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977299 No.977299 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>about to go to university
>cannot afford $250 a week for rent
>ask for even $100 a week assistance from mum
>she bursts into tears, saying how she cannot afford it
>how dad does nothing to contribute and how stepdad puts roof over my head and I don't show respect
>same argument she's been using for last four years for literally any dispute she wants to end with me feeling bad
>pretty much tells me there's no way she can afford to even help send me to uni
Here's the catch.
>on the family computer I payed for
>see a new document called 'budget'
>they earn $3250 a week
>after all expenses, $1100 to spare
>this is after savings
>she booked a family holiday for five overseas in the middle of my uni term
>tell her it's a lovely gesture but I would of much preferred the money to get though my studies
>she yells at me brings up aforementioned argument and tells me I never appreciate anything
what do I do? I mean I know it's not my money or I'm not entitled to it but when she blatantly lied saying she cannot afford it yet there's over $1100 a week left over after the budget it makes me upset
all of the people I know going are eligible for government assistance but I'm not because I'm over the threshold
Do governments take into consideration neglegant parents?
help /biz/

>> No.977302

Kek. Your mom has $1100 after expenses and emergency fund and you want $600 to $1000 of it? Why didn't you consider all the costs even before applying to the university? Can't you just get a part time job?

>> No.977304

I was in your shoes man, my parents made too much but I got nothing. You just have to get over it. You aren't entitled to jack shit of THEIR money. If you don't like it, remember it and when you have kids don't do them the same way. Otherwise stop being such a whiney, shitty, entitled brat. Get a job. People in your situation have gone to school and sent their parents money.

>> No.977305

You sound entitled as fuck. Shut up and suck it up.

>> No.977306

nice reading comp, cuk

>they earn $3250 a WEEK
>after all expenses, $1100 to spare

his parents make $150k/year, and are unwilling to pitch in $400/month to help him

>> No.977308

its hard learning parents don't have to love their children isn't it OP?

>> No.977311

Maybe it's a form of tough love

>> No.977316

This is per week, not month.
She has $1100 a week after, and she won't consider even sparing $100.

This is worst case scenario. I was looking foward towards networking at university and studying full time not working at some shitty fast food chain I've been doing that since I could get a job.

It's not so much me thinking I'm entitled, it's the fact my mum lied to me and is hiding $1100 a week and pretending she is struggling? The last year I've been buying my own food, paying my own bills, and she's been pocketing all this money. I haven't been able to save up as much as I'd have liked too because I pretty much was completely independent.

>> No.977322

God damn it OP. You sound like a little bitch

Keep being a little bitch and they might give you some money, or they may be pissed off at your shit.

Shoulda studied more and got a full ride with stipend.

You're probably 25 and a former neet, god damn you are pathetic.

>> No.977324


>> No.977333

Again, I know it's hard man. I'm working 50+ hours a week rn at a factory and studying chemical engineering. My commute is an hour and fifteen minutes one way to school five days a week.

This is the kind of shit that builds character. If you earn your way through this then youll never be beholding to your parents again. I know you said you want to "network" (sit on your ass/party every night) but you should consider working.

>> No.977339

How the hell are you working that much and studying ChemE? Wouldn't it be more efficient to study full time and then graduate early/on time and then work getting a engineer's salary?

>> No.977345

Plenty of people do it. Co-ops exist. It's all time management man. This weekend is the first time I've been able to do anything in a month. It might be uncomfortable but it's doable.

I'm also not into the really heavy stuff yet. It's not impossible to do entry level calculus and engineering courses on very little time.

>> No.977349

Makes sense if you're not into the heavy stuff yet. I had a similar commute during undergrad studying electrical engineering and would not have managed with a 50+ hour week in a factory so I'm amazed you can do it. Just make sure those grades don't slip...they sure come in handy when applying for grad school.

>> No.977354

That sucks but it sounds like the solution is to get yourself a job. If you're too retarded to solve a simple problem like this then maybe you aren't cut out for college

>> No.977363

I already have a bio bachelor's so I have all but the core engineering curriculum done. It is exhausting but I'm trying to graduate debt free. I'm planning on turning this job into a co-op opportunity if possible. I spoke to a guy that did what I'm doing and he managed ME and a co-op with a wife and kid. I just keep reminding myself that it's not that long.

I'm going to quit and focus on school at the beginning of the next school year. I want to get a masters so you're right, grades are the most important.

