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9797297 No.9797297 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got good cold calling advice?

>> No.9797309

focus on what you can offer

>> No.9797310

don't cold call

>> No.9797319

and how it benefits them

>> No.9797386

this is the most important advice you will get in this thread.

I did not learn this from cold calling i got this from door to door sales but it will apply the same.

Learn the 4 R's of rejection handling
R - reply
R - reassure
R - reinspire
R - reask

map out the most common reasons a lead rejects your offering - and create a 4 R plan accordingly. A bad phone sales person hears "I'd like to talk to my wife about it, thank you" and either
A: pushes back which will only reinforce your leads position. When you fight against them or argue against them all you are doing is reaffirming them in their position
B: gives up and calls the next person

A successful salesman will take respond with something like
R - respond: "I totally understand sir, this is an important decision and something you should definitely have your wife's opinion on. Communication is definitely important in a relationship"
R - reassure: "what i've found in my time selling this is that most wives blah blah blah blah blah reason why wife will like it anyways or to go through with it anyways"
R - reinspire "and with that being said *reason why they should buy today or reinforce key benefits"
R - reask "I think this would be great for you sir lets get you signed up"

sometimes you will go through 4 R's 3 or 4 times but eventually weak ppl will cave. This is an easy way to not argue back with a lead and to not give up.

>> No.9797428

Thanks man, this is legit good advice that I can use. I'm a lot better at handling the rejection than most other inexperienced people it seems, but I still need help with that obviously

>> No.9797448


>> No.9797468

know your typical customer base and aggressively filter to find them.
You might have a 1% chance with a random, and 10% with your target market, so your time is 10 times more valuable with targets.

>> No.9797479

i literally havent gotten a boner from a simple picture of a girl in probably 2 years... until i saw the girl on the right.
oh. my. fucking. god.
i would destroy her tight little pussy. id get right behind her ass, bend her over and eat her cunt like it was the last meal id ever have, then just ram as long as i could last... turn her around and blow it all over her pretty little face

>> No.9797483


None of that shit works you retarded monkey

>> No.9797501


np anon
its pretty fucked up but i find a lot of low tier sales jobs like door to door or cold calling - a lot of your closes will come from dominating weak people.

Some people are just going to be too beta to say no after you have rejection handled 4 or 5 objections they've had. They cave in due to social pressure. They thought that their objection would be an easy cope out and once you handle the rejection through the 4 R method and they agree the objection isn't a big deal they are fucked.

They don't have the balls to say no after you've both agreed all objections aren't an issue.

I actually quit my job over this - most of my sales were coming from socially overpowering pensioners or other vulnerable people

>> No.9797502

Some guy is probably doing that to her literally right now, and we're just talking about cold calling tips on a mongolian sheep herding forum

>> No.9798063
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Thank you. I added 110k in my pipeline last month and still fucking suck at sales.

Here is pictute of some biddy.

>> No.9798316

So what I'm taking from this is
>1. Keep them talking
>2. Reframe it (both the purchase and their excuse) as their decision, their choice

>> No.9798486

me on the left

>> No.9798513

pajeeting 101 sirs

>> No.9798640

Even once you move in to higher level corporate/enterprise sales, this is often how you get the first meeting set over the phone.

Other common similar sales methodologies:

Feel/Felt/Found statements

I completely understand that you feel blah blah blah. Several of my customer’s felt that way at first too. What they found after working with me is blah blah blah. Push for the sale/meeting again.

ACIAC: acknowledge, confirm, isolate, address, close

Acknowledge their objection, confirm that you have properly stated their reason, isolate it as the only thing keeping them from doing business, address the objection, close for the sale.

You will likely have to do this several times until they run out of reasons to say no. The first objection is usually a polite way of saying fuck off, and the real reason usually comes out after a few rounds.

>> No.9798663

Tell them to hang up the phone.

>> No.9798706
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do women not care about having a healthy posture at all what the hell

>> No.9798762

From what I've read, I've never done this, the secret to cold calling is basically doing your homework. You should spend like 9x the length of actually dealing with the customer identifying their 'pain points' - and that means trying to anticipate that particular individuals pain points. So in a B2B context you need to know what their title, responsibilities are, what projects their department is working on. You got to stalk them.
So when you call up and you call up you can say
>Hi mr. Wagecuck, I was wondering if you're having problem with security authentication at the boomgates at your car park
>Funny you should say that, we're having that exact problem
>Well I'm anon Anon from Bagetron Industries, and we have a system that uses RF chips that can be rolled out in under 3 weeks at multiple sites... and [yadda yadda yadda explain whatever this product does - making sure they specifically addresses his problems]

The other thing, and this applies in all selling, is never call someone who doesn't have the AUTHORITY to make a decision. Don't waste you time with someone who needs to defer to Daddy, Wifey, the boss, head of procurement, the Board (there are exceptions, but you get the point.)

