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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9800193 No.9800193 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9800201

So any "block producers" can vote so that they generate more EOS tokens to themselves and the chain accepts it. Biggest scam of the century?

>> No.9800212


>> No.9800223

the quality $4B buys these days...

>> No.9800249

EOS is government corruption brought to the blockchain.

>Ethereum killer



>> No.9800274

Im not against EOS or any other project, but have you seen the "business model" for EOS? (not just EOS btw) So to use the network you need to buy EOS-tokens. So a project buy EOS-tokens to run on the EOS-network. The project then do a airdrop to EOS-holders. So insted of raising money in a ICO, you just do a airdrop and keep xx-million "project-tokens" to yourself. So you basically just printed money, because your "project-tokens" got a real value now (nothing wrong with that imo). The next step if the project becomes large they actually need to buy more EOS-tokens to run everything. So you sell some of you "project-tokens" and buy EOS. This is basically like a new type off pyramide scheme. On top there is EOS. On the second level its all the projects running on the EOS-network. And on the 3 level its the people buying into EOS or the projects. And guess who is holding most of the EOS-tokens? Who is going to controll the liquidity of EOS-tokens? This model is all created to run the price off EOS-tokens up and up and up... In the end the airdrop-project can be dead, and only way to affect the price of EOS is if the project sells there EOS-tokens they bought. And you know whos gonna buy them? Other people or other project...

>> No.9800278

$4B buys you the software goy, implementing it to launch a chain is the community's prerogative!

>> No.9800293

If there's anything I learned is that the real money is made by doing the exact opposite of what both 4chan and biz tells me.

>> No.9800298
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>> No.9800306


>> No.9800315

/biz/ FUDs and shills everything so you end up doing nothing if you were to do the opposite

>> No.9800325
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>> No.9800333
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> whats a stop-loss at break even?




>> No.9800378
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"Printing tokens for RAM startup is a rounding error as well."
"I agree with Dan, we should just print tokens"
"I suggest "issuing" and not "printing" as a better vocabulary, especially given the sensitivity around the subject."
"Agreed, I think the wording "print vs. issue" for optics the word "issuing" should be used for the global message."
>when everything bad people warned that DPoS allows happens even before launch

>> No.9800379

>implying stop losses trigger every time
enjoy getting BTFO'd when EOS dies

>> No.9800389

Scams are sometimes profitable, that's why people buy into them.
Unfortunately, what's profitable for Dan and for you are two different things.

>> No.9800404


Dynamic + trailing stop losses do, that's why you use a bot and not retarded market stop-loss. Enjoy being salty when EOS moons and you remember this anon holding some nice stacks (2088 EOS in total, others sitting on houbi). In the end it will be all so obvious, but you're getting 0% of that profit.

>> No.9800420
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Did you even read the pastebin? You're fucked if you don't get out. EOS is obviously a scam. Ever since Tai lopez and brock pedoboy started shilling it I knew something was up

>> No.9800427


of course I did read it, there seems to be a problem with you understanding it. No reason to even explain, you guys will fud this until you're forced to buy into within a few months anyways.

>> No.9800432

>says he read it
>totally ignores the fact that the team is retarded and will print coins on demand
id hate being you

>> No.9800451

being this brainlet

>> No.9800460
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> actually believing they discussed printing coins out of thin air.

Anyways, fun talking with broke fucks like you, just wait for it to moon and remember me. The 2088 EOS anon who undoubtedly will be making more gains than the majority here fudding EOS. bye

>> No.9800476

>they literally did
you're so triggered dude you own a scamcoin

>> No.9800479

Explain who is left to buy eos?
They had a year-long ico which means almost everyone interested in eos bought. Every other ico coin that pumped had an oversubscribed ico, which means many that wanted to buy weren't able to.
Total normies that don't know how to buy an ico or even on binance are out, as eos is not going on coinbase in the foreseeable future.
There's nobody left, except already existing buyers going long on margin which by its nature is a very short lived pump.

>> No.9800481

hmm seems like more cope from the new nocoiners, basically anyone holding btc / eth right now. Now that eth and btc are out of the picture you guys should really think about investing in crypto again.