>> No.977368

>you have two options
>one button you press gives you $15,000 over the course of four years for doing nothing.
>the other gives you the opportunity to earn $15,000 by working at a less than desireable job for four years.

Pick one. I'll give you a hint, it's the second. If you didn't get it you're really just not cut out for life.

>> No.977369

Thousand bucks a month is a lot while going college but you can pull it off

>> No.977372
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Just so you know, you deserve and are entitled to nothing. Shut the fuck up, kid.

>> No.977375

>I know it's not my money or I'm not entitled to it
>but she should've give me moneeehhhhhhh

>> No.977454

Pro advice, work full time for a year, then go to uni.

>> No.977480

Do this, then never contact your filthy mother again. You will have time to figure what you really want to do, and will also man up.

>> No.977484

I'm looking into living in a major city where I have to pay my rent and attention classes which is a lot but you've inspired me bruv but I'm not anything like you I'll fuck it up

>> No.977485

Haha I had a comperable experience. My parents constantly bought me two or three week vacations, often twice a year, but if I needed something useful for a fraction of the costs then that was impossible.
And I got nothing from the government due to my parents having too much.

I just came to accept my parents are idiots.

>> No.977487


talk to your stepdad? men are sometimes more rational in that respect. even if you have a broken relationship, it could work.

I was in similar shoes, and was surprised how far my stepdad would support me through academia considering how shitty our relationship was when I got out of highschool.

what's his background? if he went to university (which I'm guessing coinsidering the income if your mother is a housewife) he might be more than inclined to help you out.

>> No.977490


I can understand that though.

they want you to learn to be independent while still giving you nice presents once in a while.

if you think you need something, you need to work for it.

I also got the fuck ass expensive vacations next to my 400 bucks a month from them, but any more money instead of a vacation was absolutely out of the question.

>> No.977494

When I still studied I got 50 euros a month from my parents for clothing. It was merely a symbolic amount. While other students received hundreds of euros from the government for expenses, housing and insurance. So I had to take a student loan, which I managed to keep below 11k as I promised myself not to exceed that so stopped loaning in the last year and went on a minimal budget.

>> No.977496


And now you're a self made man!

>> No.977499 [DELETED] 

>not working at some shitty fast food chain I've been doing that since I could get a job.
Where's your savings, then? If you've worked all that time, then you should have quite a bit socked away.

>> No.977503

I guess you're right. And it's their money so they can do what they want with it. But I think I'd preferred the easy road.

>> No.977510

You did not ask to be born.

>> No.977511


Of course, while I've had it better than you was always grateful for any hardship in the past after I've overcome it because I think I wouldn't be the person I am now without them.

I can't tell you how to raise your kids, but I suggest you don't make it too easy for them.

>> No.977586

>Fags in this thread get to go on vacations as adults with their parents, for free
>STILL COMPLAIN THEY WANT MORE without working for it

>Mfw i have never got to go on a vacation after 14 years old, parents said I was a man now and had to pay for it myself
>Mfw never get more than $100 gifts
>Mfw getting minimal help with University, have to somehow figure it out on my own
And I don't feel entitled to any of it... Are there really people this entitled to their parents' things?

>> No.977591


lol do you think that there's something "noble" or "independent" about deliberately withholding money from one's children so that you can enjoy withering away dying in a spanish villa?

I worked 6 days a week from 8 til 5 labouring for a roofing company so that i could always appreciate money's value, but that didn't stop my parents from helping pay for my rent.

>> No.977594

>lol do you think that there's something "noble" or "independent" about deliberately withholding money from one's children so that you can enjoy withering away dying in a spanish villa?

Helps your work-ethic and not being spoiled I guess.

If you get your parents to pay for everything like many people I know who got regular vacations and University paid for entirely by parents then they'll probably major in something useless but easy(as almost all of them have) since it's not their money. And they don't put much effort into networking or trying to get experience during school either. Might even take reduced course-load and take a bit longer to finish school, might change major half way through, no big deal, not their money rite

Whereas if you're paying for everything on your own you'd be more inclined to actually work hard and pick a major that will provide you with a good chance of employment upon graduation and do as many internships as possible.

Idk just feels incredibly cringeworthy to hear people receiving a lot more than most people and still being petty and thinking their parents "don't love them" because they aren't giving them even more.

