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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.9772389

>I chose to liquidate the majority of the assets and was left with around $750,000. I am bitter about this because I was ripped off by a shifty individual taking advantage of my ignorance on some things. I should have gotten much more than I did.
How hard is it for people to just go and see a lawyer and put their money in a trust
All he had to do was just put 40% in a trust for his sister and tell her it will be there when you're 21
>loose 400k
>still wanting to assume risk instead of just putting your money in a Growth ETF
The absolute condition of your average boomer

>> No.9772521

His poor sister...

I would guess he's probably on this board trading 0xbtc

>> No.9772674

This was 4 years ago. If he just held he would have about atleast 30-40 MM

>> No.9772716

Ex gambling addict here. There's no way he stopped gambling at that point. You have to hit rock bottom first. Of course you have to be a real asshole to gamble with someone else's money in the first place.

>> No.9772736

I started in August last year. I've gained but I've lost more trading and I still continue to do it

>> No.9772979

Had he put in that million in 2014, it'd be worth $20million today

>> No.9772990

Then he would've given his sister $400,000