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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 246 KB, 331x445, 1528201657437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9756924 No.9756924 [Reply] [Original]

WYS is the missing piece of the puzzle. A killer app that will turn millions of normies into cryptocurrency users with their being featured on the app store with their 2.0 release. It will also give any crypto user a platform to buy millions of items with their cryptocurrency of choice via atomic swaps into wys. Advertisers will be fiending for them 102m wys to unlock all that data.

>> No.9756959

Which exchanges are this tokens listed? How is the volume?

>> No.9756964

where to buy wys? just got my salary and looking to buy...

>> No.9756988

Idex is the best

>> No.9757331
File: 815 KB, 1849x1388, 0462CBAE-D071-47CE-A3BC-2DBB62C17B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin will literally make me some babies when cashing out those 1000x gains to purchase a house for family 5x.

>> No.9757390


> It will also give any crypto user a platform to buy millions of items with their cryptocurrency of choice via atomic swaps into wys

Is that a fact?

>> No.9757459

Okay I want to check it for myself, it isn't on CMC yet??? anyone have a link to their website?

>> No.9757507


So far there wasn’t enough volume for cmc-listing as they require 100k daily for some weeks.

Wysker-website: wysker.com
ICO-site: wystoken.org
Also their subreddit is worth a glance.

>> No.9757676

>Wys tokens
So it's another erc20 token?

>> No.9757686

Sounds nice desu

>> No.9757690
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Yes. Items listed in app will be able to be got with dollars and an amount up to 100% discount in wysker. All wysker has to do is integrate a blocknet api to allow any of their supported coins (80 currently iirc) to be directly swapped for enough wys to get a 100% discount.

>> No.9757789


Yes. Not „another“ but the one that brings blockchain to the mainstream.

>> No.9757848

Amazing, just like Ethos, BAT, OMG, REQ, Chainlink, GIFTO, etc etc etc...

>> No.9757859

What you dont find on their homepage, but in the link to the article from the Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the team is one of the best, the CEO was salesperson of the year at google and some team members worked at google deepmind. Besides some ex microsoft people they have support from banks. The FAZ is one of the best newspapers in Germany. According to the faz wysker is one of the most radical ideas in the last 20 years in commerce.

>> No.9757860
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>the one

>> No.9757868

paid article

>> No.9757876

This is going to the moon so quickly we will even not notice. Better buy now. Next you wake up and can get a lambo... atomic swaps that is really a no brainer for a moon mission. The is really the killer feature of the app. Buy at IDEX NOW!!! This token the normies will love without ever having heard about crypto...

>> No.9757965

FAZ is the most serious German Schnitzel newspaper, they dont have paid articles..kek. Its not their style...

>> No.9758012

And Look at this crap tokens and apps in the cryptomarket, not a single one of them is really for the normies or near mainstream guys or the world outside of cryptos. The only one is wysker. Look at this shit top 100 tokens with hundred of millions of marketcap, but no one is using them and no normies will ever use them. Wysker is the only project, which also normies can use, and the mk is 7 million. If this app attracts a few million normies, this is at least a x50-70 coin until next year. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity

>> No.9758016

Are you a Pajeet ?

>> No.9758033

U R def Pajeet... holy hobo curry-fuck

>> No.9758036

Lol, the FAZ doesnt have paid articles.

>> No.9758083

Lol, who uses omg? Which normalo without an interest in cryptos will ever use omg or chain link or the other crap??... NO ONE. What is basically the whole world doing all the time? Right, its shopping.

>> No.9758084

I am not pajeet, I have only a f***ing bag which I want to see going to the mooon... you faggot gonna help me on that...

>> No.9758120

bought some wys on idex. thx guys!!!

>> No.9758244

You newfag shills need to stop, this shit is embarrassing.

>> No.9758287

this. its a shittoken that has no volume upon an working product

>> No.9758331
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Yeah working products, such shit. We need more vaporware in crypto, not less.