>> No.9800508

I hope you get paid for this, you fucking mongoloid. Kys btw.

>> No.9800523

i dont own obvious scamcoins that get ousted every other day by a 12 year old in his basement, nor do i own a shitcoin that can print on demand

>> No.9800529

>>they literally did

Tokens and coins are different things entirely. I am not even sure what the context here is. But every airdrop is "printing tokens". ERC20 TOKENS are also printing or issueing TOKENS so ETH is all about printing TOKENS as well.

If you look at coin market cap a you see that it lists COINS or TOKENS which is a major distinction.

So you guys talking about printing tokens like its a crazy conversation need to fucking kys. This is the saddest most desperate shit I have ever seen so far.

>> No.9800535
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>> No.9800539

>I hope you get paid for this, you fucking mongoloid. Kys btw.

You are the fucking ones who dont know the difference between an ERC20 token and ETHEREUM. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED!!!

>> No.9800552

which team?

>> No.9800556

You were all warned! This centralized POS is about to go belly up. No new money will flow into this train wreck. Look at Wax any legitimate Dev will just make their own EOS based Blockchain.

>> No.9800561

>i dont own obvious scamcoins that get ousted every other day by a 12 year old in his basement, nor do i own a shitcoin that can print on demand

What are you doing in this space if you don't know the difference between a coin and a token. That's the million dollar question anon.

>> No.9800579

>people from around the world are setting it up and launching it, not just 1 person.

>> No.9800581

>You were all warned!

Yes anon, we have been warned by fucking morons who don't know what a token is.

>> No.9800673

sorry, shittoken*

>> No.9800733

Thanks for clearing that up. Did you know EOS will be a COIN post mainnet?


>> No.9800742

even worse lmao
right after everyone dumps the shit to 0

>> No.9800761

Which team? You can't even awnser this basic question, how are you expecting to be taken serious.


>> No.9800766

There won't be a mainnet at all.

>> No.9800767

What? What the fuck is going on? Is this person stuck in FUD mode even though its obvious nobody was talking about printing coins. Is this the best you dumbasses can do to cope?

>> No.9800779

Yeah I know anon, Bitcoin never happened either. Nothing ever happens in this space. It all ends here.

>> No.9800788

eos doesn't have the concept of a trustless blockchain. 15 block producers, if they agree, can make as many tokens as they want, or take any tokens from any address in eos, and send them to any other address they choose.

eos requies you to trust that 15 bps won't decide one day that the money in your account was obtained by "lying" and is therefore no longer deemed in your posession

>> No.9800796


>> No.9800802

an eth killer that relies on eth to even exist in the first place

>> No.9800829

they only used eth for funding, to be fair. but that's not why they won't be an ethereum "killer", thats just thanks to their broken consensus model

>> No.9800835

>eos requies you to trust that 15 bps won't decide one day that the money in your account was obtained by "lying" and is therefore no longer deemed in your posession

Which would mean dumping the value of the coin to zero basically which would mean doing this for profit or exit scam would be impossible due to the fact that it would destroy the echo system.

>> No.9800850

so are you bragging about investing a whole one grand, or are you just a retard who bought late and is now desperate to see a coin that did a x30 do a x1000 in total?
i joined crypto in march 2017 and bought eth at $30 a pop... expecting to see $100 a couple years later. and that's a coin with 10% of the supply eos has (and i'll ignore fundamental comparisons for the sake of avoiding a tiresome argument muddling the point, but let's just say there's something there). your p/e expectations are ridiculous even by ludicrous crypto standards

>> No.9800861
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a bunch of fucking nobody basement niggers about to steal all of your money

>> No.9800865

All erc20 tokens are scams

This one just has a lot of poojets shilling

>> No.9800873


>> No.9800879

>they only used eth for funding, to be fair. but that's not why they won't be an ethereum "killer", thats just thanks to their broken consensus model

So all of a sudden the thread turns into actual discussion as soon as your inability to decipher what a token is vs a coin. Yeah guys all of a sudden lets have a meaningful and spontaneous debate.

