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9793427 No.9793427 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, it would be so hot to watch them have sex, David's spastic movements has he thrusts his hairy autism cock into vansa's tight, brown vagoo. How much OMG to make this happen? She seems like his caretaker, it's pretty cute desu

>> No.9793478

Interview was autistic af desu

>> No.9793495

I want to marry Vansa, she's perfect.

>> No.9793551

you guys make me fucking sick

>> No.9793638

>babby's first day on 4chan
Neck yourself stupid nigger

>> No.9793657

hows highschool edgemaster

>> No.9793702

Great desu. I make almost $200k/year and work for one of the biggest software companies in the US.

How's failing at life because you don't know how to banter with the boys?

>> No.9793732

This is the video where I realized he's unironically autistic and has some kind of tremor.

Dubs and I'll leak vansa nudes

>> No.9793737

Lol you proud?

Fuck off to Reddit faggot you don’t get internet points here

>> No.9793754

>calls me a redditor after he spergs out as a butthurt one
you'll never make it faggot

>> No.9793852

>assuming anyone gives a fuck

>> No.9793880

wow i take everything back
200k and a software expert?
u r really like smart..

>> No.9793941

you can see this guy's autism. I've known a few people that looked like they could be his brother and they were all on the spectrum

>> No.9793989
File: 218 KB, 384x441, SEWER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9793993

Does this guy have some sort of condition? It doesn't seem like autism. Maybe he has some form of a light muscle condition, the way he moves his mouth is abnormal, and the way he moves his arms. He's a really smart guy, he just comes off as a bit of a dunce Becuase of the way he talks.

>> No.9794115

Thanks bro. I just try to do my best

>> No.9794120
File: 2.95 MB, 720x480, 1527571024063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.9794195

Apparently you do