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974844 No.974844 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if governments made inheritance illegal?

What if, say, instead of paying taxes, governments took everything from you after you died?

Wouldn't this be much more just, socially speaking?

>> No.974848

so you work for your shit to have it taken away from your family

>> No.974849

>Wouldn't this be much more just, socially speaking?

>Work your entire life to give your children a nice house, other inheritance
>Faggot government takes it all to spend on retarded shit and bureaucrats

No not really.

>> No.974852

sorry, I didn't explaining other things:
- the govt. would be required by law to redistribute that wealth
- your family would be able to transfer money, or whatever, to you (or to anyone they want) while they are still alive

>> No.974853

>rich guy dies unexpectedly
>suddenly a multi-billion dollar corporation is at least part-owned by a government
>this happens multiple times a year

yeah, because that wouldn't be chaotic at all

>> No.974856
File: 38 KB, 550x397, 6a00d8342adfcf53ef01156fb96b3d970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convert money and assets to cash
>give to eldest son

>> No.974859

Fuck off you commie pig shit bitch fuck mother pussy bitch

I worked for my things, I decide where they go when I die, and that is socially just. Right now, by making the estate pay taxes, that is socially unjust, you fucking commie pig shit bitch fuck mother pussy bitch.

>> No.974861

never mind that this could lead certain unsavory individuals to assassinate owners and shareholders

>> No.974863


Redistribute to who?

It's my money and I already paid taxes on it.

That idea is political and literal suicide to anyone that tries it

>> No.974865

of course laws and habits would have to change

>It's my money and I already paid taxes on it.
read again

>> No.974868


Read what again?

>> No.974870

People would spoil their kids to death.
There would be communist cells dedicated to assassinating random rich people.
People would abuse the no-tax laws, make a fortune, then move their assets to another country.

>> No.974871

>What if, say, instead of paying taxes

who do you mean?

>> No.974876


Oh, okay, so you mean, no taxes on the inheritance or no taxes ever from anything? Like no more income tax, sales tax, service tax, health tax, no more taxation, and only no inheritance?

What makes you think this fucked up idea would work? If everyone's going to give up whatever they own, why would anyone work? Why strive to be better than others when the government will take care of you "socially" with beer money?

Rethink your Commie bullshit

>> No.974881

>If everyone's going to give up whatever they own
see >>974852
>- your family would be able to transfer money, or whatever, to you (or to anyone they want) while they are still alive

>Why strive to be better than others when the government will take care of you "socially" with beer money?
there are ways and ways of redistributing money...

the idea here would be to force old people to stop accumulating wealth just because.

>> No.974882

either government officials, simply seeking to increase what is under their control, or other businesspeople/competitors, seeking to disrupt their business by putting someone else in charge

>> No.974883

Stop replying and just report and hide.

This is that same autistic fucktard making his 8th troll thread of the day.

>> No.974900


Money should never be forcefully redistributed any way. That's not socially unjust. You're saying, if I become the head of a multi billion dollar conglomerate, that when I die, if I die suddenly (happens to majority of old folks), the government gets whatever I have built my entire life? Would it be "redistributed to my family" or "stolen" for fucking retards like you, who are full of health problems, pussies, disgusting Muslims, and poor people?

Because, it would never work, so stop asking and go an hero, because you're fucking stupid, and if that happens, the poor will be culled, and there won't be any more people on welfare, because they'll become slaves to the rich and successful, because there's no way in hell, my money is going to anyone but who I say its going too, because it's my money, not the government's, and if you feel that's socially unjust, you can suck my dick, choke on it, then foam at the mouth with the remnants of my radioactive sperm while you see me fucking your slave daughter I just bought at the slave market this morning while your daughters mouth is taped to your asshole, and you're being fed diahrrea medication through tubes.

Fucking communists.

>> No.974903

>Money should never be forcefully redistributed any way
so, you reject taxes of any kind? get the fuck out

>> No.974905

>This is that same autistic fucktard making his 8th troll thread of the day.
well, not only I managed to make people mad, but also, to show how paranoid people can be.
also, thanks for the new copy pasta.

anyway, no one even bothered showing any data regarding some hypothetical implementation of the idea... perhaps rich people would actually benefit from this, but, eh, you are mad, too mad to even think about it :^)

>> No.974906
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>lol trolled again XD

>> No.974908


Of course I reject taxes, who doesn't? Think, if we didn't have to spend so much money on taxes, we probably would have invented hovercars by now, or flying things, and everyone wouldnt need roads, so there would be no reason to build them.

I think taxes have held us back, technologically.

>> No.974913


Dat ID, "smFh"

shake my FUCKING head


Lol, even poor people will oppose this idea of yours, they've worked their whole lives giving to their kids, and you think they'll not care if the government just takes it away if they die?


>> No.974915

>government officials, simply seeking to increase what is under their control
true, but then, why would they risk their own lives for this?

>other businesspeople/competitors, seeking to disrupt their business by putting someone else in charge
how is that different from what we have today? aren't these businesspeople valuable on their own? and yet competitors usually don't kill one each other...

no, you fucking retard. I'm just wondering what would happen.
why does this make you so angry? are you afraid of change? no wonder you detest other, normal people, judging by other threads in this board.

... read again.

>> No.974919

>I'm just wondering what would happen if i shitposted a terrible idea that can be debunked by even the most average ledditor xD

>> No.974925

>can be debunked
well, do it. you could have done it a while ago. instead, you keep wasting time and posting retarded comments.

>> No.974927

you could also have done what >>974883 said
>Stop replying and just report and hide.

>> No.974934
File: 15 KB, 200x264, based niccolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a rule, jacking a man's birthright is the most unforgivable dick move there is.

>> No.974943

So if I get in a car accident and die, my possessions don't go go my wife and kids? What if we have separate bank accounts? How would the government fund itself year to year if there's no taxes? The government would have to wholesale all the random shit they inherit. Are you fucking autistic?

Fuck your social justice. People like you are the same faggots that tried to social engineer the world decades ago who are now looked upon today as murderers and psychopaths.

>> No.974944

see >>974852
but, yeah, I guess the idea is terrible from that point of view...
still wondering how things would be, though

>> No.974945

>People like you are the same faggots that tried to social engineer the world decades ago who are now looked upon today as murderers and psychopaths.
see pic related in the OP ;)

>> No.974952

never mind that we already do this in basically the most worthwhile method possible: the estate tax on inheritances over a certain threshold
to apply this so broadly and generally just seems like a waste of effort

>> No.974958

Estate tax is one of the easiest taxes to avoid. You can essentially nullify it before you even pass away

>> No.974962


Nothing. The rich would do exactly what they do now and the poor would still get nothing. Everyone in between would shrug and move on.

>> No.975009

You get a lot of poor elderly.

>> No.975297

well, I guess I made some people mad. it's something

the rich almost always have the advantage...



>> No.975379

Are those old bolivares?

>> No.975412

I'm going to inherit a three family apartment building, so I cannot agree.

>> No.975419

>what if we force parents to waste their money on dumb shit they dont really want because jelly subhumans dont want loving parents to support their kids with the money they earned

People would find shitty ways to get around it, like buying gold and burying somewhere so the rightful heirs can then dig it up once they passed away.

On a related note, should the government break the arms of strong people and disfigure beautiful people to make society more fair?

>> No.975420

>implying people with debt don't die all the time