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9756144 No.9756144 [Reply] [Original]

It's weird. in the beginning I was fudding Link to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding Chainlink. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in Chainlink I feel verydifferent. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.

>> No.9756167

its not even funny anymore. im tired of this link bullshit. every adult with brain sees its a complete failure, but army of basement neets will sing a songs about link till death. A LIL bit pathetic

>> No.9756173

no you just subconsciously know that link is a bad investment so you try save other people from making the same mistake as you by fuding

its a deeply layered projection you haven't come to terms with yet

>> No.9756174

Yo! Its not bout accumulatahon at dahs poahnt. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Somethahng ahs trahggered ahn daahr braahn dat make dem wana FUD. Its a gangbangin' fetahsh. Whahle dizzle type up da most rahdahculous, low-taher FUD wahth one ha', oh, baby, da odar ha' ahs slowly pullahng at daahr lil' small-ass prahsonahs. They wahll sprahsond minutes doahn' dahs, oh, baby, contahnually brahngahng demselves ta da edge a shitload of tahmes. They is da textboaahahght defahnahtahon of basement dwellahng NEETs, so dizzle could do dahs fo' minutes on end, fueled only by Monster, a' no muthafucka wahll questahon where dizzle is or what tha fuck dizzle is doahn', cuz no muthafucka blahndz dem or rahzzaes bout dem. 'S coo', bro. They 'as gotten ta da poahnt dat da FUD ahsn't even as fly as aht once was. They don't gak da tahme ta thahnk hard bout aht aymo, mostly, cuz dizzle jus' wana jet up a' post aythahng ta make daahr lahttle dahcks hard.

>> No.9756178

It's not supposed to be funny. I am really confused. Chainlink changed my life. I feel it's bad. But the investment is top notch. But why do I fud my own investment? I have profit. Still I fud. WHYYYYY? Am I alone?

>> No.9756189

how can it be bad? I'm still having profit. no matter how deep the crash went... I am always in the profit zone with Link.
>It never was below ICO price

>> No.9756205

It didn’t get much above ICO price either.

>> No.9756223

its literally 3x above ico price a year later...

you could have invested in virtually any coin and done better

>> No.9756306
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this is commonly known as Link fudge sydrome. The sufferer is caught in a complacent crossroad where he/she is highly invested in Link, however doubts if he/she has been tricked or duped into buying a meme. The subconscious then there projects its bleak hope or lack there of. Simply he/she has past the point of no return, all or nothing mentality, and understands that his/her spreading of negativity about the project won't do a darn thing to the price in the long haul. All left there is to do is caution others to not fall into the same ultimatum they have. Its Link "Fudge" because its FUD that stems from a dark shitty place kept buried in the mind

>> No.9756582

I think You need special treatment, U have EMOlinkfuder syndrome man :)

>> No.9756673

true… but… b-b-b-b-but link will revolutionize smartcontracts and this blockchain thing going on..