Well anyway, ethereum is unable to run significant dapps anyway so its already been killed on this particular front. Other coins have already done this. There is no need to "kill" ethereum as dapps that can do anything simply dont exist.

EOS will be the biggest actual dapps platform. Where as Tron and steem were sooner but have yet to cause mass adoption.

>> No.9800897
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>ethereum is unable to run significant dapps anyway so its already been killed on this particular front

>stops you in your path
A) kill yourself
B) kill the guard(and go to jail forever)
C) sell your crypto and leave biz forever
Pick one.

>> No.9800907
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I'm not sure if it's impressive on Vitalik and ETH's part, or if the rest of the crypto space is just full of absolute brainlets, but EOS isn't even close to being an Ethereum killer, it doesn't even function in a completely decentralized fashion like ETH does. EOS having so many TPS isn't that impressive when you take into consideration how much more centralized it is. I'll be waiting patiently for Vitalik to work out the kinks in Ethereum rather than jump on the bandwagon of flawed fundamentals and hype. If he can scale Ethereum to a million TPS like he says, it's game over for the rest of these shit tokens.

>> No.9800909

yeah, everybody loves to say that, but theres no evidence of that happening, forks have happened in other coins in the past, and all it takes is a lynch mob going after what they assume to be a bad actor, patting themselves on the back, and unknowingly turn away any developers that were interested in using it.

their broken consensus model is far more likely to cause a slow burn out than a large explosion, because any large explosions will be "corrected" and everyone will think they've done a good job, when in reality all theyre doing is eroding all of the trust anybody else has in the project.

>> No.9800912

Hey look, shit nobody cares about. Nice bought 100k

I think you should leave /biz/ you piece of shit retard.

>> No.9800918
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but who could have ever seen that one coming?

>> No.9800919

But I just proved you wrong, faggot. Now KYS.

>> No.9800921

>my inability
we have IDs on this board you idiot

>> No.9800942

At least this is a valid argument. Why dont most of you fucking morons in this thread learn what a token is.

Anyway with that said, EOS will probably hit a wall with that issue but it will be AFTER it causes a major dapps wave. We need to get blood in the water for the space as a whole. Once people get a taste we will start seeing other coins become "EOS KILLERS".

>> No.9800943

its honestly quite surprising how well ethereum has held up given that vitalik had nothing to copy when he was building it.

and it doesn't bode well when all of these "killers" that can and do copy bits from other smart contract platforms still end up with platforms that have such fundamental issues.

>> No.9800954

>we have IDs on this board you idiot

I have collectivized dumbfuckers under the class of dumbfuckers. Your ID means nothing.

>> No.9800962

500+ Washington politicians cooperate behind the scenes to fuck over every last American + most of the world, you think 15 block producers wouldn't be tempted in the same way?

I'm not saying they will, but if you would trust a significant amount of money in the hands of that few individuals, I don't know what to say to you.

>> No.9800965

so you came here to argue semantics and contribute nothing. what a surprise.

>> No.9800969
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>> No.9800975

But this is just the nature of the beast. Thats why open source is so powerful. It causes an evolutionary growth. I have to agree, ETH is pretty amazing knowing that Vitalik had nothing to copy. Thats a genuine point.

>> No.9800980

/biz/ really has become shit lately.

>personal attacks
>no facts
>everybody is full of hate

>> No.9800982

Nobody gives a fuck, go fuck yourself.

>> No.9800985

i think you've misinterpreted what i said. i'm saying they definitely will, but that instead of having an immediate catastrophic effect, it will just slowly destroy their blockchain from the inside out as any potential developers learn to avoid it.

>> No.9800988

>so you came here to argue semantics and contribute nothing. what a surprise.

Its not symantics. The difference between a coin and a token are literal differences. If you don't know what the difference is you might succumb to fucking bullshit.

>> No.9800989
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>implying you aren't the most triggered EOSBOT bagholding retard on the planet

>> No.9800994

thinking "reddit spacing" is a thing is a great way to out yourself, newfriend

biz has been shit as soon as the bullrun kicked off years ago.

