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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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976115 No.976115 [Reply] [Original]

You won a lottery/bet/sucked a lot of dicks. You now have $100K. What type of business would you start to make the most on your capital?

No franchises.
No investments (must be a business).
No investors (access to only $100K)
No loans/line of credit.
Must be started self-employed (no employees) for the first year.

>> No.976135
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dick sucking business

>> No.976136

you're mom

>> No.976138


With 100k you aint gonna get far beyond the 0815 trades like silkscreening, freelance web development, etc.

>> No.976139

I'm currently renting, and a town near me is getting gentrified, so I'd use the 100k as a down payment for a 400k triplex in that area. Assuming it's after taxes, that is.

>> No.976190

You fail. Janitorial companies is a growing sector as more and more companies are outsourcing these duties. $500 of equipment can do $3,000 worth of cleaning. A good margin.

>No loans/line of credit.

>> No.976197

Rent 5 motorhomes, find 8-10 good hookers, 5 trusty drivers, and start a prostitution service where the hookers would go to your garage.
Slowly expand, adding more motorhomes and more hookers, making it so they would never stay at the same city for more than two or three days. Hookers would also be camwhore while in transit, motorhomes would be modified with cameras and mics to allow a good show, also, johns would be able to purchase a profissionaly edited movie featuring themselves.
Offer a service for virgins and basement dwellers where they would get the full girlfriend experience, ensuring loyal clients forever.
After a while, start offering a few male companions as well.
Slowly turn the business in a Club, with monthly payments, perks and shit.
From $100K to $1BI in five years, easily.

>> No.976201

i am working at optiver as an algo trader and i am drinking pickle juice because i have nothing else to drink in my home