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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 78 KB, 978x1114, Screenshot-2018-6-5 Vulnerability disclosure for Block one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9755244 No.9755244 [Reply] [Original]

The reason why eos mainnet launch is taking so long is their code is shit and full of security holes. One guy just got 8 bounties ($80k) for 8 severe security holes. Details are still hidden because they are unpatched.

>> No.9755257

KEK. ;)

>> No.9755267
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>> No.9755279
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better than cardano btw

>> No.9755312

it was 12 bugs at 120k and this shows the system is working and that the code is being looked at.

>> No.9755352

I know that's how eosfags are going to spin that, but it actually shows extreme incompetency. This is something that should have happened _months_ before launch. Apparently they did not security audit or testing whatsoever. They definitely should have postponed the launch after that remote execution bug few days ago, but they decided to double down.

The way they are doing it is how you launch a pc game, not a cryptocurrency platform.

>> No.9755361

that's not the reason it's taking so long, please learn about the startup proces

>> No.9755413

>I know that's how eosfags are going to spin that, but it actually shows extreme incompetency.

nah it just shows that software is created by humans and humans make mistakes. Name one project that has ever come out that was this complex and cutting edge that had zero bugs even before it was released.

Let me know how that works out for you faggot.

>> No.9755417

this will never launch at all

>> No.9755422

Also by the way, linux and windows never had bugs am I right guys? THAT WOULD BE INCOMPITENCE!! Good thing nobody uses linux and windows.

Close call!

>> No.9755440

why the fuck are people still shilling this? you already got your mainnet pump, what the fuck are you holding this coin for?

>> No.9755451

lmao theres a whale desperately trying to offload his coins by inciting fomo right now.

>> No.9755462

Dapps pump is up next and its the bull run of 2018 while BTC/ETH continues to bleed out.

>> No.9755463

delusion, this does not happen in cardano specifically because cardano has an appropriate dev process in place. >be EOS
>slapdash code
>shit dev process
>dependant on outsiders to find flaws
>absolutely riddled with security holes

>> No.9755464

Most coins are locked mate, if someone still has them on an exchange it's pretty stupid, becuase he'll miss airdrops.

>> No.9755480

nah, it just shows that incompetence at EOS HQ doesn't have a fucking clue how to compensatefor their incompetence intheirdev process.

>> No.9755481

Mother fucking bullshit. How much do you want to bet that before ADA goes live we will see the exact same fud from salty nocoiner eth bag holders.

Hell you might even see this fud from fucking EOS people too. haha

>> No.9755490

literally the only not completely retarded thing i've seen on here about this. ICX dapps pump was an absolute flop, what makes you think it will be different this time?

>> No.9755492

This is not 'linux and windows' this is the equivalent of icbm control software. A remote execution bug like that found few days ago would have allowed theft of millions of eos invisible for hours or even days. If sold on exchanges it would have destroyed eos.

>> No.9755509

>Most coins are locked mate, if someone still has them on an exchange it's pretty stupid, becuase he'll miss airdrops.

Thats the thing. The huge whale probably has EOS waiting for airdrops while his EOS in the exchange is being actively traded.

No news has come up aside from bugs plausibly delayinng the launch. If you're the whale wouldnt you try to take some risk off? The eos main net being delayed is plausible.

>> No.9755762
File: 348 KB, 900x598, uh-oh-concerned-project-manager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine locking your coins and not holding on an exchange.

>> No.9755809

> If you're the whale wouldnt you try to take some risk off?

EOS seems to be pumping more than btc and eth. EOS is a lot less risky to hold than coins that have zero hope like the kinds that cant be used to run dapps or used as money.

>> No.9755822

>what is ground breaking open source software?

>> No.9755829

being delayed? Nobody ever said, the mainnet will be available on june 3.

>> No.9755847

Bitcoin had also a lot of security vulnerabilities even after launch. Ironing out C/C++ code this complex takes YEARS. You can't do it before launch.

