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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9756891 No.9756891 [Reply] [Original]

alright anon help me out.

Why is Africa so underdeveloped and do you think there are any decent business opportunities to be had in some of these countries?

>> No.9756908

know about business opportunities start a charity for gibs on niggers and get a big cut out of it

>> No.9756917


>> No.9756935

because they sell their copper wiring for scrap

>> No.9756937

this is why it's underdeveloped
yes there are business opportunities, it's a huge emerging market with incredible natural resources, but good luck finding non-corrupt investments in countries with a good rule of law

>> No.9756967

you really wanna deal with niggers?

>> No.9756968

africa is probably the richest continent in terms of natural resources, but when the population is a bunch of niggers none of it will ever be utilized

if africa was white it would probably be on par with asia / europe

>> No.9757130
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>> No.9757147

Imagine being so retarded you literally can't understand why Africa is less developed than fucking America or Europe.

This is the mind of a Jewish brainwashed idiot.

>> No.9757155

Cuz wakanda

>> No.9757156
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>> No.9757158
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Africa did not have a good environment for natural selection to take place. It has too much forests and animals for ANYTHING to occur. Therefore the result are sub 80 IQ niggers.

>> No.9757166

>ask questions
>lmao jew brainwashed retard!!!

>> No.9757178

Invest in nigger businesses like footlocker, 7/11, malt liquor, guns, car modifications, kfc

>> No.9757180

How are you so stupid you can't figure this out

>> No.9757197

please do explain, then.

>> No.9757200

Because niggers.

>> No.9757223

>why are there different outcomes for complex business activities between populations that are significantly genetically disparate
Gee I have no fucking idea

>> No.9757235

And if the population is genetically stupid. There is nothing you can do no matter how hard you try.

>> No.9757252


>> No.9757262

Is this Langston Hughes?

>> No.9757292

How can I make money investing in Africa?

>> No.9757311
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Just some /lit/anon

>> No.9757319

Average IQ of 70, no concept of investing in the future, machete genocides, smaller cranial capacity and an abundance of testosterone make it a dangerous place.

Im sure there are pockets of opportunity but its practically impossible for sub saharan Africa to ever rise to the level of Europe, America or Asia, socially or economically. They just dont have the raw material for it, and I dont mean natural resources.

>> No.9757336

A mix of negros and geopolitics.

>> No.9757348

It's full of niggers.

>> No.9757442

It's great place to launder your money. You think the wealthiest people have given billions and billions to them for humanitarian reasons? If they actually have given their money in hopes to change it for the better then it has to be considered the biggest money pit of all time

>> No.9757482
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>> No.9757506

Nah, it's just niggers.
Geopolitics would improve over time if it wasn't for the former.

>> No.9757540

Race exists and your parents lied to you about the world

>> No.9757556


>> No.9757593

Yes there are decent business opportunities there the problem is there isn't a favorable business environment due to heavy corruption.Without knowing someone inside the government your chances of making it are slimmed. Also many countries have unstable regimes which could lead to expropriation.I would choose a seemingly stable country without too much social instability.Ethiopia's growth seems like a good indicator the only problem is how close it is to Somalia.Angola, Mozambique and South Africa are good study cases as well

>> No.9757595

Bad gene pool + no need to seek future living day to day, inforced by language with no words for future (language modifies the way the brain works) + deficitary nutrition making their brain even less developed + endemics.
That's pretty much africa's problem.
It's the muh niggers but explained.

>> No.9757610

I do biz in east africa, main problem is unreliailit of workers
> no cashier
> accountant
> deliverer
> supervisor
I dont let them handle money since it occured i get betrayed, a system for making this up is to expensive.
> no electricity
> mad taxes and burocracy

Without bribing nothing would work

Oppoetunitys is just that u just fill gaps with western business idea, so u can even do it as brainlet

>> No.9757618

because of corruption! westerners give money to some shit nigger who give them right to explore the natural resources. the shit niggro steal the money and put them in western banks. So the population is left without money and resources. thats pretty much how it works.