>> No.977630


there's a middle ground. you give too much, they get spoiled, decadent, and incapable. too little, and they end up having a needlessly hard time after already learning a valuable lesson.

there's just always this wall between parents and children that many fail to break down. ideally, simple communication would solve that, but i guess so many things happen in between. raising a family, the sense of debt children are supposed to carry, and the authority parents misconstrue as infallible. that people get stubborn and only listen to what they want to hear, which is never what the other is saying. i know all this, and i still have a hard time talking to my parents about personal things. there's just something that gets in the way for a lot of people.

some lucky people grow up learning the value of money making use of what they have, along with their parents helping them along the way.

>> No.977636

>i still have a hard time talking to my parents about personal things. there's just something that gets in the way for a lot of people

I think that's just how it's suppose to be. Parents aren't really suppose to be "your bestfriend". They're much older than you and an authority figure. Patting them on the back and saying "What's up dude" is retarded.

I think the problem is more along the lines of children growing up and feeling like "adults" but at the same time being entirely dependent on their parents. So they feel as if they can make their own decisions, yet at the same time they're not paying for the mistakes of their own decisions and keep coming back to their parents to ask for money.

It's always a little weird when you hear children saying to their parents,
>"Mom I can hang out with my friends into the night and get drunk if I want to! I'm a grown up now!"
>"Moooom can you give me $20 so I can buy something?"
You can't really have both

>> No.977674

that's great man. i wanna help you so i think you could use some supplements. nootropics and the like since you're working crazy hours. here's a list of stuff that works in case you want a little more edge. (sources: examine.com, /r/nootropics, years on /fit/) all this research you dont have to do anymore

>Rhodiola rosea (best for improving mental performance after prolonged fatigue. good evidence on reliable effects)
>caffeine + theanine (compliment each other and improve performance better than either alone. theanine also builds no tolerance)
>melatonin (helps you recover during your off days after working odd hours. gives you that extra bit of sleep but dont take in the morning)
>tyrosine (improves mental performance under stress: e.g. sleep deprivation)
>aniracetam (safe nootropic. also makes effects of caffeine stronger)
>krill oil (better version of fish oil all around. small evidence for improving memory, but you're more likely to improve if you don't eat a lot of fish. benefits for everywhere else as well: lowers triglyceride levels, depression, and inflammation)
>bacopa monnieri (good evidence for improving memory after 4-6 weeks of supplementation, some for lowering anxiety)

>zinc (at doses of 100mg per day at the onset of cold/flu will lower duration. 10-30 mg everyday improves test levels in those deficient)
>garlic (improves innate immunity)
>N-acetyl cysteine (200 subjects inoculated with the flu, 70% of those supplementing NAC showed no clinical symptoms)

i'm sorry if i can't hype it up enough but this stuff will add up and help you along the way if it's within your budget.

>> No.977687

Not him obv but where is the best place to cop this shit?

Is there a reliable website or is ebay fine? Looks kind of sketchy on ebay tbqh, might just be sugar pills or not even the real thing so you'd just waste your money with no benefit.

>> No.978014

>how dare you ask even $100 from parents that have $1,100 to spare every week.
Fuck off you scumbag. You are a piece of shit. What is it with parents in America nowadays feeling the need to horde their money by 100%, and not giving any amount to their own blood who is struggling? Does family not matter anymore? There is a fine line from being entitled. I have SEEN entitled little shits before, but this is just bullshit.

>> No.978040

bump respond plz

>> No.978056

/biz/ papas are poor and crushed by debt, so they could never have anything nice, or a safety net. That is why no one else can have those cool things!.

>> No.978061

I know this feel OP. My stepdad makes upwards of 150k/yr and I see none of it. I worked for 3 years to get to uni and still work now. Just do what has to be done.

>> No.978069


Agreed, there is definitely a middle ground. It's insane how much one year of university costs nowadays.

Tuition, rent, books, utilities, food, everything in between is incredibly expensive. As others have said sure, get a job, that's important and manageable but the more you work the less you get to study.

When I have kids I already have a strategy laid out. Depending on the major they select they will need to keep a certain average (B+ for art history / C+ engineering, etc). If they maintain their average I will pay rent, tuition, utilities, food. Money for partying, going out won't be included - if they want to do that they can work in the summer.

If my kids don't meet the average they are cut off - plain and simple. They can take a year off to save up for their next year.

Side note: people who make too much for their kids to get decent government student loans and don't help their kids out even a little are dicks.

>> No.978076

Your mistake is in going to school. The only ability that matters in life is creating something from nothing and you don't learn in it school.

>> No.978089

Your parents dont owe you shit faggit