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9766278 No.9766278 [Reply] [Original]

... and don't have another job until JULY!!!

All you wagies who claim to work unpaid OT, never get to vacation, etc... (Common themes on biz today for some reason) need to get over the fact that you got a useless degree, are of little to no use to a company, will be replaced by a robot soon.

Rather than complain about "mah one week of vacation a year" "mah working 50 hours and getting paid for 40" maybe you should look at the path YOU chose to take to lead you to such a useless job with shit benefits.

Trust me, for every hour of unpaid overtime you work, I'm sitting on my ass getting PAID more than you ever will you useless pile of shit.

Yeah, when I work it can be long hours at times but I will probably only average 25-30 hours of work per week by EOY.

I legit got high, played video games, and banged my girlfriend all day yesterday while you wagies were slaving away for Shekelstein.

>> No.9766296

Congrats on your 40k/year female job

>> No.9766301

whats your degree in?

>> No.9766303


>> No.9766316

I double majored in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering. I didn't go straight through college though. Dropped out, spent a few years in the Army, then finished.

>> No.9766320

>literally wasting half your year at some work camp

no thanks

>> No.9766341

i'd rather be an attorney, thanks

>> No.9766349

What made you go into the army? Was it something you had wanted to do?

>> No.9766355

I was considering going back to law school once I make it in crypto. How is it?

>> No.9766360

>Nuclear Engineering

Ypu may be a LARPer but NE is one of the few engineerings i respect.

>> No.9766373

First time around lost scholarships because of lack of drive. Didn't really want to do the Army, but it seemed to be the only way to make a decent salary and get college paid for when 21 and broke.

>> No.9766384

I wanted to do nuclear in highschool but getting into it where I live is typically done after a bachelors in elec eng. I just went for bachelors in software eng and its cool.

>> No.9766391

Not larping. I actually saved my college textbooks lol.

>> No.9766400
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Meant to attach. Lol

>> No.9766411

When I used to work construction we used to have contests to see who could injure the field engineers

>> No.9766418

Also, nuclear was surprisingly easier than chemical. Separations / Reaction Kinetics was a lot harder to me than nuclear fuel cycles and transport theory. Idk why.

>> No.9766434

And we have contests to see which of the laborers get sent home first.

>> No.9766453


How does someone know they are actually useful to a company? I have a lot of different skills like being bilingual, being decent at math, I'm not a complete autist and such. How does one determine they are educated or experienced enough to demand more pay or a better job?

>> No.9766551

Look at job outlook statistics.

Also look at highest paying entry level jobs, but also look at mid and late career pay.

Supply and demand.

Ask yourself if a robot could do your job.

If the answer is no, then you're probably good. I won't have to worry about being replaced in my lifetime.

>> No.9766575

Im a salaried teacher in western europe. Your "vacation" is baby shit.

>> No.9766577

>posts an intro book any dumbass can buy off amazon for $100


>> No.9766615
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Senior design book.

Larping yank.

>> No.9766632


I don't think Chinese to English will be automated smoothly in the future due to how different the languages are. But that's my best skill and the only one I really feel confident about. I translate stuff for fun sometimes but that's all. But people say it's not really an important skill like being able to program. So I'm not sure what to think.

>> No.9766666
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>tfw I'm graduating from Chemical Engineering next year and will be joining my fellow boomers.

>> No.9766669

Talk to a military recruiter. You get a yearly bonus for being bilingual. If you have a degree, go be an officer. It's a good life.

>> No.9766678

KEEP IN MIND that experience is important. Most of my non experienced friends got started between 55 and 65k. Expect regular raises but don't exoedcy 6 figs in the first few years. Only reason I got the 6 fig FE job is due to my military experience.

>> No.9766744

or just do a co op and make 6 figs without joining the military

>> No.9766759

field engineers more like field technicians. Dealing with retarded tradies all day.

>> No.9766798

Yeah, the skilled trade guys are fresh out of the trailer park. They were legit spitting Dip all over the machinery. Good times.

>> No.9766811

Could be a good idea too. I hear my co op fiends did well

>> No.9766844


I don't know about that I have some medical issues that would probably disqualify me. Epilepsy is one of those

>> No.9766896

My recruiter told me something:
"When they ask you medical questions during the exam just rememeber that NO stands for Numerous Opportunities and YES stands for YOUR ENLISTMENT STOPS. It's up to you whether you want your enlistment to stop, so remember that before you say NO or YES

>> No.9766912

I mean, just claim you never had it and when you develop it in the military you can get disability paycheck from the VA for life because of it.

>> No.9766916
File: 83 KB, 511x412, 773A4E3E-81DF-499E-A086-84D7D3AB1B0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemical engineer graduate here.

What exactly is the main take away of this thread? Aren’t you also a wage slave?

I hate working as well to be honest, but my job is chill and I like technical work so can’t complain.

Had 6 internships at various companies by Time I graduated, still ended up with ~60K a year - for now.

Getting tons of experience so will see what happens - 24 btw.

>> No.9766950

Main take away is that there are salaried, well paying jobs where you get more than 10 days off a year.

>> No.9766973

RIP I only get 10 days a year.

>> No.9767953

Sounds like a dreadful gig. Try working for yourself, kid.

>> No.9768099

it's good as long as you don't fuck around working for big firms or the government. get a job with an older lawyer who is winding his practice down, then go off on your own. i do whatever the fuck i want every day and am rarely in the courtroom. couldn't imagine a comfier life desu

>> No.9768109

what is the point of this thread? fucking hell

saged, hidden, reported

>> No.9768490
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I have 28, so what? Totally depends on you job/country. I know people with 40 days, teachers get 3+ months if you count everything.

>> No.9768561

Working as a union steamfitter making 48 dollars an hour

>> No.9768599

OP is totally right.
Process r&d engineer in microelectronics. Basically I'm paid to be the ideas guy in my company, manage operators without having to do any paperwork and do chemistry on multi-millions toys.
Originally chemical engineering and material sciences (masters level). 52 days of paid vacations a year. Full health insurance and public transport reimbursed.
If you guys want to do a job you actually want to wake up to, you better have a good degree.

>> No.9768621

>ideas guy