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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9808868 No.9808868 [Reply] [Original]

Can chainlink really reach $100?

I’m trying to get 20,000 and hold to hope I make it (poorfag) which assuming worst case scenario I lost 40% would be 1.2 mil, which I would funnel into an index fund or reits and reinvest everything

Assuming 10% that’s only 120,000 yr which if I “lived off” is hardly rich

Even once I reached 2mil I still don’t feel like I’d be rich getting 200k/year roughly

I’m still going to wagecuck

>> No.9808875

heh, it won't even reach $1. You're gonna be working for Scheklestein till you die!

>> No.9808878

can you wait until 2022?

>> No.9808883

nothing has changed

>> No.9808920

Chainlink will unironically never in the span of it's entire existence reach $10.

>> No.9808926

You're not going to earn 10% from "safe" investments.

>> No.9809004
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>> No.9809112

You think I'm the brainlet here? You clearly haven't looked into anything you're talking about. I'll wait for you to disprove what I just said.

>> No.9809248

>>9809158 #

>> No.9809317

120,000 a year is more tha enough to live comfortably off of and u dont have to wagecuck for it

>> No.9809336

Stop it linkies you are going to ruin this guy's life. He seriously thinks link will hit 100 usd lmao. Be happy if it hits 2usd eoy

>> No.9809356

Move to an island in SEA and live like a king for the rest of your life.

>> No.9809421

Also bang lots of SEA whores

>> No.9810059
File: 105 KB, 932x944, A936080A-2B53-45C5-8AC9-E82FB415AC2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op never said “guaranteed”
>historically the S&p has done 10% or 7% including inflation

P-prove me wrong !!

>> No.9810102

I'm being serious here: LINK will probably finish the year around $0.15, maybe give or take a nickle or so. $1 LINK may happen next year if a major bullrun does indeed materialize then. $100 LINK is totally impossible on any time frame.

>> No.9810150

Desu but what about the god protocol?

>> No.9810178

Listen OP-

You fucking idiot the dollar is on its last legs...look around you... fiat currencies are failing all over the world. You don't fucking "make it" with link and then put it in the Jew rigged stock market denominated in Jew federal reserve notes which is all going to implode soon.

You make it..... then keep it..... buy putting your profits in real money .... gold.

How stupid are you people the country is 20 trillion in debt because of fraud fiat currency and then you finally make it and you don't put it into real savings gold?

But instead put it in failing dollar investments?.

You people are fucking so braindead and deluded

>> No.9810192

Tell me more senpai

>> No.9810195

Op you put into gold. Wait for the dollar collapse and currency reset where gold is revalued much higher than it is today. Because they need to purge the debt from the system.

Then you prosper with the gold converted into the new currency. And 1 ounce of gold buys you a mansion

>> No.9810201


>> No.9810202

When did /biz/ turn into /pol/? Fuck off ron paul

>> No.9810229

It's a fucking meme, Anon. I hope this thread is a larp too.

>> No.9810262
File: 41 KB, 800x450, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if he didn't say "guaranteed" retard. He's still assuming it.
>including inflation
Absolute brainlet detected.

>> No.9810284

shut up kike!

>> No.9810313
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what part of
>historic average
>not guaranteed
doesn't make sense

>> No.9810349

Read what I said earlier. I said he's NOT going to safely net 10%. Then he backtracks and says he never said that, but that's what he was implying in OP.

>> No.9810362

Can someone draw a chainlink logo on https://satoshis.place

>> No.9810423
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Search Results
Approximately 10% is the average return for the S&P 500 since its inception back in 1928. Adjusted for inflation the "real return" is more like 7%.

>yfw you actually believe that this means nothing
>J-just cause you're using the past 90 years to forecast a general return doesn't mean shit!!!
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9810439
File: 56 KB, 621x702, you2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7% equals 10%

>> No.9810455


You make all linkies look bad with your “safe” investments

>> No.9810579

the highest performing hedge funds do about 15% over time so he's not wrong, slugger

>> No.9810584

I would be totally happy with $2 eoy. next year is when smart contracts really take off and by then I'm in long term capital gains

>> No.9810602


>> No.9810663

This. The state of this board. Its not even close to 10%. Also thats the average over the last 90 years, the last 10 years have been shittier, more like 5% after inflation.

>> No.9810835

How could you store large amounts of gold without trusting some kike bank? And you would need to sell the gold to spend it first. I agree with you, though.

>> No.9810877

> encouraging people to buy gold is a /pol/ and ron paul thing
You're a fucking retard and it would be best for all of mankind if you kill yourself immediately. Buying gold / silver (silver holder here) has always been an excellent store of value.

>> No.9810922

Gild has the maximum 28% capital gains tax for us burgers though no? More like a store of more taxes when you try to cash it out