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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9799679 No.9799679 [Reply] [Original]


Found this pastebin that seems to be the chat log from the validated EOS block producer telegram channel, and i'm worried. They don't really seem to have any sort of coherence at all, and operate on a "whatever was said last is the truth", not to mention the complete clusterfuck that was the zoom chat...

Minutes from said chat... https://docs.google.com/document/d/14rfDoOEyhIuTq9kgNuevjbG2F2-HCePgEzVLlJ-eEZc

Mirror in case they take it down. https://docs.google.com/document/d/133VHvncsyGgp-WuZHUUDl_svjPuL0vJywxlSCYgqle4/edit?usp=sharing

Highlights include: - agreeing to print more tokens for themselves before launch - not agreeing about literally anything else AT ALL - some unknown Korea FUD that they had to pull Dan in for but he seemed disinterested and left

>> No.9800032

>load ze exact same Korea FUD

I have a feeling this will end bad

>> No.9800087

dude if they TWO DAYS before launch paid 10k per not small bugs imagine how many of them there will be in mainnet. IMO people just waiting to literally kill it on DAO level