>> No.9801000

>implying recognizing a redditor by their spacing isn't the proper thing to do on /biz/

>> No.9801002

then why do you have it so wrong? eos is a token until mainnet launches, in fact right now it's less than a token, because it only exists in a csv file and a bunch of exchanges.

if you're going to be pedantic at least be right.

>> No.9801006

Last year /biz/ was a bro board, everybody liked eachother, people gave money to strangers.

Last months it's all hate and attacks.

I guess that are the effects of a bull market vs a bear market on /biz/

>> No.9801011

Using the word nigger to seem edgy LOL

>> No.9801012

no, the fact that you think reddit spacing is even a thing, just shows how new you are.

>> No.9801018


>> No.9801029

last year was already the start of the pajeet invasion, its worse now, but it was a shitshow for at least the last half of last year too.

>> No.9801032

>if you're going to be pedantic at least be right.

Completely broken logic. EOS will be a coin. You cannot print more EOS ERC20 tokens right now or during the lifespan of EOS mainnet.

So talking about EOS in the context of a token was pre snapshot.

>> No.9801036

Agreed. I just don't understand why many people sing EOS's praises when it throws to the wind the one main benefit of a blockchain, which is trustless. The sole purpose of a blockchain is not needing to worry about leaving the entire space in the hands of 15 entities.

>> No.9801040

i've been on and off 4chan since before reddit was even a thing newfriend. why do you think i'd even bother posting in this trainwreck otherwise?

>> No.9801043

ding ding ding
>implying they won't print coins

>> No.9801045

>will be
yeah, so it isn't. get a real agument or don't waste everyone's time.

>> No.9801070

ur a faget

>> No.9801082

>Agreed. I just don't understand why many people sing EOS's praises when it throws to the wind the one main benefit of a blockchain, which is trustless.

I dont view EOS as being fully about that. I view it as being a properly functioning dapps platform that will be a massive upgrade from twitter facebook and youtube shit show.

>>implying they won't print coins

Who knows what the fuck they will do. Its extremely unlikely.

>yeah, so it isn't. get a real agument or don't waste everyone's time.

Talking about me wasting time. This thread was created to fucking say EOS will create tokens (implying it will create coins instead) when it goes live. But you morons also claim it will never go live.

>> No.9801083

it doesn't have to be that way, it's just that eos isn't actually revolutionary or even an improvement on the old tech. it can't scale, so it can only manage to get into consensus with 21 other nodes. it's nothing special, you can bump up ethereum's throughput today to a similar number if you only allowed 21 huge servers to sync up with it.

maybe when we see actual technological improvements we'll actually see a high throughput and decentralized/trustless base layer, but until then we'll keep seeing broken models like eos.

>> No.9801086

Fucking apologize now /biz/

>> No.9801115

>it doesn't have to be that way, it's just that eos isn't actually revolutionary or even an improvement on the old tech

Transactions per second are an upgrade.
Speed of transactions are an upgrade.
Overall capacity for transactions is an upgrade.
Cost of transactions is an upgrade.
Staking is an upgrade from proof of work.

All of it is upgrades.

> it's nothing special, you can bump up ethereum's throughput today to a similar number if you only allowed 21

They should do that then. That way it can compete as a dapps platform.

>Fucking apologize now /biz/
If /Biz/ begins backing John Oliver then we will know Reddit has fully invaded and all discussion is FUCKED.

>> No.9801129

Again though, EOS took the easy way out to accomplish those things, by only having a small number of block producers. Defeats the purpose of having a blockchain in the first place. It's slightly better than a normal network by why the fuck even bother with it?

>> No.9801131
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You have ~1495 more coinage than I have so don’t listen to the haters, you’ll do well

>> No.9801132

>reddit spaces every comment

>> No.9801153

>It's slightly better than a normal network by why the fuck even bother with it?

Its a massive upgrade to everything else. Social media in specific but the concept of people being able to create dapps that can actually do things in an open meritocracy is world changing. Unless you are one of those people who thinks the meritocracy is evil and we should be allowed to censor offensive things and limit peoples ability to profit from telling the truth.

