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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9750503 No.9750503 [Reply] [Original]

are you ready for the second mainnet launch dump?

>> No.9750547

I just sold my ERC20 tokens I can’t believe some moron bought them. The snapshot is done. I’ll get eos for free lmao.

>> No.9750578
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>> No.9750595

how long until eoscucks realize that transactions on eos are free and eos token has no use case (so value is 0)?

>> No.9750632

How can someone be this fuckin dumb?

>> No.9750645

I'm grateful that I'm trading against people like him.

0 sympathy for the mono. Good job.

>> No.9750651
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>buying a coin that causes blisters

>> No.9750799

I don't the hype around eos but not stellar, neo, qtum, icon or any of the dapp platforms that have main nets, dapps already, and are faster than eth. None of those are worth as much as eos, in fact I think all of these platforms combined have a lower market cap than eos.

Eos bagholders say dapps are just going to switch over to eos. Well why haven't they switched over to stellar or neo which have been out for a while now? Icon has dapps and ICOs, "better then eth" is some ways, yet is less than 1/10th the market cap of eos. And there are a handful of cheap PoS chains like Neblio that could 100x and be worth less than eos.

That said tron went to like $25b before crashing right? Who knows?

>> No.9750874


Can we dump the ERC-20s and keep the mainchain EOS still? Any risk here?

>> No.9750900

Dapps have actually switched from eth to neo already. Just sayin

>> No.9750925

the cracks are starting to form in r/EOS and they still have more than a full day of testing before voting even starts, and it's questionable if they'll even be able to hit 15% with so much tokens in exchange wallets

>> No.9750927

I get contract failure

>> No.9750954


ok, so why is neo at $3b and eos at $12 if neo is farther along with this?

>> No.9750974

Neo is a fucking centralized shitcoin.

It is structured the same as far as server placement as something like digital ocean (multiple servers in one country) BUT it is exponentially more expensive and slow and has forced bloat through the blocks.

A fucking idiot would buy NEO. People who believe in decentralization buy ETH.

>> No.9751050


0 risk, as long as theyve been snapshotted (which they have) you can dump them. People will say no but thats because they are scared of the price tanking.

>> No.9751057

I can't move mine, the contract doesn't work anymore.

>> No.9751071


You can dump all the exchange ones, market sell them.

>> No.9751080
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>> No.9751123
