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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9781591 No.9781591 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the stock market always go up and never go down or stay stagnant?

explain to me like I am an idiot.

>> No.9781602

First prove that you're not Asian

>> No.9781608

Very powerful shills

>> No.9781613
File: 152 KB, 398x397, 1459053366709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon hasnt been around for his first bear market

>> No.9781633

see 1987, 1998, 2002, 2008. it will happen soon again

>> No.9781635

Stock market full of chad's crypto full of fat pussy bois

>> No.9781650
File: 477 KB, 479x599, 54363463535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at charts and its been up nonstop since 2009. sp500 is like 260% up.

It literally makes no sense when economy feels shittier than before.

>> No.9781704

Is that Ranjeesh's wife. Oh ranjeesh

>> No.9781709

The jew federal reserve is the reason.

They have criminally suppressed interest rates at 0% for over a decade now. All the cheap money injected into the system is inflating all asset prices.

This must end in economic ruin.

There will be a deflationary collapse of all asset prices and the real winners will be those who own real money... gold and silver. After the currency collapses.

To understand the question you are asking... the market is rigged. Look at Venezuela... people are eating their pets yet the market down there is at all time highs.

We are being bled dry by central bankers. And people are too stupid to understand that a market going up isn't a good thing if there's no real economic growth behind it.

Reagan the socialist allowed it for companies to buy back their own stock and so they borrow money no interest and buy their stock.

This is all fantasy profits that will evaporate. Next recession tho won't be a run of the mill recession it'll be ancurrecy failure.

>> No.9781762

Here is another good example...

In 1964 gold was 35$/oz and min wage was $1.25

So a min wage worker back then could purchase an ounce of gold with a weeks paycheck.

Today min wage is like 9$ and gold is $1,300

So a min wage worker today has to work an entire month before he can purchase that same ounce of gold that a min wage worker could purchase after a week 60 years ago.

So a min wage worker 60 years ago was markedly better off than a min wage worker today. Back then you never even heard the term "income inequality." Today it's a top 3 issue.

Our great founding fathers warned us if the evils of central banking.

Here is a great quote from Thomas Jefferson and he absolutely nails it with what would happen which is happening today like you see.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

>> No.9781772


It's a bubble.

Also take your niggerfetish to /b/ or something.

>> No.9781847

What’s the Nasdaq for the last 20 years?

>> No.9781876

>currency failure

To usher in a completely digital, fully monitored and tracked, digital currency. What’s that sound like?

Protip: it was started by the cia and runs all the way to the Catholic Church

>> No.9781895

Because the stock market isn’t an indicator of how the economy is doing for the average person who doesn’t own any stocks

>> No.9781910

Why does this post make my chest feel tight

>> No.9781962
File: 186 KB, 1170x700, bullmarketsherebetterblackedpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another blacked thread after a month-and-a-half of no blackedposting
>newfags posting in response to the op's disearnest one-liner question
if you're gonna post in these fucking threads, sage them

>> No.9781969

Economic growth. You see Anon each day more and more people born, more jobs are created, and cities continue to grow.

If the stocks go down, it would mean people lost faith in the future

>> No.9782022


Why is more shit sold every year? Why is GDP always going up? The market needs profit to survive. Some stocks fail, but the market is always going to rise unless there is a serious problem.

>> No.9782325

I hate how when I look up that Jefferson quote I get nothing but articles claiming that it is false.
Not sure if that hurts or enforces your argument. Scary times.

>> No.9782414

The bigger philosophical question is how does exponential growth, the process you decribe and see in the economy, going to fit a world that has limits.

All exponential functions speed up endlessly, but the world being a finite planet, might have the exponential charts return to the mean as a result.