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9760141 No.9760141 [Reply] [Original]

XMR is about to be added to HUOBI and another as of yet unnamed exchange.


This + the ledger support + bulletproofs... We are going to the moon!

>> No.9760156
File: 370 KB, 2082x1226, Momomomonero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9760815

Wow, I really thought more XMR fans would be all over this thread! Cmon you fuckers, get psyched!

>> No.9760851

Literally who

>> No.9760872
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and it's the only red coin in the sea of green, he has enough of those watches seriously

>> No.9761094

Literally anyone who owns XMR or wants to make money in the next week.

>> No.9761191

XMR is by far my favourite coin, I'm not here to await a pump and sell.
I'm hodling this shit forever

>> No.9761248

Great!!! The more of you who hold, the higher the price will go!

>> No.9761538

I'm not normally one to shill but should Ledger support ever actually fucking happen and work, then everyone holding on exchanges will no longer be holding on exchanges, which means less supply in trade, which means the fucking price goes up that would be nice

>> No.9761709

u want moon facts?

>XMR is rising in transaction volume compared to BTC
>XMR is only worth 0.8% of BTCs market cap
>If XMR reaches even 5% of BTCs market cap that puts it at $1000+
>bulletproofs reduce TX fees by 80% that means 0.8% cap will increase no doubt

do you anons know what criminals use to store their crypto? oh its a hardware wallet :^) i wonder when XMR is getting that

>> No.9761886
File: 1 KB, 164x42, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not buying XMR while it's cheap you are retarded

>> No.9761898

Lol, Monero is such a cheesy SJW cucc coin

>> No.9761943

What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Morons...

>> No.9762140

Show me evidence that having a coin listed makes the price stay up more than a week.

>> No.9762187

Umm, do you understand the concept of selling high, and buying back during the dip? Let me explain. When the coin gets added, the price goes up. When the price goes up, you make something called "profit" if you sell. Then guess what? The price goes back down when everyone does that, and you can use this mythical "profit" to actually buy more of the coin you had than when you started....

Amazing, right?

>> No.9762195

wtf i love trading now

>> No.9762218

So you can't show me anything? Hell, show me it goes up a day.

>> No.9762255

I can show you many things. However you seem to have a hard time grasping simple concepts, so the effort would be wasted.

>> No.9762264

This is a shitcoin. Its only feature is privacy, but FBI can hack everything so this is useless.

If you think Monero transactions are private you are as dumb as people who thought selling drugs via Bitcoin back in 2012 was private. Longer term Monero is 100% guaranteed to get compromised in some way, and all your transaction history will be accessible. So its central use case is useless.

>> No.9762305

> Never heard of opsec.
Thanks OP bought 10 just in case

>> No.9762342
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>FBI can hack everything
>I know nothing about ecc or encryption

>> No.9762370
File: 119 KB, 1000x646, monjusto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero literally the faggot liberal cucc of the crypto world

Enjoy making that fat fuck even richer

God you idiots are so fucking stupid

>> No.9762404

You need to think on longer timescales. Sure it works nicely now. But if future FBI in 10 years can figure it out (which they will), then privacy coins are already worthless today.

Also what is the overall use case of privacy coins, even if it works? Weed is getting legalized. So it's down to buying cocaine and fake IDs. This isn't enough to sustain a coin long-term.

And IRS can also track you in other ways if you are trying to hide big money, so big players won't be interested either.

>> No.9762457

Why choose core cuck XMR over Zcash?

>> No.9762850

Zcash has backdoors

>> No.9762858


Do you guys have any idea how this market works at all? Do you understand it is about making money? This coin is going to GO UP. That is the point. That is what you need to focus on. Do you want to make money? If not, then please, don't buy it.

Seriously, you guys are the biggest idiots in the world.

>> No.9762902

Freedom you brainlet.
Go wherever you want and take your money with you.
Sure it can be accomplished with Bitcoin also but with a privacy coin it's even more freedom

>> No.9763009

IRS will find you. After one big bust everyone else will dump the coin and it will be worthless.

There are better coins with actual use cases. The only coins that will be worth anything long-term are BTC and coins with actual use cases. Also maybe XRP because the banks like it. All these other shitcoins will just slowly slip down the rankings over 1-5 years.

>> No.9763096

Simply because we don't need to hype it... For many serious cryptocurrency investors they know this is the embodiment of the original bitcoin philosophy... And will succeed with or without hype... I've been investing in cryptocurrency since early 2013 and Monero is still my solid longterm hold being a landslide majority investment in my portfolio.

>> No.9763161

Who the fuck cares about the next 1-5 years?

I can make bank next week buying XMR today, holding it until the Huobi pump, then dumping it.

>> No.9763183

Long term investors are the real morons. We have a couple years to milk this space for everything we can before it is completely shut down by the paranoid draconian gov's of this planet.

>> No.9763187

> I can make bank next week buying XMR today, holding it until the Huobi pump, then dumping it.

That, or you slowly lose all your money by being a day trading brainlet.

Meanwhile I am going to retire in 1-5 years.

>> No.9763244

Hah, yep when BTC tanks, and 90% of the alt-coins are dead. You will certainly retire... to your refrigerator box underneath an overpass in Miami.

>> No.9763245

Yeah, I sure feel like a moron trading cryptocurrencies like a I have for the last 5-6 years, sure wish i would have just traded for the 1st year only to "milk the space".

>> No.9763282

I sure wish I had never held my portfolio long term, ETH & XMR sub 2015 years... I feel like a real moron for it.

>> No.9763302

How many lambos will I be able to buy EOY 2019?

>> No.9763317
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>> No.9763329

Dude, those were the years it was safe to hold. We have international attention, scrutiny, and regulatory agencies finding any excuse to shut this shit down. If you think you will have the same luck holding like you have in the past, more power to you.

I don't.

>> No.9763514

True regulatory risk is an ongoing risk factor in the whole crypto space. If the IRS, China, and Putin all got together they could shut it all down in a day.

Best strategy is to have a bunch of long-term investments (1-5 year time frame) and sell a chunk every 6 months or so to take some profits. Dollar averaging etc.

Day trading (anything more than a handful of trades every few months) is for brainlets. You will feel smart making some minor profits (maybe even slightly outperforming the market for a few weeks during a bull run, then you will feel super smart), but you will miss the really big movements like ETH or XRP.

>> No.9763901

You're all a bunch of pussies.

Just wait until 2022 and see your Lamborghini being washed by naked models.

>> No.9764314

>you will miss the really big movements like ETH or XRP

Are you saying one can't daytrade with moonshots and get gains even if they don't hit every trade?

Actually, are there really people who just buy shitcoins based on market movement alone?

>> No.9764349


>> No.9764435

How are you today?

>> No.9764484
File: 254 KB, 1204x858, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to spot a blatant accumulator
You need to be a little more subtle. Pic relevant as always.

>> No.9764646

Apparently slightly psychotic, and a bit mentally retarded.

>> No.9764682

So status quo basically.

>> No.9764724

For your average /biz poster... :P