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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.02 MB, 750x1334, 1520996219660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9805404 No.9805404 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out Synth's plan for this contest was just to increase liquidity for an exit scam.

And it looks like the madman is actually going to get away with it.

>> No.9805470

>Synth controls Binance.

>> No.9805509

>binance controls skycoin and skyminer supply

>> No.9805923
File: 515 KB, 1060x542, fundsarsafu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exit scam.

>> No.9806463

fucking called it

>> No.9807374


It's binance running the competition. Not sky you tard.

>> No.9807428


>> No.9807685

where do you think they got that SKY and skyminers?

>> No.9807849

>I want to see if this works. Then on top of this, we are adding KittyCash to burn up the coinhours and increase the interest rate and make the coinhour total stationary (by adding coinburns/coin sinks to the economy).

friendly reminder for skytards that the whole economic model of their scamcoin foots on cats on the blockchain
youre investing in literal wow gold

>> No.9807936

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.9808015


Is this Pajeet fud or just brainletism. I'll market sell everything if you can explain why an exit scam would bother to be one of the longest ruunning crypto projects out there and have one of the most active githubs.


>> No.9808025
File: 21 KB, 1220x106, skyprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808076

Yes that's called providing apps that people spend money on. It's how economics works. You make stuff for people to buy. Where's the scam?

>> No.9808098

As I understand it Kitty Cash is a proof of concept. Eventually there will be a whole bunch of apps and services that people can spend coinhours on. How is this a scam?

Also can you explain this >>9808015

>> No.9808100

see >>9808025
because they slowly and constantly sell sky otc and from their own exchange and through the skyminersells for bitcoin and will continue to do so
sky price grows=more btc for them

>> No.9808125

that you get paid in coinhours for your skyminer (even in the testnet)
so better hope kittycash takes off
(you paid 1btc for the skyminer btw)

>> No.9808197

You wat m8? You get paid in Sky for the skyminer.

So they can keep selling Sky OTC forever. So why would they exit scam?

And you still haven't explained why they would bother to have such an active github and keep the project running for almost ten years before starting trying to market it. Everyone knows the best scams rely on a whitepaper and little more and lots of marketing and hype early on.

>> No.9808207

no, you get paid in coinhours

>> No.9808217

It's a 3rd party OTC passthrough lol. Testnet will give out coins and even mainnet will provide coins as a subsidy until the network is more mature. What exactly motivates you to lurk in the telegram of a coin you consider a scam to post screenshots on /biz/?

>> No.9808266

For running it yes but when you buy it you get paid a rebate in Sky.

Still don't understand what's the problem here?

>And you still haven't explained why they would bother to have such an active github and keep the project running for almost ten years before starting trying to market it. Everyone knows the best scams rely on a whitepaper and little more and lots of marketing and hype early on.


>> No.9808311


>you paid 1btc for the skyminer

No you fucking didn't. You know perfectly well you get paid back almost all of it in Sky which you are free to market sell immediately.

If you're going to try to fud your own bags so you can accumulate more you're gonna have to try harder than this mate.

>so better hope kittycash takes off

You better hope the company you invested in is successful if you want to make profit. Are you a brainlet?

>> No.9808318
File: 75 KB, 865x158, Skyhours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly motivates you to lurk in the telegram of a coin
part of DYOR you brainlet

>> No.9808332

>You better hope the company you invested in is successful if you want to make profit. Are you a brainlet?
unironically investing in a POS coin for kittycashgold

>> No.9808342

You gonna attempt to answer my questions or just ignore them because you have no answer?

You gonna admit you were lying about a skyminer costing 1btc?

>> No.9808348
File: 433 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-06-08-18-27-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808381

>You gonna admit you were lying about a skyminer costing 1btc?
go to skyminer website, click buy
price 1 btc

>> No.9808391

that's old information

>> No.9808395

You are either a total retard or the worst fudder ever. You pay 1 btc and IMMEDIATELY GET REIMBURSED MOST OF THAT BACK IN SKY WHICH YOU CAN THEN MARKET SELL.

you gonna answer my questions?

>> No.9808407
File: 90 KB, 522x348, Skyconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808421

Business whitepaper released only 2months ago is 'old information'

>> No.9808431

What are you trying to pull here? Are you going to admit that you get reimbrsed almost 1btc in Sky when you buy a miner which you can then market sell?

Are you going to answer my questions?

>> No.9808433

Emphasis on
>1 Million dollars
>Without doing any real work.
>It does not feel real, but that is how mining works.
Only actual retards and hoodniggers buy into such ponzis:
Protip: the nigger- and rapvideos were'nt ironic.

>> No.9808446

I'm not intimately acquainted with telegram user icons. Was this synth or some other official person saying this or just some random fucko?

>> No.9808453
File: 81 KB, 496x389, Skyconnect2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
as long as the ponzi works and kittycash takes off, you may be fine

>> No.9808455

random fucko

>> No.9808463

sorry, see >>9808453
it's synth

>> No.9808466

So as long as Skycoin is a successful company I will profit? Top insight mate.

>> No.9808477

see >>9808463

but fucko may be true

>> No.9808515

see >>9807849
as long as kittycash is successful, you may profit

>> No.9808723

price has been doing pretty good, currently dipping to 71 on cmc after hitting low of 135 or so back in march. hence your desperate fudding. U dont even have to fud other coins these days, they fud themselves. im not really concerned about short term price action though really. Skycoin is basically unsinkable because of all the businesses, universitys, ngos that are working with its technology. Of course we will be seeing more dapps and shit like kittycash and whatever. Skycoin DEX will be big. Coinhours are able to serve as collateral for all kinds of offchain transactions.

