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9797834 No.9797834 [Reply] [Original]

>muh freedom
>muh MAGA

>have shit ton of useless regulations and bullshit to nickel and dime your profits.
>Now muh securities bullshit

Even the most socialist euro countries don't have this shit. How the fuck do you murricans have the balls to talk ever talk shit?

>> No.9797855


LOL so true

>> No.9797913

Big if true fuck this Amyburgercunt country

>> No.9797928

amerilard here, I just want to get the fuck out of here, please send help

>> No.9797933

LOL so true

>> No.9797937
File: 268 KB, 433x249, Crypto-Genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler makes way more sense now

>> No.9797955

You're already where everyone wants to be faggot.

>> No.9797978

You have to go back.

>> No.9797989

Nobody wants you as immigrant, stop procreating and kys

>> No.9798094

Stay there faggot, nobody wants you out.
Damn burgers

>> No.9798105

Get out commie.

>> No.9798126
File: 53 KB, 537x720, 1522826216016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but muh capitalism

Now Americunts find out they don't even really have capitalism, just some fucked up system where you will never get rich or make it unless you were a boomer or trust fund baby

>> No.9798143

Easy Mode: Get an Amazon Web Services certificate and then effortlessly get a job making at least $120,000/year. No college required

>> No.9798150

The irony of this statement is that the IRS essentially owns Americans.

>> No.9798158

The irony of this statement is that the Americans essentially own you.

>> No.9798181


gonna call bullshit my dude, but if true I'd be all over that shit.

>> No.9798188
File: 66 KB, 619x600, 9F6C85A8-3EAB-42CD-B599-E9374FC856D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean, Jews and your political elites, mutt?

>> No.9798211
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1477620350180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another Pajeet/Ancap/Commie thread
saged and hidden

>> No.9798222

That's the problem, non-white immigrants have wrecked this country.

>> No.9798228


I get commie but where does ancap come in? And do people really believe in that retarded ideology?

>> No.9798239

>Amazon Web Services certificate
Not LARP'ing. Study for the certification exam and then take it (really not that expensive at all). Google says $110k but if you look around you can find jobs that'll offer $120k or more. After a 3-5 years of professional experience you should be making $140k minimum

>> No.9798266

Remove the "but where does ancap come in?" and your sentence makes a lot more sense.

Also, kys.

>> No.9798269
File: 280 KB, 851x855, lard jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, obviously, non-white immigration made things even worse, but don't forget this (or maybe you didn't even know): https://youtu.be/9J482O3DrWY

>> No.9798275


And you don't even need a CS degree to get jobs doing this? I'll look into it for sure.


Both are retarded.

>> No.9798279

I'm attempting to make sense of this to no avail. China owns most of the world, the USA included.

Meanwhile the SEC can make it illegal to trade lines of code.

>> No.9798318

What do they have to do with the SEC?

>> No.9798324


Have you ever actually tried to "get out" of the US? It's like cashing out in crypto. You can't. Leaving the US is a meme. There is no escape.

>> No.9798338


Become a TEFL monkey and you can leave. Only thing that actually works. Then marry a foreign woman for your ticket out permanently.

>> No.9798437

you are retarded