>> No.9801164
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>> No.9801171

Mainnet is delayed. Who would've thought.

>> No.9801197

If you are against censorship and control of the network, why are only a few block producers an acceptable solution for you? Why wouldn't you try to have as many as possible to prevent someone from wrangling control?

>> No.9801201

Have you seen zoom video where Dan the scammer talks about print more tokens at will,talking more tokens printed from user balances and also won't release version 1.0.2 because version 1.0.1 has bugs because he has to sleep

>> No.9801207

amateur hour lmfao
fucking scammers

>> No.9801242

Can you imagine a regular dude shitposting on twitter about how he wants to jack off and fuck and whatnot, then posting an advert saying he'll only hire men?

The people at cardano obviously can't, but the rest of the public can - this is why cardano tanked.

>> No.9801249

I guarantee you he wasn't hired because of his programming skills

>> No.9801257

>why are only a few block producers an acceptable solution for you?

Because its needed right now before pushing to the next paradigm. I view this as moving in the right direction but not the perfect direction.

Even in a worst case scenario EOS will not have the power to destroy crypto.

>> No.9801478

Dan is such a big sxammer Fuck him

>> No.9801573

>EOS is a centralised scam
No consensus for one (1) day after greenlight from the tests
>EOS is a decentralised scam

>> No.9801586

"Im not against EOS or any other project, but have you seen the "business model" for EOS? (not just EOS btw)

So to use the network you need to buy EOS-tokens. So a project buy EOS-tokens to run on the EOS-network.

The project then do a airdrop to EOS-holders. So insted of raising money in a ICO, you just do a airdrop and keep xx-million "project-tokens" to yourself. So you basically just printed money, because your "project-tokens" got a real value now (nothing wrong with that imo).

The next step if the project becomes large they actually need to buy more EOS-tokens to run everything. So you sell some of you "project-tokens" and buy EOS.

This is basically like a new type off pyramide scheme. On top there is EOS. On the second level its all the projects running on the EOS-network. And on the 3 level its the people buying into EOS or the projects.

And guess who is holding most of the EOS-tokens? Who is going to controll the liquidity of EOS-tokens?

This model is all created to run the price off EOS-tokens up and up and up... In the end the airdrop-project can be dead, and only way to affect the price of EOS is if the project sells there EOS-tokens they bought. And you know whos gonna buy them? Other people or other project..."
lmfao this comment

>> No.9801599
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Can people stop lying?

It isn't the EOS way.

>> No.9801679

>This is basically like a new type off pyramide scheme.

Absolutely true. I have noticed this with the steem model as well which is a toned down version of eos. Here is the weird part of it though.

The pyramid scheme goes in both directions. So the people at the top will want to encourage people do things. They spent energy to create this product that does something and now they need to get more people to use it to make money.

Content creators will be encouraged to join the dapps platforms. And thus the people who are on the bottom but have a lot to offer because they bring value will get special treatment from people at the top who want to grow the pyramid scheme. The more power you have on the platform the more you can reward people for doing what you want them to do.

SO imagine a pyramid scheme where people at the top are forced to use their wealth to generate new wealth for people at the bottom. Its kind of like a snake eating itself while also being a pyramid scheme.

>> No.9801749

you missed the biggest problem with steem - there's no reason for anyone to buy steem. You can create account for free and write. Why would you buy steem? The only possible reason is if you want to advertise and upvote your adverts. But given the slanted distribution that's very risky as a whale can easily downvote you.
As a result, steem's price is completely unconnected from the platform. The platform functions exclusively as an advertisement for a pure ponzi.
Yes it's a literal ponzi, not a pyramid scheme, because you get 'steem dollars'. Funded by whom? New buyers. Hence the ponzi.

>> No.9801809

> there's no reason for anyone to buy steem.

Yeah you can earn money for simply using the platform at zero cost. When I first joined the platform I was able to make a couple thousand steem just from posting stuff I was working on. (Steem was worth a lot less back then)

>Yes it's a literal ponzi

There is no up front reason to ever buy the coin. Like you said. If it is a ponzi then its not a very good one because all I have noticed in practice is that if you own a lot of steem you have responsibility to moderate the platform.