>> No.9757619

There's a few of reasons, firstly IMF and World Bank debt obligations traditionally have been very onerous, some governments would spend as much as half of their yearly budgets repaying previous loans which is money they can't invest in education or infrastructure.
Many African countries are also very resource rich, which further disincentives creation a developed economy as that means a well organized society that might overthrow the government, where as resource poor countries like Japan and Singapore it was in their favor to create a developed economy least they fear overthrow of the hungry and unemployed masses. I think to a lesser extent you see the same thing happening in Russia and Turkmenistan, but I don't want to paint with too broad a brush here.
Also instability doesn't just affect the failed state, it can bring down all the countries around it - look at Syria, look how half of Iraq's territory fell to ISIL because of it's civil war. The shroud of chaos allows rebels from neighboring countries to hide and cause disruption.
Many African countries aren't ethnically homogeneous, again, just like Iraq, Nigeria has something like 10 different major ethnic groups. Getting consensus and implementing policy, even shit as simple as a standardized curriculum so you can have a well educated workforce is massively slowed down by this because there's all this debate about religion, language, cultural education blah blah blah.
Then there's the conspiracy theories - that blacks are just inherently inferior (which doesn't make sense when you consider even with a white ruling elite that could do whatever they wanted Rhodesia and South Africa still couldn't get it right. Or the fact that Algeria and Libya are Arab/Berber countries).
That's just as dumb as the theory that Western countries deliberately want to keep Africa impoverished because it makes it a cheaper resource for raw materials.

>> No.9757630
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I grew up on a commercial farm in Africa - what do you want to know anon?

also I'm this guy from /pol/ >>174031442

>> No.9757641

Wait wait wait these nigs can't talk about the future?

>> No.9757650

Fuck you.

You're seriously going to disregard the racial argument because white people couldn't turn Rhodesia into France by merely being a ruling class? You do realize they still had to rule over a NIGGER population right? If it was whites ruling whites you can fucking guarantee Africa would be a first world continent.

Also white ruled African countries objectively functioned better than their black ruled counterparts.

>> No.9757657
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Post a TL;DR version faggot.

>> No.9757659

Pretty sure South Africa was objectively better off under apartheid than it is now friendo. Way more stable and prosperous.

>> No.9757674
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Also as far as business ventures go, here are some that I know are starting up in zim where I'm from:
>logistics companies
>financial centres to bankroll farmers, getting a lot of UN aid too
>ag distributors
>agricultural software(something I plan on getting into more as I'm a dev myself)
>safari tourism is always big
>anti-poaching mercenary work
>survival gear manufacturing(or retail, especially in SA)

>Also white ruled African countries objectively functioned better than their black ruled counterparts.
This is correct.

>> No.9757702

Don't forget detroit has been black for years and look what happened everybody left... Same thing with Africa everybody tries to swim to Europe or scam a visa to the states

>> No.9757720


>> No.9757721

I think most people know the truth, even hardcore SJWs, but cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug

>> No.9757734
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How does it feel to know that Papua New Guinea Pig will have a better future than you? and they are the worst of the worst in Asia btw incase you didn't know.

>> No.9757751

>Fuck you.
Oh yeah nah, you really are going to present a well thought out, non hysterical "muh feewings" argument. But let's give you the benefit of the doubt:
>You do realize they still had to rule over a NIGGER population right?
I realize that they had a dictatorship and could have implemented whatever policy they wanted, and, as you put it a underclass who could easily be exploited for cheap labor. Just like the UAE does with it's undocumented Paki and Indian citizens.

No. you're on /biz/ you should learn to wade through and draw your own conclusions so you don't get pajeet'd

When did I say they weren't, when did I even IMPLY that? Why are you reading arguments I didn't make? My point was it still didn't hit Japan or Singapore or Bahrain or UAE levels of development - why not?
Maybe Imperial China is a good analogy - large workforce, no need for innovation.