>> No.9755863

>ICX dapps pump was an absolute flop, what makes you think it will be different this time?

For the dapps pump to happen you need a dapp that gains popularity. If this doesnt happen then the pump wont happen either.

So here is the question.
Are you going to bet that an open ended mass prototyping platform will fail to make at least one popular dapp within the next 6 months?

You feeling lucky punk?

> This is not 'linux and windows' this is the equivalent of icbm control software. A remote execution bug like that found few days ago would have allowed theft of millions of eos invisible for hours or even days. If sold on exchanges it would have destroyed eos.

> What if X happens, it would destroy X!!

Gotta worry super hard about those ifs and could haves anon. Its the only thing of substance you have to bring to the table. Close your eyes and pretend as hard as you can!

>> No.9755880

it isn't at least one, ethereum is the bar and has thousands. are you going to bet that the darts thrown in the next 6 months land closer to the middle than all of those?

>> No.9755915

I think that a lot of you people dont understand the power of dapps.

Think of every single time an internet celebrity has been demonetized and deplatformed. Now imagine if that was impossible on both counts. Imagine a world where you cannot demonetize OR deplatform anyone anymore.

That is the power of dapps.

> it isn't at least one, ethereum is the bar and has thousands. are you going to bet that the darts thrown in the next 6 months land closer to the middle than all of those?

ETHs dapps are weak sauce because they are slow and they cost money to use. You cannot have that for a dapps platform to gain traction.

All modern dapps platforms that don't require gas and can produce income for content creators will be the next generation.

ETH is the bar for failure. Get out of the way gramps.

>> No.9756206

nope, ADA does extensive auditing before releasing anything. don't even try to compare EOS' slapdash incompetence to Cardano dev processes. you need to educate yourself redd!t fag

>> No.9756226

>nope, ADA does extensive auditing before releasing anything. don't even try to compare EOS' slapdash incompetence to Cardano dev processes. you need to educate yourself redd!t fag

yeah yeah
Its not going to have any bugs at all right? kek

fucking idiocy on this place is amazing. Every dapps platform is going to have all kinds of weird shit going on.

>> No.9756238

>you need to educate yourself redd!t fag

Reddit is the worst fucking shithole on the internet outside of maybe fuckbook. I suggest you fucking go there so you can survive in your little r/ethtraders fantasy land.

>> No.9756244

TEZOS already passed two audits

>> No.9756314

>EOS bagholder from reddit
>catastrophic security vulnerabilities discovered as EOS mainnet preparing to launch
>incapable of understanding what this says about EOS dev processes
>hey hey, they're just bugs

>> No.9756366

>worry super hard about those ifs
Lol I don't 'worry', I'm explaining to you why eos sucks. The only danger is if poorfag researchers manage to report all serious findable exploits for $10k fast, but that's not very likely. The proper time to exploit is weeks or months after launch when there's some organic activity on the network and ways to easily sell.

>> No.9756376

you don't even know the bugs.

>> No.9756403

> Literally said nothing

I find it infinitely funny that you fucking retards think its even slightly possible to make 100% bug free software HAHAHA

This is the dumbest fucking argument EVER. I have never seen anything worse outside of maybe that the lightning network is going to increase BTC value. HAHHAHAHAHAHA

Fuck all of you. Literally fucking KYS PRETTY PLEASE

> Lol I don't 'worry', I'm explaining to you why eos sucks. The only danger is if poorfag researchers manage to report all serious findable exploits for $10k fast, but that's not very likely. The proper time to exploit is weeks or months after launch when there's some organic activity on the network and ways to easily sell.

This is a super strong argument against ALL CRYPTOCURRENCY you fucking moron. By this logic Bitcoin should be worth zero right now.

Keep those ifs coming while you stay poor

>> No.9756472

this late adopter cope.

just because you missed out on bitcoin and ethereum doesn't mean more shitty me-too derivative projects have any hope of making you rich. you late adopters will be chasing the next bitcoin or ethereum "killer" forever.

