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9785050 No.9785050 [Reply] [Original]

BTC and Eth are traditionalists but we do have some visionaries out there!
Let's compare Sky’s Coin Hours to NEO’s GAS. What's the most futuristic platform?

>> No.9785060

what is obelisk?

>> No.9785154

start from there. obelisk is sky's algorithm made with the intention to replace the old algorithms (pow/pos), but to actually remove the flaws of other's cryptocurrencies.
now, what about Neo?

>> No.9785220
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>What's the most futuristic platform?
the ISP independent one

>> No.9785239

Has the same purpose as DBFT, all about consensus nodes, only that the holders have the voting right in neo' s case. Don't know about sky

>> No.9785260

They're both very interesting and I like how Gas has a very distinct separate market, even if it does complicate things a bit.

For futurism all brownie points gotta go to Sky because it's more ambitious on what skywire will physically look like.

>> No.9785322


Also, PoW involves a lot of energy-intensive processing, while PoS encourages coin-hoarding in order to increase a node's status within the network. Obelisk bases each node's score on how inter-connected it is with other nodes in the network. This means more reputable and common nodes will have more status and it makes the network more resilient to attacks.

>> No.9785336

let’s see:
sky + neo >> they both have this tool of not take you coins for transaction, you can get ch or gas just by doing… nothing and for free, the rule is to use their wallets


if we talk about the future, I ‘d appreciate even more if my ch or wtv would have monetary value. buying crypto with an extra added value to it for all kind of payments without spending my money away, sounds pretty futuristic.

>> No.9785366

evenf if looks promising, neo it's so damn complicated.
Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance DBFT?? how did they get here?

the structure looks like a bicameral parliament

>> No.9785410

I like that very much. when thinking of future (if we want one) we need to plan an environment friendly system, btc & eth are over consuming.

vice says consuming a small country's worth of electricity

>> No.9785452

Sky is better because it's more far reaching than the others, think about it this way there isn't really any competition for sky while neo will loose in time to eos and ada.

>> No.9785459

as for now sky is all talk with not much to show for
>muh hundreds of people work for sky
>only see synth in front of his webcam and the marketing crackhead
coinhour model just accidently happens to be the best model if you plan on selling your preminted devstack for years to come at a high price
>its not a scam retard, only for high iq people
>no marketing
>looks at the youtube niggershillvideos, twitter and facebook adds, paid articles in businesspapers

>> No.9785467

>there isn't really any competition for sky
just because synth says this?
you skytards argue on the same level as ventards while feeling superior
delusion much?
so far sky is only a ven for nerds
literally adding new bullshit every week

>> No.9785478

It's not just because synth says, but because synth does, the feeling of superiority comes from actually knowing a solid project when you see one. It is adding bullshit every week, what does the average shitcoin do beside copying code from one shitcoin to another?

>> No.9785502


>Plan an environmentally friendly system

Retarded. Lots of things consume more energy and Satoshi addresses the energy consumption in the whitepaper. PoW is still the best method out there and the energy cost of mining is well worth the benefits of bitcoin.

>> No.9785540

>the feeling of superiority comes from actually knowing a solid project when you see one

no pictures of the
>dozens of dev teams, hundreds of people
literal pyramidscheme through the hodl model with the coinhours
>we do everything all the other coins want to do
so far nothing apart from a vpn testnet and a kittycash alpha
>psychotic dev who constantly speculates about the price and spills his beans
>anti government
>now claims to be working with governments
>anti elites
>claims to have blackwater etc in the advisory board
>neverending ico
could go on for hours
sold my stack at 40 dollars and will continue to watch, but so far this gets weirder by the day
and not because its so revolutionary

>> No.9785687

Annualized global mining revenues $5,144,044,338
Annualized estimated global mining costs $2,387,462,116

Annualized global mining revenues $6,175,259,495
Annualized estimated global mining costs $3,527,155,477

for me it looks like good money wasted away from its own value.

>> No.9785761


Look at all the different contributions

QTUM, ARK and Ethereum (Chen) founders backing the project

>> No.9785875
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he future is made of consensus algorithms, which would significantly improve sustainability. for those retards who think environmental concerns are not important, approach energy consumption from an economic perspective. do the math, it’s a dump
the need for sustainability is real, either it’s convenient for us or not. even eth plans the casper, but there is no guarantee it will work.
skycoin ecosystem is meeting this need with grace.