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File: 63 KB, 793x786, 2E48DF04-48F9-4132-8208-83DFEA1C1495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9793155 No.9793155 [Reply] [Original]

I bought it at 1700 satoshi anyway, goddamn should have sold at 9000 or 6000 satoshi but better some fucking profit than this fucking shit ass slowbleed

I teel sad, but it was something that had to be done jesus fucking christ I get the no hype approach but not a single fucking word from sergey in 6 months?

jesus fuck man how autistic can you be. Busy my fucking ass.

didn’t know what to buy with the linkies so I just put it all in bch for now fucking fuck you stinky

>> No.9793218

I'm actually back to my buy-in price now. The thing is anon, there won't be a bullrun this year. It's going to flatten out like a pancake for the next two years.
The whole thing.
Good projects and shitcoins alike.

>> No.9793235

Yeah w/e man I think bch still has a trick or two up its sleeve and it’s safe from being a security.

>> No.9793248

Bullshit, I 5x'd my money thanks to Banca
Link is a stupid shitcoin it's NO hype on top of that
Trx is a shitcoin but at least it has hype which is all that matters here
Enjoy going to 0

>> No.9793263

It's weird. in the beginning I was fudding Link to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding Chainlink. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in Chainlink I feel very different. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.

>> No.9793275
File: 136 KB, 800x770, espanolporfavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lo compré a los 1700 satoshi de todos modos, maldita sea debería haber vendido a 9000 o 6000 satoshi, pero mejor algunas jodidas ganancias que esta mierda de mierda culo lento

Me siento triste, pero era algo que tenía que hacer. Jesús, mi puto cristo. ¿Recibo el enfoque de no exagerar, pero ni una sola maldita palabra de sargento en 6 meses?

jesús, joder, qué tan autista puedes ser. Ocupado mi puto culo.

no sabía qué comprar con los enlaces así que lo puse todo en bch, por ahora, maldita mierda, apestoso

>> No.9793281
File: 17 KB, 200x232, 1527510276382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sold?

>> No.9793291

Lmao thanks for the laugh.

This weird feeling man I am fucking mad, sad but feeling happy at the same time after selling link which I held for over 9 months and caused me to miss many moons. Jesus

>> No.9793308
File: 106 KB, 932x960, e7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Algien me vendio Links a un buen precio, ja ja ja el idiota no sabe que link va a creser de valor 1Milliones de Pesos al fin de mes

>> No.9793309

A linkholder manning up, admitting the truth to himself, and even actually selling? Good for you! You finally made the right choice! Yeah, of course, you fucked up when you fell for the meme in the first place. But at least you're FREE now! Must feel great. And now you'll definitely make it!

>> No.9793339


>> No.9793341

>plight of the stinkie elicits curiosity
>check out coinmarketcap
>sort by %chance, negative first
>"what is he complaining about, link isn't anywhere in the red range"
>click on page 2
#120?! holy shit. i knew stinkies had it rough lately, but wasn't expecting it to be this bad

>> No.9793353

The securities thing is just more media fud. No one really gives a fuck. And the "institutional investor bullrun" shit is nonsense too, no professional banker is going to buy neet bags like an idiot.
Normie hype is the only thing that would cause a bullrun.
Do you feel any normie hype?

>> No.9793394
File: 15 KB, 365x363, ItsLeWeird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'est étrange. Au début, je faisais du fudding Link pour accumuler plus. ce que j'ai fait finalement quand il était autour de 13 cents. J'ai amassé 300K Link. Je pense vraiment que j'en ai assez pour le faire. Le problème, c'est que je ne peux pas m'empêcher d'investir mon propre investissement là où je suis littéralement all-in avec mes économies de toute une vie. J'ai conçu certains des memes les plus détestés et affichés concernant Chainlink. encore une fois ... je suis all-in avec mes économies en direct et je n'ai pas l'intention de shhatsoeva ce projet. Au lieu de cela, je suis allé à des longueurs folles à meme fud quand je le peux. parfois je suis assis toute une journée devant l'écran et je FUD FUD FUD FUD. Je ne me trompe pas. mais depuis que j'ai investi dans Chainlink je me sens très différent. Mon comportement n'a absolument aucun sens ... Pourtant, je suis sûr à 100% que je dois mon propre investissement.

>> No.9793398

>I bought it at 1700 satoshi anyway, goddamn should have sold at 9000 or 6000 satoshi but better some fucking profit than this fucking shit ass slowbleed
>I teel sad, but it was something that had to be done jesus fucking christ I get the no hype approach but not a single fucking word from sergey in 6 months?
>jesus fuck man how autistic can you be. Busy my fucking ass.
>didn’t know what to buy with the linkies so I just put it all in bch for now fucking fuck you stinky
A fool and his money are easily departed.

>> No.9793400

it’s not true. it’s really my story faggot.

>> No.9793412

I agree the media sec fud will probably be a nothingburger.

But I just can’t bear with it anymore, at least in the other two bear markets LINK held it’s value in satoshi pretty damn will. This one seems different as fuck.

BCH is gaining adoption and the people are pretty hyped about it. Developers and community both.
Twitch is accepting bch, I just ordered food with bch and it got sent and confirmed within 30 sec . The whole japan retail stores are now accepting bch.

yeah it might not moon but at least more and more people are using it.

>> No.9793421
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 363635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to keep memeing people into it, the fun doesn't start until it goes below ICO price.

>> No.9793444
File: 36 KB, 384x441, cryptoyummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9793501


>> No.9793509

Duh, we already know it's not true. And we don't care if you're the one who wrote the story because it's extremely fucking gay. Just stop copypasting it everywhere okay?

>> No.9793525

Duh, we already know dat shitz not Fo' realz. N' we don't care if yo''re tha one Who the fuck wrote tha story bcuz' dat shitz extremely fuckin' gay. Just stop copypastin' dat shit everywhere okay?

>> No.9793535

thanks just bought 300k

>> No.9794014