>> No.9756483

>I find it infinitely funny that you fucking retards think its even slightly possible to make 100% bug free software HAHAHA
Yes it is, it's called formal verification.
Only on eos afl (try to google that one out faggot) managed to find two serious holes in just one hour on one pc. Both bitcoin and ethereum do equivalent security tests themselves before releasing. Eos was going to be pure fun&profit until fucking chinks came and ruined the party, alerting eostards to security and enticing them to create a bug bounty.
Eos is a minefield and you're betting that poorfags salivating at $10k are going to demine it sufficiently fast.

>> No.9756517

>this late adopter cope.

> Look into my eye
I am still up massively right now from 2014.

>Yes it is, it's called formal verification.
Its called impossible. Fucking impossible.

> Only on eos afl (try to google that one out faggot) managed to find two serious holes in just one hour on one pc.

> Ifs
> Maybes
> Could haves

If the above things bother you then walk the fuck away. This space isn't for you. It equally applies to every asset. So unless you know a specific bug and can report that it exists. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.9756527

i've been in crypto since 2013 and went all in on EOS to be honest

>> No.9756586

>Its called impossible. Fucking impossible.
>can report that it exists
The proper bounty is $1M not $10k.

>> No.9756614

> The proper bounty is $1M not $10k.
Get cracking man. All you need to do is find 100 bugs. Obviously the probably, could maybe exist bro.

You are going to be fucking rich man!

>> No.9756620

By the way, this FUD is 100% bug free.
You are killing it man.

>> No.9756650
File: 158 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180605-135634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no-eosers, plebbits and mETHeads get fucked please. No amount of FUD is going to stop eos from going parabolic and flipping eth on the market cap.

>> No.9756662

kek EOStards btfoed

>> No.9756787

compare it to ven who hired security firms for audits and make public beta test with community before starting mainnet
and it's fucking chinks

>> No.9756800

>ethereum is the bar and has thousands
What are some of the most widely adopted business applications on the Ethereum platform today?

>> No.9756806

>keeping his EOS on exchange
dumb faggot

>> No.9756888

EOS has beaten Cardano and Ethereum to the market by more than a year. Within a few weeks nobody will remember these “security holes” and software will begin being used by actual developers instead of spending endless time being tested/verified

>> No.9756902

>compare it to ven who hired security firms for audits and make public beta test with community before starting mainnet
>and it's fucking chinks

Oh is that why they found all of the bugs before it went live? Nice, bought 100k

>> No.9756960

If you found a real good serious bug, honestly how big of a cuck would you have to be to collect the bounty like a good little soi?

You’d be sitting on a potential goldmine compared to that piddly $10k. Just
>wait till volume picks up
>hack the fuck out of it
like >>9756366 said

>> No.9756980

>If you found a real good serious bug, honestly how big of a cuck would you have to be to collect the bounty like a good little soi?
>You’d be sitting on a potential goldmine compared to that piddly $10k. Just

If someone else finds it first then you don't even get the 10k. If someone else exploits it before you then you are bag holding something that went to zero.

the 10k is the safest bet.

>> No.9756986

Thank you based Clif High for warning me not to invest in this shit.

>> No.9757004

He went to PRINCETON dude. Mother fucking Princeton. Princeton is so based when it comes to cryptocurrency!!

>> No.9757042

I thought what he said was that it was going to get a lot of FUD from the media. I don't know, I don't really read him.

>> No.9757106

Isn't Princeton the heart of the entire crypto sphere? Satoshi went to Princeton right? All of the best cryptos came directly from Princeton. Also all of the 100% bug free projects too.

You guys have to really value it when someone blows a ton of money to learn something he could have googled. But you know, all of the biggest Bitcoin wallets are Princeton grads. HAHA

>> No.9757126

He said something like "it's still going to have a lot of bugs on launch" and delays relative to adoption rate for Ethereum i think... His updates have been very sparse of late though