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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 400x710, text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9763265 No.9763265 [Reply] [Original]

What do I say?

>> No.9763300



>> No.9763328

Say "none" and leave it for a day or two and see what she says. If she ignores you, reply again, "only joking. 100 btc" and see how many seconds she takes to reply. Then block her number.

>> No.9763333

100 coins

>> No.9763335

>overuse of :)
>'I don't mean to bother' you after she texted you first.
Larp or not this made me cringe.

>> No.9763337
File: 25 KB, 699x519, 4gsadg5sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9763342

How should I word it? Is there a certain way I should say it to be cool or just the number 5?

>> No.9763343

0.1 you hope you can get 0.11 by the end of the year

>> No.9763351

Are you an archaeologist?

>> No.9763356


Don't women see how fucking obvious their intent is? It's like its some sort of biologicla mechanism that they themselves are not even aware of... wtf?

>> No.9763358

tell her you have about 1,000 and then watch her revel the nature of women

>> No.9763361

im unironically autistic and im not this much of a pussy

>> No.9763368

Please guys help me. Should I say 5 like the first anon said or something else? I am getting a lot of different answers but I need to respond soon so she doesn't lose interest

>> No.9763371

"oh no i only had a handful and sold them off about 3 years ago when it started to get big"

>> No.9763381

Larp iMessage

>> No.9763386
File: 56 KB, 310x562, 9B373BF9-D275-4F9E-A595-795B0545D317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh guys what do I say?

>> No.9763411
File: 109 KB, 1125x356, 1528226702065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good larp op. here is a real conversation

>> No.9763413

terrible bait.

>> No.9763419

Tell her Jack or another friend told you that they were sleeping together. Act as if you know 100% it is a fact and that you are alright with it and just want her to be honest with you. Then she will tell you the truth.

>> No.9763420

She's not going to lose interest if she messaged you at 9am and again at 5pm. If anything don't respond right away, it makes you seem a little too eager. She's asking you how much money is in your wallet and frankly it's a pretty rude question so don't just tell her spot on how many fucking btc you have. Just imply you have a substantial amount and laugh it off. Stop sending creepy smilies and don't apologize for bothering her when she's clearly bothering you.

>> No.9763440


>> No.9763444

see >>9763328

>> No.9763447

Just say its a tough question and that you reinvested in your own startup as well as some properties (plural). Makes you sound loaded, smart & ambitious

>> No.9763469

Also casually mention your gf.. Like "I'm also trying to help with my gf's modelling career."

>> No.9763494

Tell her you lost your 10 000btc silk road wallet

>> No.9763497


>> No.9763517

dude that pic is old af

>> No.9763538

>'I don't mean to bother' you after she texted you first.

Fucking beta fag.

>> No.9763575

none of your business roasty

>> No.9763586
File: 66 KB, 400x710, text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys I had to hurry with my response because I didn't want her to lose interest. I went with the first anon reply. Now she wants to know what other coins I have. What should I say?

>> No.9763600


>> No.9763607

Tell her you reinvested most of your btc into ethereum a couple years ago,

>> No.9763608

180k dogecoin

>> No.9763610

Clearly a larp, but "I don't mean to bother you" WTF she messaged you first.

>> No.9763618

Say you are 90% in on chainlink and have nearly $900,000 worth that should be 900 million in 3 years

>> No.9763625

Make this good OP, your're no millionaire, but you're on your way. This woman is a hoe, play it out with that in mind.

>> No.9763629
File: 23 KB, 685x507, 3gsadg5sda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9763632


>> No.9763635

kek he is a beta male

>> No.9763636

>capitalised her own name but not his
very, very disrespectful

5/10 larp OP

>> No.9763643


you'll be surprised at how many males don't catch up to their shams, they think with their smaller head.

>> No.9763664

"OK, Have fun!!! ::::DDDDD

>> No.9763670

The way you replied with 'oh hello!' totally tells us your a fkn virgin.

>> No.9763714
File: 19 KB, 724x552, pêpe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't specify, but tell her BTC is just 20% of your portfolio since you smartly invested in other projects. She will do the math.

>> No.9763737
File: 65 KB, 400x710, text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, she has not responded yet. Should I ask her something else or wait for her to say something?

>> No.9763760

Tell her you have 300 eth

>> No.9763771

Right now or wait for her to reply first?

>> No.9763777

If you're not larping you might as well end this now. She'll eat you alive the second you two meet up in person.

>> No.9763779

in her eyes you are a chink scammer

>> No.9763789

dude pls kys this is the most obvious photoshop ever, you can even see it in the text

>> No.9763793

Just wait... should give you an "okay" blowjob once she finished counting 1 and 1 together

>> No.9763795


>> No.9763796
File: 215 KB, 416x413, approved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dayum trips of truth

>> No.9763797

She will undoubtedly ask how many so upto you anon

>> No.9763801

What does she look like? Is she hot? Be coy and say you only have a few hundred eth left if she asks. Explain that you diversified into real estate.

