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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9773119 No.9773119 [Reply] [Original]

they fooled me bnb listing coming next week. any hope for me bags got heavy. bought at 54 cent

>> No.9773136

>Bought the literal absolute top

Not even a bad price mate, just wait it out.

>> No.9773145


just be patient

>> No.9773203

other replies are good advice, just wait it out. They're ahead of schedule, new roadmap june 12th and the exchanges will likely come after the conference on the 16th

>> No.9773219

>conference on the 16th

which conf?

>> No.9773224

im completely JUST'd, never again im taking /biz/ advice fuck you fags

>> No.9773268

its all on their twitter but theres the CPC Crypto DevCon on June 12 with diffie speaking and then the one for NEO projects in london on the 16th

>> No.9773360

That's what you get for doing exactly what you are supposed to avoid doing by listening to advice from biz.

This coin will die quietly like all the other shilled attempts that have passed through these doors.

>> No.9773375

this will x10 by end of month

>> No.9773452

lmao look at this cope, you can't name a single coin on NKN's calibre that has flopped. it's only a matter of time before this explodes

>> No.9773490

Sit down, kid. I have been in crypto since you were in middle school. I looked at this project and it's cookie cutter shit and there is nothing to he gained. It's not that the project is awful, it's just doesn't have the defong name on it. Otherwise your argument would mean NAS would be $100 right now because one of the lead NEO devs made it...

>> No.9773577


Rajesh, nice try

>> No.9773600

Whatever. Enjoy attempting to shill your pajeet coin. Maybe Google all the other coins NEO devs have made that nobody knows about because they didn't get big, because this will just be another one of those.

>> No.9773626

>attempting to correlate history of shitcoins with this coin
I see what your attempting, different circumstances. Buy a small bag on switcheo, you won't regret it - no pajeeting here.

>> No.9773654

IT will dump for the conference, unironically. This is NOT the level of coin we are led to believe. Volume is appalling and the ICO was cheap 'n nasty (leek.ico, wtf?)

>> No.9773658

I'm not attempting anything. I'm just stating the fact that other coins with big name NEO devs have failed hard, and this one doesn't have a lot going for it other than the one dude's name.

I'll wait for real announcements of partnerships which will bring normies out of the woodwork before I go in on a new project that is already super fucking pumped.

>> No.9773766

ont - failed hard?
brainlet or pretending?

>> No.9773787
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>> No.9773804

He's referring to other projects like NAS, which didn't do as bad as he says.

I got faith. Smart money moving in last week at the absolute bottom (like me)

>> No.9773823

The amount of fud is a tell tale sign to load.

>> No.9773847

this board thinks that whales who buy 100k+ of this coin did not know about circ supply story.
Also noone is talking about ONT supply going up yesterday as well. lmao

>> No.9773853

I have 2k ONT, and didn't get it because of a developers name. That's an idiotic reason. And the first reply to you was correct. One of the projects I am referring to is NAS, which has been utterly stagnant if not dropping slowly

>> No.9773863

you chasing 10x for all smaller projects in bear market?

>> No.9773908

Nope. Just chasing gains over long term. Some projects with working use cases that have accomplished what no other coin could are in the shitter (like payfair) so why would this do any better just because of one dude's name?

>> No.9773927

one dudes name.... sure
anyways your money do wtf you want with it.
but as you see this coin has hype and it will have even more hype soon.

>> No.9773928

if this coin reaches NAS's market cap, that will be an 11x you niggorette

>> No.9773982

also holding projects for what they accomplished instead of hype.

>> No.9774005

wtf? have you even seen HBO's Silicon Valley? There's a whole season of that show based around what this project is aiming to become.

>> No.9774016

Conversation ended with the mention of payfair.

>> No.9774232

i've barely read this thread and don't give a fuck about what either of you are talking about in relation to this pajeetcoin, but stop larping faggot. if you were in crypto since someone was in middle school you would be a multi-millionaire.

>> No.9774289

I dunno how anyone would have confidence in this "team"

Seriously 12 members, half of them crystal-gazing new age hippies. only 4 developers shown at the absolute bottom of the page

>> No.9774297

Okay if these guys are hippies imagine what holo chain is considered.

>> No.9774480

to all the believers: why would you buy this right now when they already said that they will release 50M tokens every 2 months from the pre-sale? PLUS we are in a bear market currently so nothing will MOON like it did in 2017.

if it were like 1.5-2x from ICO i would understand buying this but considering the presalers will not hesitate to dump their 4-5x out of the box i see no logical reason to buy this right now. you are literally financing chinese whales who will dump immediately

bear market + bad token economics + chink team = rekt

>> No.9774542

like ONT, the same kind of fud niggers like you...

>> No.9775205

Wow...Impressive FUD here. I'm gonna buying more.

>> No.9775305

fudders about to get btfo out next week when they release their new roadmap at Crypto DEVCON showing how far along they are compared to the outdated one plus they will be at the NEO meetup in London on the 17th. This blatent fud that has been going around is only to let the whales accumulate lower before this starts to move.