>> No.9808744
File: 29 KB, 399x385, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously skytards all suddenly got a stroke after comprehending the easily available information

>> No.9808759

>Skycoin is basically unsinkable because of all the businesses
Alphaversion of a Cryptokittiesclone at a 200 mio mc valuation

>> No.9808827

sorry anon
all the skytards who tried to refute me are suddenly quiet after realizing all of this
they are embarrassed by their own stupidity
anyone who's coming in now after reading all of this are people who lack the mental ability to comprehend all the information given
i got bad news for you son
pls look into the mirror and tell me you are black

>> No.9808867

does this mean i should buy more skycoin or sell what i have? what should i buy instead of skycoin?

>> No.9808885
File: 98 KB, 741x646, a21803d3-2cd3-4285-9781-acbbbd358ee6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skycoin is basically unsinkable because of all the businesses, universitys, ngos that are working with its technology
ah, the businesses, universities and ngos, indeed. liberation marketing sure is nice but let's not play games with each other, not on here. skycoin is the last bastion of western civilization. skycoin is like life or death.

>> No.9808904

Thanks for explaining what happened in this thread senpai. It was getting very confusing there for a moment desu.

>> No.9808941

>suddenly quiet

>> No.9809031

>skycoin is the last bastion of western civilization
unironically highlighting the involvement of the cia and the mossad and thinking this is a good thing
pls see >>9808827

>> No.9809040
File: 92 KB, 483x647, Humankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The revelation of Skycoin's recent ties to the Club of Rome via Dr. Stephen Brunhuber are very interesting indeed. Announced at the first Bilderburg Group meeting of 1954, and subsequently Founded in 1968, the Club of Rome is a global thinktank dedicated to defining objectives and means to tackle the uncontrollable events that present greater and greater challenges to humanity as the impending Malthusian catastrophe draws near.

>> No.9809046

vs actual information gathered recently
pls see >>9808827

>> No.9809064

>good and bad

>> No.9809072

Read what Synth wrote here and tell me he intends to hang around to see Skycoin's potential realized:


>> No.9809089

finally someone who looks deeper than his usual tg ramblings
i intended to save this link for the next retard who could'nt realize his own delusion

>> No.9809107

>millionaire in four years

>> No.9809138

Cropped telegram screenshot
Official publication
I seem to be missing something. What recent information did you post that proves the adoption plan has changed?

>> No.9809161

pls read all the posts in exactly the given order, i don't like to explain things twice
just ask in the tg for yourself
and read >>9809072

>> No.9809180

Thanks anon. Feel free to share that link around. It's a pretty big red flag, IMO.

>> No.9809215

Sorry how is that article Skycoin FUD in any way shape or form? He's just explaining why entry level employees are unlikely to get rich from equity anymore.

Also faggot you STILL haven't explained why an 'exit scam' would be almost ten years in development and have one of the most active git hubs in the sector.

>> No.9809229

i meant that i had this link before
but good for you to look deep into things

>> No.9809230

Explain how it's a red flag.

>> No.9809236

I don't care about your opinion on whether the ecosystem will succeed or not. I wanna know on what authority can you claim that the adoption plan has changed since 2 months. Stop deflecting and answer.

>> No.9809244

The point is that it should lead you to consider what Synth's actual goal is, and whether SKY needs to do anything close to what he says it will before he achieves that goal.

>> No.9809249

i never said it is an exit scam
i only stated the obvious
pls do the same as >>9809161

>> No.9809262


>> No.9809274

see >>9809249
and >>9809161
if that's not enoug,
see >>9808827

>> No.9809292

i mean starting with my first post >>9807849
not op
see >>9809249

>> No.9809295

Why should an article by synth explaining that entry level employees to companies these days don't have it as good as they did back in the days of Google as a start up have anything to do with the long term viabilty of Skycoin?

Explain the connection. Or are you just hoping brainlets will see the word 'exit' in the article and panic sell?

>> No.9809299

Okay thanks, no answer then

>> No.9809315

Sorry I thought you were OP. You're still a faggot though if you can't see that kittycash is the beginning rather than the end game. lol

And you STILL haven't answered my question

>> No.9809324

see >>9808827
if you wanna try again,
see >>9809161

>> No.9809339

if you mean the article as a whole and let it sink in
then do >>9809274

>> No.9809345


What I don't understand about these faggots who try to to FUD their own coins in the hopes of accumulating more is they're fudding to NEETS. Sky has a ridiculous volume on Binance right now. Do you really think a handful of NEETs panic selling because you're shit tier FUD will cause the price to drop so you can scoop up that cheap Sky? Just lol.

>> No.9809355

Yes I read the article as a whole. It sank in. What's the point? How is it a red flag?

>> No.9809371

see >>9809324

see >>9809274

>> No.9809427

OK so no answer. See you in the new thread you just posted you raging mongoloid

>> No.9809440

i did'nt post anything new
i did'nt even make this thread
> i don't like to explain things twice

>> No.9809452

or ever for that matter

>> No.9809462

I don't trust the Church of Scientology. I am afraid they may exit scam us the way they have always stolen their members money.

>> No.9809481


I've watched some of his interviews and what I can say for sure us the guy seems to have serious issues... I'll just leave it at that

>> No.9809485

I made the new thread. As I said there:

It reveals that the stated objectives of his project don't explicitly need to be reached for that project to complete its useful life cycle.