>> No.9757785

Here are a few more:
>Security services of literally any kind
>Road construction(being bankrolled by the chinese most of the time)
>Mineral refinement
>absurdly cheap manufacturing
>3rd party ISP support
Also a lot of these countries have remittance tax exemptions so you can basically live there tax free with an emirates/other tax free company

>> No.9757795
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Terrible. What a time it was

>> No.9757798

>getting pissed off by being told fuck you
>on 4chan

The issue isn't that whites didn't have control over the blacks enough to "exploit" them (telling language, btw).

The issue is that even if you can control blacks completely, they STILL don't have the intelligence to effectively operate a first world country.

White people are great at a lot of things, but they can't literally add 25 IQ points to a population. There is a limit to what people can do.

>> No.9757817
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also fuck mugabe and mnangagwa - he's just as bad

>> No.9757836

Yeah. Africas natural resources are large though because it’s not oil it’s not very sought after. Give it 50 years.

>> No.9757858

Im surprised you burgers even know where africa is on the map. South africa is doing just fine with niggers in power. Other african countries like namibia are just low profile comfy places to stay like malta or greece. But burgers wouldn't know that

>> No.9757869

This anon is correct - there are still trillions of tons of raw minerals in Africa that are waiting to be discovered/mined. Sane with agriculture - the land is extremely rich and many governments are practically GIVING it away so that people can make it productive

>> No.9757930

>South africa.
>Doing fine now.

Sure buddy.

>> No.9757950

>why poor?
Corrupt governments, charities, rebellious groups, most people work in slavery so you can use a laptop or phone.
>Business opportunities
Yes sure, selling second hand electronics has been good business for anyone who jumped on early. Probably more opportunities aswell but you'd have to really know the markets needs right now.

>> No.9757968

>South africa is doing just fine with niggers in power.
Take it from an actual white african(not from SA) - no they are absolutely not. We literally have more government protection/support in Zambia than they do in SA. Outside of Western Cape there really isn't a safe place in SA for whites. They'd be better off in Lusaka or Harare, I'm serious.

Also the country is drowning in debt and completely insolvent. There are 3 million taxpayers feeding 47 million on welfare.

Namibia is quite nice though. I wouldn't mind moving there after university. Botswana is also quite nice if you live in Gaborone or Okovango.

>> No.9757990

Phone,telecom industry, everyone there needing phones

>> No.9757994

I was being condescending not angry. I think I owe us both the respect of not using emoticons or that dreadful plebbit sarcasm tag.

If I am getting you right you're saying that blacks are fundamentally incapable of producing beyond a certain level of GDP per capita because of their intelligence limitations, that even a educated white minority in power can only extract a certain amount of economic performance out of them. I agree that "exploit" is telling language that sounds very SJW, I shouldn't have used that, I was trying to sound professional.

However you have given firstly no reason to suggest that IQ or intelligence is even the issue here since isn't that irrelevant when we're talking about a source of cheap and largely manual labor, secondly the Flynn Effect has shown that IQ levels to rise over time so even if for some reason there was a biological reason that diminished the magnitude of rising intelligence, their collective intelligence could be raised through better diet and education. Thirdly a oligarchy or a dictatorship has certain advantages over implementing policy that democracies don't, allowing better and more centralized planning, faster decision making, and quicker realization of projects - including infrastructure projects, implementing curricula, adapting to changing global economic conditions, and subsidizing certain industries.

>> No.9758001
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Also Namibia is improving because they are EMBRACING their white population. Lots of Zimbos and Saffers are moving there because of the
>lax business laws
>low taxes
>extremely high quality of life
>abundance of jobs
It's probably the best country in Africa to be investing in rn. Zim will also improve when MDC wins in October, and I pray to god they do. I can't stand to live through another ZANU government

>> No.9758007
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>supposedly be smarter than a black person
>end up losing 80% of portfolio buying in december

wew lads

>> No.9758028

>business opportunities

But thank americucks to outlawing that

>> No.9758038

this guy gets it. corruption is rampant in every fucking corner of africa. its impossible to get anything done with out greasing palms, knowing people and out right bribing and even then your competitor might belong to the same tribe as your client and well sorry muzungu your out of luck. from a western perspective even the most stable countries are literally duct tape and a few AK47's away from a riot, coup, or just plain old anarchy. its beautiful and the people can be nice but fuck me dealing with literal children gets infuriating. however if your white your going to get a 10/10 black gf even if your a fucking weeb.

