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File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1518920103635s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9790437 No.9790437 [Reply] [Original]

>his wife/gf/love/partner ect had sexual partners/relationships l before him.
>despite this he still thinks he's going to make it.

Kek, sorry buddy. No amount of money is going to make you less of a beta cuck.

>> No.9790454

ITT salty ass virgins

>> No.9790476


>> No.9790482

you incels get hung up on the dumbest shit. Nobody with any real personality even thinks in terms of alpha/beta. Fags like you think you'd be alpha...if you ever decided to leave the house and interact with the world.

>> No.9790486


>n-nobody thinks that way so you shouldn't either

Imagine being so beta you can't come up with your own opinions

>> No.9790510 [DELETED] 

t. onions-boys

>> No.9790528

Cant believe onions is filtered

>> No.9790532

Pls keep spreading truth OP. Let these cuck normans have it.

>> No.9790548

Dude, you're not alpha. I don't know how you kiss less virgins can delude yourselves so much.

>> No.9790586

ITT salty cucks that can't get qt virgin girls.

>> No.9790587

Yeah, the reason you've never been laid is because you don't want to be a beta cuck and touch someone who's fucked another dude.....right.
You guys don't have options. Stop pretending like you have the opportunity to be selective with women.

>> No.9790592

you alpha, bruh? i can sense it in the way you belittle nobodies on the internet with total confidence.

>> No.9790639
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 149211939550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this emotionally invested over women and sex
What a cuck.

>> No.9790666
File: 272 KB, 1676x1676, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want pic related to be the mother of my children. Not some whore who had sucked 25 different dicks. Being a cuck is a choice Thankfully I am not.

>> No.9790676

You incels can't handle competition. That's why you're failures. If a hot chick talks to you, you spill spaghetti, she walks away and you blame her for being a slut. I know this because, I used to be 15 too. Feels good when a girl confirms you're better than other men. You're just looking for dumb/hideous girls who will settle for an inferior boy (you).

>> No.9790691
File: 217 KB, 534x548, 933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You soi cucks are pic related.

>> No.9790692
File: 116 KB, 800x750, c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cucks getting btfo

>> No.9790713


who the fuck even is that

>> No.9790720

also, not being able to get your dick wet and aggressively pretending it's a "them-not-me" situation is pretty gay. whatever gets you through life without kys, i guess.

>> No.9790722
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 1527394269402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you get all the pussy with your /pol/ memes, don't you?

>> No.9790739
File: 43 KB, 466x206, Selection_131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I do anon.

>> No.9790747

chill, babe. no reason to get all salty over puss.

>> No.9790756

>Feels good when a girl confirms you're better than other men.

Kek, that's some strong cuck cope right there. You realize girls say that to every guy, right? They just want you to feel better about getting sloppy 20 seconds

>> No.9790773

Itt pedo neets who prey on young virgins.

Disgusting, OP.

>> No.9790781

This thread just confirms how easy it is to get laid nowadays, you basedboys just sitting at the pc all day whining and falling into endorphin traps instead of actually working on urself.

>> No.9790786

none have said it to you that much is clear

>> No.9790802

Oh you pay for it?
thats not getting pussy you fucking idiot

Go out, talk to women, see if you can bring them back home without mentioning your money.
See how that works for you

Salty ass incel virgins

>> No.9790848

A woman doesn't have to say anything. You can tell by the way she looks at you. By how you can never get away from her. From her devastation when don't reply to a text. All you do is put pussy on a pedestal, which is ironic because you never get any.

Also this

>> No.9790856

cuck cope levels off the chart ITT
you guys know it's possible to meet a girl you like, lose your virginities together and stay together, right?
surely you aren't so disappointed with your own life you would build elaborate narratives in which the above scenario never ever happens?

>> No.9790874
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1497081018332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys ever think this woman you love so much has sucked the sperm out of another man?

>> No.9790912

>Oh you pay for it?
Sorry to break your bubble. No matter how handsome or how much "game" you have. The one that always wins is the 100$ bill. Unfortunately for you, I do not have time to fool around bars and cafes. I am running a troublesome business that is consuming 90% of my time, the only reason im stuck with you clowns is because my goddamn flight is delayed for 2 more hours.

>> No.9790916

it's possible.
I've taken multiple girls virginities when I was young.
I've slept with well over 30 quality women, and never paid for it.
I'm currently in a long term relationship, of which I've had a few.
You know it's possible to have your cake and eat it too, right anon?

>> No.9790929

for whores, sure.
If that's what you want, then yes money will win.
not all women are whores anon, just the ones you surround yourself with

>> No.9790933

>Hurr durr u neber get used up roastie vagoo

I have an 18 year old gf that just graduated HS, and we're each other's only sexual partner, kiss, relationship ect. You will never experience sliding your penis into prime virgin vagoo, or having a pure relationship with a teenage girl that has only ever loved you. You only get 30 year old bar whores that had sex with 60 other guys, that's what you deserve, cuck.

>> No.9790936

You pay for sex....and you don't think you're a cuck?

You're dream girl isn't even real fag.

Why the fuck would I want to stay with the person I lost my virginity to forever? There's a whole world out there anon. It's pretty good.

>> No.9790940

If you ever meet a hot girl with great personality and all that and she has never fucked someone before you, she has issues you don't want to be involved in. I'm not saying she needs to have experience with gangbangs but why wouldn't she be having sex? You would if it weren't for your horrible everything

>> No.9790966

see >>9790912
For a quick fuck with no emotion attached, I either go for sugarbabys or escorts.I do not have time to forge a relationship since im still accumulating wealth. However, when I do have time to find a wife, I will go for a pure hearted virgin wife.

