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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9766598 No.9766598 [Reply] [Original]

>no results for "401k"
>no results for "retirement"
the ABSOLUTE STATE of this board. you morons are going to be here in 2058 looking for the easy way to wealth while I'm sitting pretty on $1.9M in my retirement account living off of $90k a year having sex with my 70 year old wife, taking 2 Carnival (balcony room) cruises a year

>> No.9766619

>not maxing 401k
>not maxing ira contributions
>not buying the dip with bitcoin ira

You guys suck at this

>> No.9766631

fuck your 1.9 million, aint shit faggot

>> No.9766637

4/10 bait. Saged

>> No.9766641

401k? LMAO. Might as well throw the money in the trash you'll never see it again for like 40 years. You SHOULD be dead by then if you live a life worth living.

>> No.9766675

>fuck your 1.9 million, aint shit faggot
more than your $190 robinhood account dipshit

>> No.9766915

Yeah unironically this, no way 401k bullshit is still around in even 20 years

>> No.9767531

There’s a loophole to pull your 401k monies out with no penalty fee noobs.

>> No.9767548

Whats the point if youre 70 yo youll be dead in a few years

>> No.9767551
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>Thinks the world will still be using dollars in 40 years.
Boomer, I...

>> No.9767562

Why would I invest in something that I can't access for 40 more years?

How do you even know US dollars are going to be worth anything by that time?

Why wouldn't I invest in crypto which will yield me more profits?

These questions need to be answered first before I cuck myself into investing into a 401k.

>> No.9767641

No there's not

>> No.9767674

this lol

>> No.9767920

i had a 401k and cashed it out as soon as I could
10% penalty is nothing compared to not being able to sell at the peak of a bubble

>> No.9768029

There's only a 10% penalty to cash out of your 401k early?

>> No.9768041


Crypto is a dishonest investment strategy. It may make you enormous gains, but not in a way that teaches you sound investment principles.

>> No.9768070

the retirement plan for most of us is heroing

>> No.9768413

I normally ignore bait, but I signed up just to upboat this fine specimen of an Asian female

>> No.9768437


If you tell me I will need to rely on retirement when I am old I'll just kill myself now.

>> No.9768507

Roth Conversion Ladder

>> No.9768524

My goal if I make it with crypto is to create a job that I won't have to escape from

>> No.9768552

who /457b/ here
Fuck an age limit it's mine as soon as I quit

>> No.9768567

heroing ? Is that close to wyoming ?

>> No.9768626

Boo-hoo how sad is that huh!
Good thing tears will be hitting the bugatti seat

>> No.9768681


>> No.9768699

>taking 2 Carnival (balcony room) cruises a year


>> No.9768708

If you trusted the banks, you already lost

>> No.9768715

>Happily having sex with a 70 year old woman.
You can have that dude, I want nothing to do with that kind of life.

>> No.9768748

>living past 45

look at this fag, enjoy your fucked joints and backpain boomer

>> No.9768769
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>carnival cruises

>> No.9768793

Namaewa onegaishimasu.

>> No.9768796

Also, didn't banks and/or the government loot people's 401Ks back in the 2008 financial crisis?

>> No.9768805

Best reply

>> No.9768820


>> No.9768822

>being old and having sex with your 70 year old wife
>not smashing some viagra and paying for sexy young hookers everywhere