I don't think its really a ponzi if you don't have to actually do anything to use it. With that said its superior to ad revenue models and its merely more complex / decentralized than patreon.

While its not perfect it beats the shit out of other options for content creators out there right now. And if you dont give a crap about the platform but you are super talented artists or creator you can make a killing without having to even told a single dollar of steem or sbd.

>> No.9801837

On that note, EOS is a hell of a lot more effective in its core design. With EOS they pretty much encourage you to keep buying more if you want to do anything at all.

>> No.9802611

Hahahahahaha. Kys. It will never moon. Ever. It might not even go live ever. Hahahahahahahaha

>> No.9802738
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it was at 14.5$ during launch it is 13.95$ now,with Dan pumping it artificially through 7.12 ETH he acquired by ICO.thats why it's more up against ETH.
tl;dr he is burning lot of ETH to keep
his shitcoin on top
He really hates ETH and blames everything on ETH for his fuckery
Just look at this screen shot how he blames ETH holders for his fuckup

>> No.9802788

And everyone here for the past months keep telling ya to buy this shit now here we are

>> No.9802790


>Centralized banking
>More than 1 person works there

Wow centralized banks are decentralized

>> No.9802853

>sybil attack
imagine actually creating a blockchain that can be sybil attacked

>> No.9802912

>Wow centralized banks are decentralized
If the bank was made up of 21 random people out of hundreds potential nodes all competing for the same space that would be a kind of cool bank.

>> No.9802929

maybe it's a scam, but you're fucking idiot if you don't pick some up as insurance just in case. The amount of money this thing has is insane, it will make more than waves. The advertising, the shilling, the year long ICO, the dream to take down ETH. If you don't own at least 100 of these for insurance you're a dumb ass

>> No.9802931


>> No.9802939

>He really hates ETH and blames everything on ETH for his fuckery

A lot of the "hate" of eth is just people realizing its not very good being translated as hate. Kind of like people not liking islam being considered Islamophobes.

>> No.9803331

you're both wrong
dan is not upset at all, this is part of his plan
he was behind the pseudo-DDoS through NePay (i which they didn't even bother to fake volume on standard community outlets: that shit is ghost town anywhere you look), now like a seasoned conman he accuses others of doing the same things he does
anons who believe he'll actually burn eth to prop up eos are deluded. that money is going to his bank account, period
dan is unironically smarter than people on both sides of the fence give him credit for, his skill at social engineering is unmatched

>> No.9803446

Well, it certainly feels like I am running through a gauntlet so whos to say what version of 4d chess is at play.

>> No.9803563

It seems the older coins were developed with more attention. Even with the dao eth, btc ltc and xrp all seem to work better than any newer coin. And not just work but I mean there isn't some huge gapping hole in the code.

>> No.9803609

I think yes Dan is smart but Block one is not owned completely by him and block one still owns 100 million coins so yeah pumping their Shitcoin with Ether sounds reasonable,maybe other block one owners have decided to pump it who knows
Inspite of having blockchain what is use of we can't verify anything huh
time to Call bogs

>> No.9803651

>He's like a smart version of Roger Ver

>> No.9803685

EOS = biggest scam in history. An ex-trader running a coin from off shores with his billions.

>> No.9803728
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holy fuck this is a retarded post

>> No.9803853

If reddit hates EOS, you know for a fact it's a good coin.

Reddit is dumb as fuck and supports the obvious scam coins like bitcoin cash, nano and IOTA. The fact that they hate EOS is bullish.

>> No.9803947
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Lmao @ this retard.
Eos, ripple and Nanos most reddit coin ever.
First two are sacrificing decentralization for network speed, therefore creating glorified Google docs.
Third one had similar premine like dash, only difference it use catchpas on the site which was barely usable and most of early faucet went to the inner circle.
Although I don't like vitalik the commie, I respect eth as "it just works ™" UNLIKE OTHER SHIT PLATFORMS WHO DOESN'T HAVE CONGESTIONS BECAUSE NO ONE USES THEM