>> No.9758574

I am bored, when next news and moon mission ? Some pajeets around who wanna buy ? gimme wyskaaa...

>> No.9758636

This coin is a sleeper, I got in at ico one night when I was stoned as fuck with some extra eth laying around...now I’m confident this tokens gonna buy me a plot of land in the near future.

No one sells before $1.

>> No.9758711

working product with no traffic is even shittier than a project with no product, atleast with an unfinished project there's room for speculation.

And what kind of market are we in again?

>> No.9758881
File: 152 KB, 864x864, 4CC8C350-B882-4067-A0D2-D3E8F0BFDD28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This project is just at the beginning. That first Wysker version is more like a beta to test if it’s working. Wysker 2.0 will be the real deal to be accomplished with release of the ad-platform in 2019.

If you invest now you’re an early adopter to be more than thankfull for our shilling on biz when it moons.

>> No.9758958

>working product with no traffic is even shittier than a project with no product, atleast with an unfinished project there's room for speculation.

Because a product always starts with a high userbase?

>> No.9758998

EVERY project is at the beginning, You people who invest in these shitty erc20 tokens are all the fucking same I tell you.
You see something, you think it can reach billions of people in a few years and become the most widely used product in crypto and beyond and pour all your savings into it not understand the immense risk you're taking, same as those REQ'ts and Linkies. You're all the fucking same. YOu all think its goign 100000x because you wouldn't dare telling yourself otherwise
Let results speak for themselves, I tell you now that there's not going to be any speculation just anticipation of results.

>> No.9759250

Invest only what you can afford to lose. If you cant afford a loss of 2000 dollars/euros/whatever, then you are doing something wrong and crypto is basically the wrong place to invest. .but i dont think these idiots are invested in wysker, their living place is crypto twitter and telegram. Wysker isnt the usual cryptocurrency, its serious business

>> No.9759251
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In difference to all the others we have here an actual realistic use-case for the token. Normies will eat it up without even knowing it is a crypto they are using there.

But you are right. Time will tell. When Wysker moons don’t blame anyone he didn’t inform you before.

>> No.9759269

>realistic use-case
They all say that desu, they all sound the same. You either invest in a coin that enables the ecoystem or you invest in a fractal of that ecosystem. Add 1+1 together and tell me which one is more profitable and risk averse?

>> No.9759369
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Whichever one succeeds.

There are a billions tokens that "enable the ecosystem", how do you know you're picking the right one?

>> No.9759396

I just gamble

>> No.9759413

people not liking this probably passed on btc and ethereum too :p

>> No.9759449
File: 497 KB, 2518x1024, FuckIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hundreds of obvious pajeet coins with no team page, no product, no whitepaper, no roadmap, no nothing.

Are you telling me you buy those too? Just throwing darts at random?

If not, your "gambling" senses should be going off here, because this project ticks all the right boxes.

>> No.9759525

No cause I buy things like EOS, Skycoin, Waves, Stratis, Ethereum and Bitcoin.

I wonder how many erc20 tokens are in the top30 as opposed to original and unique blockchain COINS

>> No.9759603
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>> No.9759714



As a German all I can say is HAHA to that, but apart from that, Wysker indeed seems great and is one of the earliest real opportunities to connect crypto with mainstream audiences if they get it right.

>> No.9760206

Not 1kx but I'd say 100x is possible and 10 certain.

>> No.9760791
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>> No.9760819

wow, great job on the photoshop there. You definitely have a future with this shit.

>> No.9760838

t. triggered wysker bag holder

>> No.9760887

I don't own wys, but honestly, how can you be this bad at photoshop?

>> No.9760921

Because I spend 5 mins at a time making memes on MS paint. Why would I bother to learn photoshop and put in effort just to make cheap memes for /biz?

>> No.9760963
File: 136 KB, 589x583, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best memes are always amateurishly done. Pic related. I didn't make that one though.

>> No.9761552
File: 1.14 MB, 841x1200, Wyskins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 30? This doesn't even need to hit top 100 to be a 10x, and you're missing it.