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9777118 No.9777118 [Reply] [Original]

How do I prepare for near homelessness as a 23 year old full time student living in NYC?

I got into a huge fight with my parents and will be kicked out of the house very soon. I know new york laws are very pro tenant and anti landlord so im going to research the laws to see if I qualify as a tenant and how long can I squat here before they legally remove me.

I have about 6k in cash, 10k in stocks, and 35k in crypto. I can probably rent a room in an apartment close to my school for about 800-1000 dollars per month. I have 1 year of school left and I currently have a job that requires transportation. I was using my dad's car for the job but that will end so I was thinking of buying a 10-15 yo Civic for maybe 2k.

I'm thinking of cashing out about 10k in crypto and allocating that for rent money for a year. I have enough cash to pay for my last year of school. After a year I'll graduate and find a 45k-50k job pretty easily.
Is there any sort of public assistance I can qualify for? Is there anything else I need to know? Please help, I've always been raised pretty sheltered and don't know all that much about the world.

>> No.9777143

Welcome to the real world faggot

>> No.9777163

>a 45k-50k job
>living in NYC

Uh, prepare to move out of NYC. Lol.

>> No.9777167

Get out of NYC. Rents are much more reasonable elsewhere.

>> No.9777212

Oh trust me guys, I have always wanted to move out of NYC for years, but I won't do it now, not with just 1 year of school left. It would be too much work transferring to another school and getting credits transferred. I want to survive this one year here and leave as soon as I graduate.

>> No.9777222

You sound like you got it together. Your smart. Good luck bro. Your gonna be good. In fact you will never look back. These are the times, enjoy it.

>> No.9777242

so you got 50k total, throw a bunch of that into comfy staking/masternodes and you got passive income. cashing out 10k is retarded, thats a fifth of your shit.

>> No.9777304

Nice move.

>> No.9777335

Right now isn't the time to take risks for me, I have to make sure I make it through my last year or school and then find a job. Once I have that and I have guaranteed income coming in every week, I can relax a little and then look into more passive income like you said. I don't even know anything about nodes and masternodes. Feels like it would be a big risk

Thanks. I'm feeling alright, but it's just a lot of uncertainty you know? I know this is the real world and everyone else has to survive it but I've never had to do this on my own before.

>> No.9777343

Sell your crypto, read the Enchiridion, and live on your ~50k for about 10 years with ease after moving to the Midwest.

>> No.9777354

Look for a room to rent. It's the only way to honestly survive. Next best thing is reaching out to the school and seeing what resources they have. They should have programs that can assist you with finding living accommodations.

Alternatively it's time to get contrite, motherfucker. Suck up to mommy and daddy and tell them you've seen the error of your ways.

>> No.9777357

Just het your CDL and come drive team with me, 60k a year easy and you can feed your paycheck into crypto while waiting for a load
And you don't even need to worry about rent since you turn your truck into a mini man cave with a fridge, tv, Wi-Fi and everything else included

>> No.9777396
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>I got into a huge fight with my parents

Apologise to your mummy

>> No.9777431

Just apologize to your parents you retard. Why are white people so fucking stupid?

>> No.9777435

Yup I already thought of the room, close to school they go for 800-1000 vs renting an entire 1 bedroom apartment myself would be at least 1600. You're right my school should probably help with some form of tuition refund or work study program. I didn't think of that. Or.... Last case... Maybe. We'll see what happens. That might still be a possibility but in the event that it's not I still have to research my options and have a plan ready to go.

I've actually thought about trucking since I love driving. But I wont have a meme degree (graduating civil engineering) so I think I could do well for myself using it

Ya, maybe, but I'm still researching my options just in case because this doesn't feel like one of those times

>> No.9777465

I make 48k and survive here... somehow. Likely going to move back to the boring outerborough neighborhood I grew up in next month though.

>> No.9777478


You need to see your relationship as transactional if they're willing to toss you. Apologize, be contrite and understand that in exchange for living there (at a reduced rent or free) that you abide by their rules.

If that's intolerable, leave. Usually not as bad as people make it to be tho unless they're legit abusing you.

>> No.9777479

Just live out of your car, beats being totally homeless and a lot of people have had to do that shit.

>> No.9777529

>live in your car

it's literally cheaper to rent a room in an apartment than to park a car in NYC

>> No.9777554

Bullshit. My room's 580 and parking is 350, plus I tip the guys so 390.

>> No.9777740

You don't need a degree to drive truck, just a clean license
You can transfer your credits to a online course and even pay out of pocket with your truck money and finish debt free
You also get a lot of money back at tax time So while you are on the road you basically have a nice EOY waiting
If you come drive with me I'll split the referral with you

>> No.9777848

Thanks for the offer but I would really rather not interrupt the degree since I'm so close to finishing. If, in a year I graduate and can't find a good job, then I would really actually consider trucking.