cannot become any worse.

>> No.9811749

stay poor

>> No.9811751
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>stay poor

>> No.9811891

>kotaku inspects kotaku, finds no wrongdoing
newfags gonna newfag, but the rest of us know where this is going

>> No.9811912

>newfags gonna newfag, but the rest of us know where this is going
only low IQs arent heavily invested in EOS

>> No.9811981

compelling rebuttal, pajeet

>> No.9812048

Out of curiosity how did this pedo avoid prison?

>> No.9812067

I made lots of EOS fud threads to drive the price down. I misrepresented and distorted facts about this coin. From ERC20 to Eric Schmidt denial, to Brock Pierce, mainnet, and centralization lies, I did my best to drive the price down. But I give up. This coin is unstoppable apparently. All in.

I just feel bad. Some people probably didn't buy EOS because of my posts. I've made multiple memes, samefagged, and just used logical fallacies to distract. I'm sorry biz, I think 20% of the negativity towards EOS was from me and a couple friends, and then quite a bit piggy backed on our posts. Hopefully as many people as possible see this and learn before it's too late.

We attacked EOS on biz, reddit, tradingview, and more. We provoked Eth hate, and used reverse psychology to drive down the price as far as possible. It was a success, but I can't sleep knowing their are bizbros with no EOS in their wallet.

I sincerely apologise. EOS is the largest holdings of our group. We believe it will eventually absorb 50% of the total market cap. And still it's been the top performer weekly.

I understand you're upset. But all I can do now is warn you of what is happening. Godspeed anon, thanks for understanding!!

>> No.9812515

no problem, man. people think god or karma will judge them.
karma is more a process of your inner self/sub-concious goint to town on your own ass... the fact that you apologize, most likely, smugly, with a smile on your face, tells me:

a. you think with the ego-part and it makes you think you're untouchable
b. the self-sabotage and "mistakes" that you're about to make in life/finance/love etc. is what will bring equilibrium to your life and justice to the whole situation, again.
"how could this happen to ME? everything was going SO WELL." remember my words for the coming weeks/months...

i see it happen all the time. i tell people exactly the same thing, before and after. nobody listens and i just walk off smiling.

your own guilt, no matter how small, just the fact you know you did something wrong, will be the very catalyst bringing about your psycho-spiritual breakdown. put some money aside now that you won't touch, EVER, for survival-purposes, or the lesson will crush you...

t. fag that's way too deep into the occult