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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9784627 No.9784627 [Reply] [Original]

EOS added to Bitmex with x20 leverage.
If you guys are so confident it will dump then short it with your entire stack and be rich, no?

> https://twitter.com/CryptoHayes/status/1004621450043580416

>> No.9784637

no because I don't want to have any relation with this scam

>> No.9784639

why not 100x

>> No.9784643

I'm confident it will dump
I'm also confident that bitmex is a scam and short squeeze their users

>> No.9784661


The convenience of being able to call everything a scam without claims to back it up. Cool.

>> No.9784672

Why would I use bitmex when they actively trade against their customers?

>> No.9784685
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>> No.9784701

>you have to choose between these two scams
no thanks, I'll just invest in projects that have a future.
EOS may not be a scam, but I don't believe it will be as successful as everyone thinks.
and if you can't see that bitmex is a scam then you're retarded.

>> No.9784716
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The biggest crowd funded Crypto project has no future?

>> No.9784762

we'll see
how's that mainnet launch coming?

>> No.9784779

Kek, I already got 11k USD for shorting it from $19 to $12. Bitfinex has had EOS shorting for some time. My money is on better trades already.

>> No.9784802


Kinda like expected. There is a lot of fud going around the "non-launch". But the initial indicator said it could take 15-30 days for the boot sequence to fully complete. We'll likely be booting under 10 days though, so far everything looks fine, except from the Chinese Block Producers side who requested an extension on their report.


P/L Screencaps pl0x

>> No.9784827

ok, give me a few minutes

>> No.9784842
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>> No.9784875


Because no other exchange has issues.

>> No.9784893
File: 18 KB, 1518x199, Combined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I could get from my Bitfinex trading history. Combined it from 3 images, some serious .jpg compressing artifacts happened in between.

Turns out, it was mainly from $17 to $10.

>> No.9784909


Nice anon

>> No.9784929

Made $34k longing it from $7 to $18 lmao. EOS is the fucking best. You have to be retarded to short over long.

Not longing EOS over shorting is like shorting Block.One's million ETH stack

>> No.9784934

Although.... i got scared of longing ever since the number of longs went sky high

>> No.9784958
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I am not telling anything about the long term here. I only made a temporary trade based on a broken parabola TA, which turned out to be a successful trade.

>> No.9785076

>short EOS on bitmex
>Eos goes up slightly
>Bitmex liquidation engine drives the price up causing a cascade of liquidations
>Get liquidated 50% above the actual price of EOS since bitmex mark price has no protection
No thanks.

>> No.9785112
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>shorting on something that whales and institutions have invested $4 billion into
Only on redd...er, I mean /biz/ will you find people this stupid

>> No.9785150
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>if you don't margintrade on this unaudited centralized exchange with opaque inner workings and a history of suspicious downtimes and price feeds, you have no right to call my shitcoin a scam
even if none of the above applied, "the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" does
eos is not going away anytime soon, not only bitshares and steem are still around despite larimer jumping ship with his bags of money, but these people still praise dan as a visionary
it's a sustainable scam because early adopters make money with you and will defend you as long as there's new suckers learning about crypto tomorrow
eos is probably going to be dan's magnus opus, a bigger scale con seems improbable given the awareness of crypto and the regulatory clamping down about to occur

>> No.9785183
File: 9 KB, 213x237, brainlethelmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineer leaves project because his engineering work is finished
>hurrrr he jumped ship it's a scam
Why do normies love dictators so much? Do you not understand that a blockchain is not decentralized if it needs to rely on central figures? I bet you actually think Ethereum is decentralized. I would be much less excited about EOS if Dan was going to be involved in the launching of the blockchain and running nodes. Remove Dan from the equation and the tech itself is groundbreaking. I say this as a software engineer who has been developing distributed security systems for 5 years. If you fail to see this then you're a brainlet.

>> No.9785268

>bitshares and steem are completed products: they failed miserably at adoption
>bitshares and steem are abortions: engineer jumped ship too soon
pick one, either way your mancrush loses
>being a normalfag wagecuck standard issue soiboi programmer
>calling others normies
don't worry tho it's cool, having a wojak collection saved on your harddrive totally makes you a special counterculture elite 4channer

>> No.9785292

>they failed miserably at adoption
You mean STEEM which accounts for almost 50% of all blockchain transactions, and more than BTC and ETC combined? You're dumber than I thought.

>hurrr durrrr u have a job ur dumb
wow really made me think

>> No.9785298