>> No.9758193
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You can jump up and down, kick and scream, yell racist and xenophobic as loud as you can or even combination of all of the above.
But it ain't going to change the fact that continual studies looking into IQ show Africans routinely scoring the lowest. Picture unrelated.

>> No.9758251

Why are we only talking about manual labor?

There is much more to a society than simply its day laborers. White ruled African nations weren't the Confederate States of America. That was truly an example where blacks only served the role of slave labor and it worked fairly well. The white ruling class wasn't nearly large enough in African nations to sufficiently order around a bunch of 70 IQ people to do specifically as they wanted. It was a situation where the slave class drastically outnumbered its rulers. Lack of middle management, infrastructure and planning spelled doom for these African nations, all problems of too few white people.

>Flynn effect
How long are human generations? How much time are you permitting for this experiment

>> No.9758266

>business opportunities
There's no law. Don't start a business unless you can enforce everything like you were the sate. Is most profitable to start an illegal business
This, they like the rest of aninmals don't have an economy. If we had to trade with spiders for silk they would be richer than blacks

>> No.9758276

>There's no law. Don't start a business unless you can enforce everything like you were the sate.
Totally depends on where you are in Africa. It's not monolithic anon.

>> No.9758316

This is correct.
My hope is that one day Africa can prosper like the rest of the world, and African emigration from the white world can be actively encouraged.

>> No.9758359
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In time, anon.

>> No.9758360

Lol @ all the racist neets in here trying to pull
>muh racism
Africa is poor because of geopolitics.
Blacks are on average smarter and genetically superior to whites because they’ve been dealing with natural selection for so long in their shitholes. Unlike you fags who eat Doritos in moms basement all day, the negros who aren’t smart get mauled by tigers.
We’re all equal you losers

>> No.9758367

there are no tigers in africa...

>> No.9758392

they are stupid and in the rare occurance that they get a good leader he is quickly "dealt with" by the jew world order, there are very big incentives to keep these countries rich of resources poor

>> No.9758393

Mostly they get mauled by harsh conditions and militias, the idiots with shit genetics tend to not survive
Read germs guns and steel, it’s s great book

>> No.9758456

being mauled by general buck naked and his militia have more to do with luck than genetics
and no, its not a great book, despite what you "learned" in college.

>> No.9758462
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>the idiots with shit genetics tend to not survive

>> No.9758470
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This anon knows whats up.
There's other financial incentives for them having such high birth rates too

>> No.9758480

Africa is designed to be the way it is, it's what they want. Blacks to be poor and dying, it's the system that ((they)) put in place. Wake up

>> No.9758484

Can't do civilized business in an uncivilized country

>> No.9758568

If you didn’t go to college you’re too stupid to talk with me

>> No.9758605

Also, not being college educated already puts you in the bottom 10% of intelligence
Wow racist people are retarded, who would have guessed
>I-I can’t understand, but I can see skin colour so that must be the reason!!!
I people like you kys our collective IQ can go up

>> No.9758631

Underage b&

>> No.9758753

>education correlates with IQ
found the nigger

>> No.9758774

Dude it's literally the Wild West there.

You just move to Africa, create a construction company and get some nigs to pre pay a percentage of the job and scoot off once you get a portion.

Also an easy place to bring stolen cars.

>> No.9758801
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post colonialism

>> No.9758804

>I people like you kys our collective IQ can go up
>b-but the collective
kek. you entitled niggers and lefties have been using identity politics to rape productive whiteys for generations.

>> No.9758845

>I’m a failure because of the left and niggers
Maybe it’s because you chose to be lazy and not go to college
I’m white and it’s by far the comfiest position, nobody has been raping whiteys for generations.
Maybe if you weren’t retarded you can be successful.

