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File: 5 KB, 225x225, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9784076 No.9784076 [Reply] [Original]

RIP. Out of the top 10 and will dump even further with the SEC clampdown. China coins will be fucking wrecked to oblivion thanks to the trade war sentiments.

>> No.9784360

Or it won't tank since most the money is from chinks and the chinese gov has shilled it by calling it a top 3 crypto.

>> No.9784382

Here comes the neo fud.

Soon to be headed back to .012

>> No.9784396


I have been hearing that for the past three months.

>> No.9784397

why dont you guys try overtaking TRON first hahahahahahaha muh fundamentals. NEO is shit.

>> No.9784399

>doesn't realise that NEO out of all projects is focusing hardest on being regulation compliant
>doesn't know that NEX, a NEP-5 token, is literally a registered security

oh boy

>> No.9784411

Keep bagholding chinkboi. Surely the chinese government will ban everything including hyperledger with the exception of NEO.

>> No.9784427
File: 66 KB, 619x600, EAE3660E-384F-4581-998B-B144BAF3FB0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone more pathetic than SECniggers?

>> No.9784430

>china ban

why would china ban a product that they are literally using? As we speak it's being integrating into their social security and national medical insurance programs, to give one example.

>> No.9784444

hahahahahaha is this how stupid you NEO bagholders are? I'm literally not suggesting that NEO will be banned by china. But rather that nothing will get banned.it literally makes no sense that the Ethereum of China will be NEO. Ethereum is the EThereum of China.

>Ethereum is top public blockchain, bitcoin No. 13 in China's new index

Ethereum is top public blockchain, bitcoin No. 13 in China's new index
Ethereum is top public blockchain, bitcoin No. 13 in China's new index
Ethereum is top public blockchain, bitcoin No. 13 in China's new index


>> No.9784455

Let me summarize what will happen with ICOS and the SEC:
- Poor americans cannot invest
- Everybody else can, including rich americans
- Institutional money goes in, market cap in the several trillions. Even other securities move to the blockchain platforms (as mentioned in the video)
- Profit

NEO is shit and will disappear eventually though

>> No.9784468

Rest in pieces NEO.......

>> No.9784478

Methcuck cope. Tell me how does that index have any significance when it comes to adoption in China. Oh, that’s right. You can’t.

>> No.9784489

>NEO is shit and will disappear eventually though

>> No.9784492

ONT will take its place.

>> No.9784499

>Methcuck cope. Tell me how does that index have any significance when it comes to adoption in China. Oh, that’s right. You can’t.
Why dont you create a hello world contract in NEO then? Oh right smart contracts cost $30,000 to deploy in NEO.... hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha wew lads you NEO bagholders are dumb as fuck.

Hurr durr i get 4 to 10% dividends per year...... meanwhile NEO lost 75% of its value at the current price.

>> No.9784501


>> No.9784503

if they are a registered security why don't they sell to mutts?

>> No.9784507


NEO was the top for applicability/usability in this same list. The overall score is influenced by first mover advantage and 'innovation' (???).

To dumb it down for you, the lightbulb was innovative, so was the landline telephone. What are we using now?

The ethereum of china meme is only used by people who legit don't have a clue.

Speaking of memes, your method of communication is horrendously cringe worthy. Are you not capable of having a discussion without making yourself look 12?

>takes up 8 lines of precious space to share a single quote from an article that he hasn't even read properly.

disgusting, the state of /biz/.

>> No.9784521

>takes up 8 lines of precious space to share a single quote from an article that he hasn't even read properly.
I should have used 11 lines to match NEO's place in coinmarketcap. Hahhahaha whats more pathetic than getting cucked by Tron.

>> No.9784523


The ICO hasn't launched yet, they WANT to sell to burgers but burger lawyers are shitting themselves because the burger gov still hasn't been clear on anything yet.

The token is registered and appears to be compliant as much as is it is possible to be in the current climate set by the SEC.

ICO is delayed while the situation is smoothed out, their objective is to sell to burgers as a high priority.

>> No.9784540

Lol, still better than 1500 ETH (1 million USD) with your pedo commie autist.

>> No.9784547

>leleeleomgalelelel number 11 markut cupppp!!
>merkat cep = guud pooject!!

Number 5 and 7 in mcap literally do not exist yet.

I thought we were talking about the legality of projects, not who has the bigger number? This is exactly why people like you will get fuckin rekt in the long term.

>> No.9784568

>Number 5 and 7 in mcap literally do not exist yet.
You're trading tokens. Can you trade 1 million TRX to BTC? Yes, therefor its real despite being a shitcoinn.

>I thought we were talking about the legality of projects, not who has the bigger number? This is exactly why people like you will get fuckin rekt in the long term.
This thread is to laugh at losers like you who think NEO is a top 10 coin hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahah

>> No.9784579

>$30,000 to deploy in NEO.... hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

compared to

>muh ETH is being congested by the 57th clone of cryptoautists ponzi scheme. $5 network fees??? we BTC now!!!

also compared to

>yet another token scam from pajeets and/or slavs

>> No.9784582

>caring this much

>> No.9784594

>You're trading tokens. Can you trade 1 million TRX to BTC? Yes, therefor its real despite being a shitcoinn.

Then what the fuck are we even discussing? You come here talking shit about a project because of 'fundamentals' then go on to say nothing matters and we're just throwing around tokens?

What the fuck do you even want?

Fuck off troll

>> No.9784608

This is the ultimate brainlet test. Somehow you think making deploying smart contaracts expensive as fuck is the solution to muh ponzi scams. Imagine if Java somehow made it expensive to make software for the JVM.Smart contracts are tools, its not your business how people use it.

See r/NEO downvote a developer after he says its not worth it after he found out the price of deploying is 500 GAS which is currently $10,000.


The ultimate brainlet blockchain HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH if Heroku made you pay $10,000 per deployment they would be bankrupt as fuck.

>> No.9784612

B-but my NEO is undervalued..... muh da hongfei will have partnerships with the chinese government.....


>> No.9784626

I'm sure you already know this and are just continuing to troll but

>if your project is actually legit, CoZ will fund your GAS requirements

The fee is an extra barrier which DOES stop ponzis and shitcoins. You can sit and deny it all you like, but you are simply incorrect. The proof is that there are no ponzis and shitcoins on NEO, all the products do something and bring an MVP to the table at/soon after launch.

It is simply more premium, the evidence is right in front of you, you cannot deny.

>> No.9784641

god, the cringe.
what kind of terminally autistic child actually sits there and all caps types KEK BRAINNLETS!!
Have you ever been employed at something other than target?

>> No.9784663

See you at #30 NEO fags

>> No.9784675

Why would trade war sentiments prevent sophisticated burger investors reselling worthless internet tokens to chinks?

>> No.9785328

Thanks for reserving the spot in the top 10, VEN will soon take it once mainnet launches

>> No.9785463

Earning 10k in gas every month get on my neo level poorfags

>> No.9785500

this is a dead shitcoin even without SEC involvement

>> No.9785630

I think that you’re forgetting there’s other countries out there besides the United States that aren’t controlled by j overlords

>> No.9785686

literally the only intelligent person here

this guy is 14