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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9754191 No.9754191 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys eat while trading to give you that boost?

Pic related is what i eat

>> No.9754196

Olive and barf pudding?

>> No.9754201

Nigga is that doodoo

>> No.9754204
File: 114 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choclate pudding

>> No.9754205

you should fast until you get good gains... like a pre-civilization hunter.

>> No.9754212

My tears and dignity

>> No.9754218

What is wrong with you this is disgusting. Do you eat from the garbage bins too hobo?

>> No.9754225

that's actually fucking disgusting.
I'm smoking ribs and chicken quarters right now.
Holy shit biz get your shit together.

>> No.9754226
File: 205 KB, 1599x999, 1521578460098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9754229

Those olives aren't even stuffed with feta or sundried tomato.

>> No.9754235

I thought Poland was cilivlized

>> No.9754242
File: 109 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like garbage to you?

The sweet taste of choclate mixed with the exotic olive taste makes for a phenomenal taste expierience that gives me a boost that is indescribable you should try it out you will trade like a god

>> No.9754262

Post vid of you eating with timestamped sharpie pooper or shitty larp.


>> No.9754266

I already finished it

>> No.9754294


>grab square slice of ham from fridge
>squirt ketchup on the top and roll it up
>post thread on /biz/ calling it my trading food


>> No.9754316
File: 413 KB, 1390x1112, Screenshot_20180605-162208_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ would like a word with you.

>> No.9754331
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just really like olives what the fuck ks your problem man

Pic related my dinner of last night

>> No.9754340

Post more olive

>> No.9754341

op is a dirty greek

>> No.9754350

you are one sick fuck, m8

the olives are great, but just having a pic of what you ate for dinner last night is sickening

>> No.9754358

Why dont you post your dinner than mr top chef

>> No.9754362

ck spam maccas and kfc all day, what do they know lmao

>> No.9754375


>i make shit food and take pictures of it

yeesh just link us to your instagram loser

>> No.9754383

Twoja stara ciagnie psu

>> No.9754392


>> No.9754420

Fuck off i dont use instagram

>> No.9754452

>I just really like olives
>cheap pitted green olives

You're the kind of guy that tells everyone "i like scotch", then only drinks walker red with coke

>> No.9754455

What's your take on anchovies OP? I've always seen them as the olives of the sea.

>> No.9754463

this thread is hilarious. OP keep posting the shit food you eat and let us roast you.

>> No.9754476


so is it facebook or 4chan thats your sharing-pictures-of-your-food social media platform of choice? if you made a facebook page with your cringy olive creations id follow it for the keks.

>> No.9754489
File: 69 KB, 576x379, F31DA466-1C65-49BD-8BDF-3F5BB12D2773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9754491

I've never tried anchovies before but i should mix them with olives if you say they are the olives of the sea, thanks for the suggestion anon!

>> No.9754503

I've only shared my food on /ck/ once some time ago, they didn't really like it

>> No.9754522

I don't drink im not a degenerate like you

>> No.9754616

No, you're a child who eats processed pudding

>> No.9754630

Your point?

>> No.9754633

you're disgusting.

>> No.9754640

This thread is great! I approve of it.

>> No.9754644

I admit i've been fudding Link in various threads. But guess what, im a Link holder and im starting to doubt it's potential. There’s no way this is goin to 1000. Aint nobody testing on Ropsten or anything. I FUD it because i dont want nonbelievers to buy in but now there’s no volume and I can’t sell my bags!

>> No.9754652

>Im not a degenerate like you

A man who refuses to grow and behaves as a child is a degenerate by the truest definition of the term.

>> No.9754655

Stop blogging on /biz/, you degenerate fuck

>> No.9754698

Nothing, only water, to be frugal

>> No.9754737

your point?

>> No.9754773

blue board!!

>> No.9754840

what the fuck are you doing with your life, please kys immediately

>> No.9754990

gee, i wonder why

>> No.9755016

The only time a man should eat olives is when they are paired with a nice cheese.

>> No.9755024

You're disgusting. Nobody needs you neetblog on biz.

>> No.9755048

i only ate peanuts today food is overrated. stop eating for awhile and your body goes into statis, it's fine when you get used to the low bloodsugar and healthier. Tai Chi masters are known to go months without food but try doing it without water

>> No.9755081

kek. biz. and talks ck.

>> No.9755098

it looks like diarrhea anon

>> No.9755102

Forget the food, why is the plate for your dinner fucking tiny and gold enameled?

>> No.9755161

I will be the one deciding what i do because i can think for myself unlike you, i bet you also buy high and sell low

>> No.9755169
File: 508 KB, 1920x1080, DSC_0379_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont really eat when trading, i merely /sip/

>> No.9755172

I like to eat like a king

>> No.9755180

Post vid of you eating it

>> No.9755206

I already finished it like 2 hours ago

>> No.9755230
File: 98 KB, 670x930, racoon_king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to eat like a king

>> No.9755280

That's disgusting

>> No.9755290

I had spaghetti with milk, and now I can't stop farting

>> No.9755385

Sounds like a good energy boost

>> No.9755407

What other "unorthodox" foods do you mix in with olives?

>> No.9755430

I also like to put olives in my Rosół

>> No.9755432
File: 362 KB, 1200x1586, uz1zhkhr4kl01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s i p s b o i s 2 0 1 8

>> No.9755450

Wtf is that?

>> No.9755456

Polish soup

>> No.9755470

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.9755502

Choclate pudding with olives

>> No.9755529

Is this an unorthodox thing to do?
A lot of french soups have olives

>> No.9755539

why do you ruin it with olives

>> No.9755608

Because when i tasted an olive for the first time i just couldn't stop eating them with literally everything the flavour is so undescribable and abstract, simply amazing

>> No.9755620

Olives taste like shit

>> No.9755628

Your tastebuds are shit

>> No.9755701

stop attention seeking yeah you have olives in chocolate pudding we get it

LeL sO rAnDoM GuIzE!

>> No.9755722

Are you frustrated?

>> No.9755755

Those are olives about as much as bigmac is a gourmet burger. Get your polish ass to greece and taste some real olives, peasant.

>> No.9755815

you are fucking disgusting... this thread is a waste of bandwidth.

>> No.9755830
File: 57 KB, 512x456, IMG_1385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being hit so hard by a financial crisis that olives make you feel patrician

>> No.9755982

i like it sweet and salty.
how may trades you do each day

>> No.9756037


This must be a bait thread, because this is one of the most unappetizing things I have ever seen.