>> No.9763812

Ask her for bobs and vagene

>> No.9763816

hard ignore and block on all social media

>> No.9763821

Why the fuck would she think that? She knows who I am we just never talked before until now

>> No.9763828

i always say i dont want to bother you when ppl text me first, to show them that i value their time, so if they are texting me first, they should value my time as well and not text me some bullshit. its being passive aggressive or when i just want to be polite and say bye in a way they wont be ready for

>> No.9763833

tell her to come to your apartment if she wants to see your coins

>> No.9763843

OP clearly lives with his parents.

>> No.9763844

Jesus Christ. Being this beta. You. Will. Never. Make. It

Lol you're even a beta faygot in your LARPs Jesus Christ man

>> No.9763861

“How much do you want to buy? :p”

>> No.9763869

So? My parents don't mind when I get noisy with a girl, if there might be grandchildren in for them.

>> No.9763899
File: 631 KB, 1364x928, 1524975215307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9763903

Yes she is. We have never really talked before but I think she would still know I do not have real estate

>> No.9763932

>Make fake IM conversation
>Post on /biz
>Retards fall for it

Never change /biz.

>> No.9763940

She still has not responded should I wait any longer or just say something now? And how many ETH should I say I have?

>> No.9763960


except say somthing like 0.35 instead of 0 for her not to reply "haha r u joking right"

>> No.9763964

This lol. I'm amazed everyday

>> No.9763978


>> No.9763981


This. Even his larp is betacuck lol.

>> No.9763989

photoshop faster pls

>> No.9763996



>> No.9763997

Don't mention real estate then, be coy and say you have around 600 or so eth if she asks.. also wait for her to respond don't be a desperate faggot

>> No.9764015

Ok thanks I will wait

>> No.9764021

Jesus, what a cuckfag

Just message her asking her if she wants to fuck, if shes serious about your money, she will bang you.

You then fuck her and use her, as you know her angle.

Women are simple creatures, don't get sucked in, get sucked off.

>> No.9764030
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, FEE3613A-1113-4E43-991E-4B8C48B25B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold digger why do you want that????

Tell her you have millions of COUCHAIN the next big thing.

>> No.9764054
File: 23 KB, 409x295, 1521609650234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Never dated a Stacy, stay poor.

>> No.9764082


>> No.9764090

damn this joke has felt into the abyss... no one gets it now it seems

>> No.9764112
File: 31 KB, 540x529, 1512962735396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TA is diving the peak point with the bottom point

fucking tea leaf reading brainlets

>> No.9764123
File: 368 KB, 480x3475, IMG_902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9764169

Tell her you have 500000 LINK

>> No.9764174

Tell her it kinda made you rich.
Tell her to meet for a coffee at Starbucks.
Let her pay.
Take her home.
Fuck her.
Fuck her again.
Fuck her as often you can.
Tell her you were joking you don't have any coins left, you just wanted to see if she only fucks cause of coins like the stupid whores you heard about.
Dump her.
After dumping tell her it was a joke you are indeed rich of coins.

>> No.9764222

but have her take the psycho test and if it's over 3, check your brakes and tires every day for the rest of your life

>> No.9764242

She'll think hes a bum and loser, also low IQ for buying into LINK in the first place.

Probably will block him as soon as she sees the LINK text. Don't be stupid idiot, keep that shit on the down low.

It's really dumb and embarrassing to tell people you bought LINK.

>> No.9764247

The only reason she'd be interested is for your money because she isn't interested in a """male""" who uses that many goddamn smiley faces in a fucking text, you cringey faggot

>> No.9764248

Just call the police and get her pay you for new tires. Even more fun

>> No.9764511

Quit LARPing retard

>> No.9764534


>> No.9764577

I did until it went crazy and I sold them at 18 thousand-then bitch about taxes

>> No.9764583
File: 11 KB, 258x195, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad that the larp i invented is being used by other anons, although you did a terrible job with your delivery. here's your (You), faggot.

>> No.9764822

mind if i save this image?

>> No.9765113

OP you are an absolute cuck

>> No.9765133

op not even 10000 btc are saving your betaness

>> No.9765139

god u sound like a beta faggot, and ur name is Sherman... kill yourself Lmao

>> No.9765255


>> No.9765261

This unless OP uses the money talk to segue right into offering to pay her for sexual favors

>> No.9765311

underrated. how did anyone miss this name?

>> No.9765360

Does Lauren Southern follow you on twitter?

>> No.9765431

Bane text her