>> No.9758847

Well, beside north africa, africa was not alot in contact with rising powers of our time. Infact they passed the opportunity to start a industrial revolution, but again there was not the infrastructur for it. Even tho Egypt had the knowledge of the steem engine they failed(Mainly because they needed fossile fuel which they had not). And nowadays free trade destroys the possibilty of developing a own industry. I mean they not even produce basic products, let alone high tech. And so they are forced to export raw materials to the world so they can import basic stuff. A solution for this could be that the goverment creats basic industry with state funds. So they can reduce to import of atleast the basic stuff. This requires a goverment with no corruption (which is nearly impossible)

>> No.9758859

Literally the most correlated thing to IQ is education wow how complicated I wonder why that could be true. How could becoming smarter make someone smarter???

>> No.9758878

How fucking new are you?

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.9758903

>Reddit spacing

>> No.9758913

You also should add that ressource rich countries struggle in developing a own non-mining/oil based industry. You guys should be award of the dutch sickness. Even the rich gulf states are not able to develope a export oriented mixed economy.

>> No.9758935


Linguistic determinism is a cuck meme

>> No.9759033
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That's because they're full of sandniggers.

>> No.9759035

Yeah, I'm sure click click niggers without syllables and shit would work well in our society

>> No.9759217

>b-but my uni professors taught me white privilege
>lowering sat requirements for niggers=intelligence
Niggers don't bother me; they're just a symptom. You moronic beta ideologues are the real problem

>> No.9759252

>pressing enter means you're from Reddit

>> No.9759264
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africa is africa because of the africans..

>> No.9759315

>never been to uni
nobody here teaches white privilege faggot, they just teach history and leave the rest to you.
If you’re so superior why couldn’t you get into a good uni?

>> No.9759330

Because they would rather not destroy their countries by ravaging natural resources.

>> No.9759469

do you think anyone on this board can actually comprehend anything you are saying? its full of imbecile failures who turn to racism and xenophobia to make themselves feel better about their own shortcomings. I understand this is 4chan but lol the people are pathetic and not nearly intelligent as they think they are. However I think that is why I find it entertaining

>> No.9759497

But all humans are the same? WE ARE ALL THE SAME and IQ isn't a relieable parameter since you can outsmart any test

>> No.9759508

>nignogs dindu nuffin
>p-please measure dicks with me on an anon forum
This is either bait or you're an 11yo sperg

>> No.9759516

Biz is full of retarded weebs who need to travel the world.

Africa is home to the most beautiful sights in the world OP but the truth is it likely never take the place it should take in the world with all its potential.

Most countries are enormous and people tend to think more in terms of tribalism than nationality, like Kenya. The only countries Ive seen who arent like this are the ones who were colonized by the portuguese actually

>> No.9759533

You're the failure. You're the one trying to make yourself feel better for your own shortcomings.

>> No.9759570

These threads are definitely eye opening to the average person you deal with on here.
It’s just easy to let your own shortcomings manifest into hatred

>> No.9759616

Because he’s not stupid enough to believe that skin colour has any effect on intelligence?

>> No.9759619

>1 post by this ID

>> No.9759652

Used to be because horses couldn't live in most of the continent so building up infrastructure was difficult. But now that doesn't matter and the reason is clearly low IQ

>> No.9759663

You are right, the skin colour doesn't reflect the IQ, it is just the indicator. You see the skin colour and you are able to predict the average IQ. Obviously the reasons are completly different, but you doesn't seem to be interested. Science is a fucked up thing.

We are all the same!! And hitler was wrong too, right?

>> No.9759755

Holy fuck you are dumb. These people have similar skin colours because they evolved in similar environments, environments also influence other factors. Black people evolved in an environment that was favorable to strong and fast individuals, white people had to adapt to cold and seasonal changes which is why they became more intelligent on average.

Read a book on evolution.

>> No.9759935

>decent business opportunities
yeah, in the XIX century. You are like 150 years late buddy

>> No.9759975

lol that theory is so much bullshit. Whites have established under all sorts of climate and enviroments and they have always built superior civs
>cold and seasonal changes
you realize whites had strong civs in Eurasia with mild/hot weather?