>> No.9798791

maybe i'm just a huge fucking nerd but i run a small business and guarantee you 100% >>9797386 would never work on me.
you just gotta shoot me the numbers. if you get me on the line, state what your product does and what are the metrics. does it increase sales by 10% on average? does it save me time? give me a ballpark on its ROI time. if the way it works is not very intuitive, explain it to me and don't buzzword around, be clear and understandable.

If you're convincing and the numbers are attractive i'll do some research on whether you can deliver. if i think you can then it's a matter of budgeting and i'll try it out if i can.

>> No.9798841

Well if you believe the BIG 5 personality profiles, then there should be at least, at a minimum, 5 different approaches to addressing customers.
Frankly i think it's dumb to think there's only one way - or at the very least you should be polymorphic and shift approach because some people, like I assume women will be better convinced with the 'feel, felt, found' method, people like you want cold hard metrics, others may want holistic or big picture ideas... I dunno. I'm still learning this shit.

>> No.9798866

that doesn't work when cold calling and you can't even get past the gatekeeper.

"I'll take a message"

"id feel more comfortable, talking to BUSINESS OWNER directly, can I get an email?"

"No, but I can take a message."


>> No.9798873

theyre posing you autist

>> No.9798899

Clearly never did door2door lazy cuck. I guess only a chad can pull it off. The pajeet you are responding too is 100% right. Did this for 3years making 3-400€ a day. Got bored of talking to braindead people all day.

>> No.9798901

>Communication is definitely important in a relationship"

If a cold caller tried to give me generic relationship advice, I'd be extra mean when shutting them down

>> No.9798954
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This is also really useful to me, thank you

Interesting. I am mostly calling small businesses to offer my service. What type of business do you run?

>> No.9799016

Make the other person talk as much as possible, the best salesmen speak very little and make the other person do most of the talking 30/70 is a good ratio

>> No.9799221

Good rule for life too, I remember reading a study where they found that a person who engaged in 'active listening' (i.e. asks relevant questions and summarizes or repeats back sentiments of dominant speaker) even if they only spoke a fraction of the dominant speaker in the dyad will be perceived by the dominate speaker has having been an equal participant in the conversation... even though they were just agreeing with whatever you were saying.

>(bad stand up comedian) The husbands in the audience know what I'm talking about, right fellas!?

>> No.9799296

A Attention
I Interest
D Decision
A Action


>> No.9799367


C - cock in hand
H - hold your cock when you talk
A - asshole is clean if they want smell
I - insert your finger in lovely butthole
N - never bend over
L - look at bobs and start drooling
I - inspect bobs with both hands
N - nigger around, run away
K - kiss butthole when she bend over

>> No.9799477

Thanks just door sold 100k

>> No.9799604

fuark. i want a dorf gf

>> No.9799707

If you wanna fug random girls dont use cold approach, you will waste countless hours and accumulate 1000's of rejections before some drunk landwale lets you fuck her. Better spend that time earning money and pay a 10/10 girl 300$ to have sex with you. Less time consuming, less problem causing and you will probably spend less money in the long run. "Cold approach" is a PUA meme, no sane girl will let one man she just knew to fuck her unless she is planing to get something in return or she is insane. Almost all "cold approach" videos are either paid actress or the cherry picked moments that turned out OK of several months of rejections and faceslaps. Don't fall for shitty memes OP. Either you are a chad or have to give girls something valuable in return for their sex, and you don't want that valuable thing to be your house and half of your shit, don't you?

>> No.9799809

Yes focus on the blowjobs you can offer

>> No.9800758 [DELETED] 

one on the left is UGLY and the one on the right is BARELY FUCKABLE

>> No.9800776

all they care about is attention, what's difficult to understand about this

>> No.9800827

I learned by literally dialing random numbers and striking up conversations with the people. Even unrelated to business. Literally try everything until you have a chess move for every response.

>> No.9800853

dont do it. it's a waste of time

>> No.9801579

I found their Instagram. The one on the left plays soccer and has more fat ass pics.

>> No.9801596

lol this is beyond autistic

>> No.9801706

well if it works

>> No.9801727

Dont fucking call me

>> No.9801738

Post the sauce anon, please.

>> No.9801752

I call called from 2007 to 2012, was one of the best in my company. Can't be bothered to type advice because not crypto related

>> No.9801787
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>> No.9801814

I was a telemarketer for 6 years before the FTC put us out of business and I dominated my call center. Honestly you either have it or you don’t. Be clear confident and assertive, always be closing, never stop rebuttalling and don’t hang up on them, make them hang up on you. watch boiler room a few times and start thinking you’re the shit, it’s the only way to make it

>> No.9801817

Interacting with people and perfecting your social linguistics is the opposite of autistic, you fucking moron.