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9780832 No.9780832 [Reply] [Original]

>took out huge fucking loan
>put it all in xmr
>neet, feds cant seize or repo shit
comfy af desu

>> No.9780849

i feel like taking out a student loan and putting it into crypto. any suggestion?

>> No.9780864


do it. remember, fiat is fucking worthless. trade it for real assets while you still can.

>> No.9780869
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, 1527264466584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard you can't default on a student loan

>> No.9780893

who said I believe in that disk shit lol
i've been on planes before. the earth is flat

>> No.9780894

Do it but unless you're looking for big risk, stay away from shitcoins, low MC coins, and vaporware. You're relatively safe in any of the top 10, save for Tron.

>> No.9780935
File: 77 KB, 640x591, 1510432807396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is unrelated.

watch this informative how to by a school shooter on how to deal with debt.


don't get a student loan because they can collect from you for the rest of your life.

>> No.9780942

Comfy AF - 2 days to ledger, a couple days more to Huobi, and then finally bulletproofs later this year? Fuck the rest of these normie wage cucks.

>> No.9780955 [DELETED] 

That's a potentially good idea only if you take out an amount that you know you can pay back after graduation even if crypto goes to 0. Federal student loans are low interest compared to personal loans but you can't discharge them through bankruptcy.

>> No.9780966

That's a potentially good idea only if you take out an amount that you know you can pay back after graduation even if crypto goes to 0. Federal student loans are low interest compared to personal loans but you can't discharge them through bankruptcy.

>> No.9780984

>So, do you mind telling us why you need this 40 grand?

How do you respond?

>> No.9781015

"It's my money and I need it now!"

>> No.9781026


>> No.9781073

Hopefully you can put a lot on CC's. If you have > than $50k credit limit, you can use your cards to buy BTC from ebay-- this won't trigger any cash advance fees and doesn't flag it as a crypto purchase. Max out your cards. You can then transfer your balance to a card like the bankamericard, which has 0% interest on balance transfers for 1 year. After the year is up, either pay it of or transfer your balance to another 0% balance transfer card.

Boom-- you just got $50k to play with for 2 years for $25 per month.

>> No.9781148

Pretty sure he took that story from a post on 4chan anyway.

>> No.9781605

bump lmao

>> No.9781640

Laff. when I took out my crypto loan they didn't ask me shit. 5 minute application process for a 3-year 50k personal loan @ 5% API, and the funds were in my bank account 6 days later. Then again having a credit score of 835 probably had something to do with it.

>> No.9782265

but are you gonna pay it back?

>> No.9782914