>> No.9760174
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>> No.9760348

why didn't africa adopt the wheel after having seen it? has nothing to do with what you wrote as a devout student of leftist propaganda and everything to do with the real reason. hint: sub-retard average IQs.

>> No.9760354

Niggers don't have the ability for foresight and future planning, they live in the now; they are literally incapable of being able to plan a business or see the consequences of their actions.

I remember reading about aid workers who managed to get an African farmer to produce more crops, but rather than using the surplus to sell and expand, the nigger just bought shit to impress the villagers. How can you do business with people like this?

>> No.9760371

Whites originally evolved in colder climates, that required more intelligence and planning. Are you disputing this simple fact?

Cherry picking doesn't change the fact that most of modern society and technology was shaped by whites. And stating a fact about the differing paths of evolution doesn't make me a nazi.

>> No.9760423

>other climates

You missed his point, whites have evolved in seasonal climates, this is where these skill sets originate

>> No.9760463


Dat feel when neither side of this argument actually understands what average means.

>> No.9760466


>> No.9760530

>Blacks are on average smarter and genetically
>group with one of the lowest average IQ on earth
>africa - can survive winter naked, no need to plan ahead
i hope you didn't take out a loan for that terrible education you received

>> No.9760580

fuck off reddit

>> No.9760591

Africa has a climate, rainy season and dry season. They die in dry season because they eat all the food at the end of rainy season... then Bob Geldof feeds 10 million of them, so they can fuck and 30 years later there are 100 million starving.
Fuck Geldof... his family just an hero's because they can't stand the fuck either

>> No.9760625

yes, no one knows how humans evolved exactly, and if the differences in races are only because of enviromental factors. We find ruins of great white civs going all the way to the East, even mummies were found in what is now China, why is there no ruins or records of a great civ in cold climate? If its the harsh cold enviroment which made whites more intelligent, they sure could've built a mighty empire way up north, but there is none. I say difference in races are more than enviroment caused, and whites showed up in the far East

>> No.9760757

Most of Europe has pretty harsh winters for an unprotected human being, as well as strong seasonal changes.

Another group with high iq are east Asians. Most evidence indicates that they evolved in arctic conditions, forcing them to develop high iq or die off.

>> No.9760777

>I say
the absolute state of today's college graduates - completely mind-fucked... worthless

>> No.9760881

No one here got it right yet.
The influence of warm weather and lack of consumerist cuture creates a basic, lazy living culture. Basically there is an inverse proportionality between sun exposure and productivity (africa vs northen europe) and also an inverse between sun exposure and suicide rates.
Moral of the story is, the happier you are, the lazier you are. Not only phisical laziness but mental aswell. The genetic IQ divergence is somewhat present, but the impact is mostly due to lack of education and incentive.

>> No.9760902

but college theory is what im disputing, fucking faggot. How about you read?

its easier to move to milder climate than to stay and fight it. Makes no sense that they would stay and evolve through thousands of years in colder climate, considering most humans were nomads back then

>> No.9760930

So why do black people perform significantly worse in all environments, including adoption by high class white families? Why do Asians, who have higher IQ, earn more on average than white people in the USA? Your hypothesis doesn't account for any of the IQ-performance correlations.

>> No.9760961

The inuit were nomadic and they lived in some of the coldest, harshest places on earth.

>> No.9761010

proving my point. They lived in the harshest places on Earth. Where is their mighty superior intelligence? Where are their empires? The mongols also evolved in harsh conditions, where are their great inventions? Why cant they match whites in arts, culture and technology?

>> No.9761038
File: 66 KB, 889x499, EA1BE311-FF90-4200-A175-4DB36D424240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant OC

>> No.9761059

so you got all these people saying: blacks are stupid because of enviroment, whites are smart because of enviroment. But then you go to the harshest enviroments on Earth and find tribes who evolved in those conditions and have nothing to show for, technology or culture wise

>> No.9761111

1. blacks have low IQ
2. there are no high IQ jews in Africa

>> No.9761133

how does germany have an average IQ higher than 100? they are braindead cucks

>> No.9761136

checked, get fukt negers

>> No.9761182

Tribes in arctic conditions certainly have higher IQs on average than black people (and your other example, the Mongolians, have an above average IQ). However, your view of evolution is rather narrow, and you should realize that different ways of adapting are possible, and especially small tribes like these are more likely to take a unique path in evolution as they are rather isolated. The Inuit, for example, have vastly superior visual memory.