>> No.9790975

Virgins are the worst lay. When you're young it's fun and it's fine. Good luck finding a quality women in you're 30's whose still a virgin. Woman anon...I have no interest in being in a relationship with a damn child.

>> No.9790976

how do you know what a whores vagina will feel like if you've only fucked one woman anon?

>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9790984

Yeah I'm soo eager to trade lives with you. Been there, done that.

>> No.9791003

No dude, time is not your problem. Get real. You want to attract quality, you gotta be quality.

Let me guess....you're biggest hold is chainlink isn't it?

>> No.9791017

My current girlfriend has only been with 2 other guys, and she's 31.
She's not a whore, but she had been in long term relationships before me.
Why should I be upset about that?

Like >>9790940 said, if she's over 20 and hasn't slept with ANYONE, there's probably a reason for it.

>> No.9791086

No. I already "made it" last january. Sold my antshare/neo holdings at the top. Im running a bio startup. sugardating is superior over vanilla. I get top notch 10/10 girls while skipping the time consuming part

>> No.9791107

That's fun...you're the one dreaming of a pure hearted virgin though...not me.

>> No.9791146

ding ding ding
doesn't matter if you're paying for it, or not.
meaningless sex is meaningless.
At least when I pick up women, I know they're attracted to me. But its still meaningless and unfulfilling.

Basically >>9791086 is just a lonely fucking loser who got lucky on internet money and is filling the void with hookers.
good luck bud, I wish you the best

>> No.9791148


>implying wormslut hasn't had her snatch invaded and jizzed inside many times, not to mention her "dad"


>> No.9791183

that repost of a repost of a repost thread is getting old.

>> No.9791192

no we don't. do you when you look at your mother think that your dad's cock was inside her?

>> No.9791201

Incel confirmed

>> No.9791225

He probably does. You have to realize the kind of guy we're talking to here...

>> No.9791261
File: 225 KB, 484x549, 1528224842136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fiance is as op described and i am in the process of breaking up with her

Feel free to ask questions onions bois

>> No.9791266

Eh bro I hate to break it to you but unless y’all have been together since she was 22 there is a 99% chance that 2 guys is a lie and that she’s told the last 15 guys the same thing.

2 guys is what literally every insecure college slut tells new guys. Your girl just never changed her story which is kind of scary. First long term relationship at 31 but has had sex with 2 guys = you should probably go get tested asap.

FYI I don’t give a fuck how many guys a girl has been with so I’m not trying to make you feel bad. But the “only 2 guys” thing is a thing for a reason.

>> No.9791304


Nvm I’m an idiot. I thought you said she hadn’t been in a ltr. Carry on.

>> No.9791308

lmao ok bud
I've been around the block, more than you with your hookers.
I know when women are lying and when they're telling the truth.
I said she had been in 2 other long term relationships before me. You know it's possible that there are women that aren't whores out there

The problem is you're a lonely fucking loser that has to pay for WHORES attention.
You want more, but you know you can't get it.
have fun with that

>> No.9791317
File: 2.53 MB, 1080x1080, 1527757245941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At age 31 she probably had 15 or bf and about 30 different dicks. Lets say she drank half these guys cum.. .that amounts to half a ton of semen (assuming these guys each came 2 spoonfuls)

>> No.9791363
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 1510853534748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking neckbearded incels, there's plenty of both for everyone, just pick whatever you like and stop judging.

A fuckton of 20 year old college girls are virgins, but you wouldn't know because they only tell you when you're very intimate, and unlike you they dont reek of sexual frustration. Alpha dads have no trouble making their girls save up till they're more mature and find a promising, well-intentioned young man. I've been disappointed a bunch of times when taking girls on dates 100% sure i was going to get my brains fucked out only to learn they're fucking virgins and of course wont let me have any unless i either commit or lie about commiting, which i dont do because im not a pussy-starved asshole and actually respect their standards.

By the way this only applies if you're at least younger than 25, maybe a bit older if you're a doctor or successful engineer or something and can convince everyone you have been studying all this time. They keep the age gap close to maintain a level play field, a successful older man is too experienced and could play her like a fiddle, whereas if he's not a lot more mature he's obviously some form of autistic and definitely under his peers. In that case you might aswell just kys

>> No.9791364

Thats actually better
You dont want her to ask herself "what else is out there?"
Dated a previouslyvirgin girl for almost 3 years and we broke up because of that, youcant convince a ~20yo that sex is basically all the same no matter who it is and that the real sexual identity is found in one self and not others...

Anyway, this thread is stupid

>> No.9792290

you do you if cuckoldry is your thing, i don't really care about your life though, was only replying to your sperg out implying non-cucks are incels

>> No.9792304

what does that have to do with anything? you were asserting non-cucks are salty virgins, i was just pointing out you're retarded on top of being a cuck

>> No.9792335

>more cuck cope
again, just because we don't settle for sloppy seconds doesn't mean we don't have sex

>> No.9792794

how are you cucks coping in these kind of threads always so dense
no, it does not have to do anything with insecurity necessarily

It has to do with this: I want the girl to be mine, as in brand new and not used by everyone already. I do not want several cocks and buckets of cum poured all over and shot inside my own wife.

I also don't want other men to drag their cocks or cum all over my belongings, in my car, on my bedsheets, on my clothes etc.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND? how can you cope so hard?
>hurr durr if he buys his clothes or car brand new he is a cuck, he should buy them used like I do

>> No.9793629

hows she taking it?

>> No.9793676

>tfw my wife was a virgin and broke her hymen on our wedding night like God intended

enjoy your diseased infested whores who slept with dozens of men before you (including niggers)

>> No.9793699

>Nobody with any real personality even thinks in terms of alpha/beta.

They do just you dont know it. If nobody thought that way we wouldnt have social circles