>> No.9761194
File: 62 KB, 400x600, pid_23082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related, no drop of racism or lies, being totally honest.

>> No.9761276

lots of serfs with 90 iq and quiet a few with 135+ masters

>> No.9761285

there are clearly factors other than enviroment then, since they evolved in harsher climate than whites yet whites ended up with superior civs

>> No.9761348
File: 25 KB, 1357x800, iq_by_country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the environment didn't force them to develop higher iqs
If we took 10 million Africans and put them on an island up north where it snows every year for 1000 years they would have to get smarter or they would die.
It happens out of necessity.

>> No.9761349

Whites and Asians adapted to these harsher climates by developing higher intelligence. Just look at adoption studies, the same pattern always emerges in whichever circumstances: blacks low IQ, whites average, asian above average. This translates to blacks low average income, white average, asian above average in the US.

Certainly there are other factors in determining both the success of an individual and a civilization, but having a higher IQ than the average black person is certainly a prerequisite.

>> No.9761373
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>evolution is linear
Do you think africa would be the same level of developed if they lived in a place up north?

>> No.9761409

they would be even less developed, maybe even gone extinct
>asians have higher average IQ than whites
yet whites ended up dominating the entire world, to the point of having colonies in Asia. and have invented and developed most useful tech. You people need to start thinking beyond IQ and enviroment is all im saying

>> No.9761431

second part was answer to this sry

>> No.9761439

they would be forced to adapt
most would die
the high iq ones would survive and reproduce making higher iq children
over 1000s of years the average iq would be much higher
if humans all came out of africa then that is probably exactly what happened

>> No.9761443

Africa could be a huge agricultural exporter, but subsidies and tariffs in Europe and the US holds it back. Bear in mind that that 50% of the entire EU budget goes to agricultural subsidies, and a lot of the production is exported lowering commodity prices in the international markets.

The truth is that developed countries don't play fairly and Africa and other developing countries get the worst part.

>> No.9761444

Partially true but racist
Africa didn't have the best animals to domesticate like sheep, goats, horses, pigs. Humans need animals to build advanced cities. It was in a book

>> No.9761496

>an abundance of testosterone make it a dangerous place
Are you saying toxic masculinity is the problem, Anita?

>> No.9761546

South Korea when from one of the poorest shitholes in the world in 1950 to one of the most developed richest countries in under 50 years. If the North Korean government collapses and they start a democratic government i'm sure they would become a first world country within 50 years while Africa will always be an undeveloped shithole
IQ is the most important indicator of a persons success as well as a populations success. There is nothing racist about it. It's just the truth. The only way to fix it is to pay low iq people to get vasectomies but that will never ever happen so nothing is ever going to get better

>> No.9761556

Notice that high IQ Asian countries never got properly colonized like Africa did, and high IQ Asian countries are catching up very quickly (with some, like Japan and South Korea, being some of the most prosperous countries on earth) while not a single black majority country functions properly.

An explanation for why whites caught up to higher IQ Asians is that Asians have demonstrably lower testosterone and are thus less prone to risk-taking and more to harmonious cooperation. Whites have average testosterone which seems to have been the sweet spot between cooperation and risk taking, while blacks have higher testosterone which is why they seem unable to work together in any efficient way (but makes them more muscular and have bigger average dicks)

>> No.9761565

Was it a large heavy book? Did you read the book or someone hit you over the head with it?

>> No.9761639

and what conditions have asians lived in different than whites to make them evolve into their race? enviroment makes race is such bullshit

>> No.9761738

I mentioned genetic IQ impact, and explained it. Thousands of years of mental laziness result in a slower cortex evolution.

>> No.9761739

How can you deny something so obvious?
Do you think the millions of animal species didn't evolve to adapt to their environment?

>> No.9761745

get off my board nigger

>> No.9761838

Asians lived in even harsher, colder conditions and developed two important factors:

-High intelligence, because you need to be intelligent to plan ahead and around the seasons/cold.
-Low testosterone to reduce male competitivity and increase cooperation, because they needed a strong unified group to survive these harsh circumstances.

Also some other smaller adaptations point to this such as having more fat around the eyeball to keep the eyes warm.

>> No.9761958

>enviroment makes race is such bullshit
We have an evolution denier here.

Dear god, please make us superior!

>> No.9762005

give me one reason why we shouldnt just euthanasia everyone with an iq under 90
we need 90-100 iq people to work shit jobs but sub 90iq people serve no purpose in the world

>> No.9762020

>business opportunities
Only if you're more corrupt than they are. Not growing up in the region tells me you don't have the connections to succeed.

They have always been underdeveloped because of their underdeveloped front lobes.

>> No.9762107

you get of MY board statist welfare leech, if you don't respect free and open markets without subsidies you don't belong in a bussines board

>> No.9762199

> Jared Diamond
Plenty of african animals have been domesticated by white people. Reminder that Jared Diamond didn't think humans mixed with neanderthals.

Colder climates and different genes via neanderthals led to higher intelligence, which led to domestication of animals. Remember africans didn't ever discover the wheel, they weren't about to convert zebra.

>> No.9762272

Help yourself to some science you dumb fag Jew

>> No.9762276

>The direct aids and market related expenditure made up 31% of the total EU budget in 2010. Together with 11% for Rural Development, the total CAP budget took 42% of the total EU budget.

Reminder that bussineses living off government subsidies are the same or even worse than niggers on welfare

>> No.9762332

>Africa could be a huge agricultural exporter,
Then why are they a net food importer
>can’t export all this agricultural abundance
What kind of sense does that make ya stupid queer

>> No.9762398
File: 55 KB, 550x378, 2002-31-08-Aug-Agriculture-subsidies-drought-Africa-550wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is gonna invest in agriculture in africa when all the export markets are either closed to competition or already taken by european and american subsidies products? How can you be so stupid?

>> No.9762456

Cos u tryin to judge em as a Western person.
Those ppl were living in unity with nature, had their own thing going. Most tribes survive by communalising profits and even women, treat each human as a unique person.

Then the West introduces them to commercial economy, slaving n sheeit. Suddenly you have to secure individual profits to survive. But communalising is so strong, that you spread all your excess goods. Ppl get reduced to goods themselves. Then you give these ppl guns to hunt and sell each other on made up legal and ethical pretenses.

The West destroyed Africa. You can't have developed Africa, cos the idea of development does not belong there. The West threw it at nignogs' faces and left b4 they could properly explain what that is. Seems like they have already grasped that violence is the key economical factor, but it may take them another millenium to learn that money should make more money. And by the time the do, there will likely be some other global system.

>> No.9762465

South Korea sucks and still sucking billions from US funds and people still need to overwork to death to end with no retirement funds and sucking US soldiers dicks.

It's a rich country with poor people.

>> No.9762539

If African people weren’t literal niggers they’d use the land to feed themselves. The whole damn continent isn’t under a drought.

>> No.9763197

Africans are in tune with nature, they are naturally resistant to the elements because they are an original people so there is no need to create (which builds intelligence) to hide from the elements like whites or asians. Them being high-testerone population is what makes them desirable to roasties throughout the centuries despite being enslaved, whites could build heaven, but they would still not be able to garner roastie love as it is primal. So, whites win at civilization, and advanced systems, Africans win at being naturally tyrone/chads and having primal harmony.

>> No.9763223
File: 86 KB, 600x398, 1513851545425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Genetics
2) Lack of economic freedom


>> No.9763286

Imagine being a cultist THIS MUCH in denial of scientific facts

>> No.9763508

> Implying the latter is not directly resultant from the former.

>> No.9763537

Half wrong, half nonsense.

>> No.9763602

Africans were enslaving each other long before anyone else appeared on the scene. In fact the numbers didn't even increase during the slave trades.