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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.75 MB, 1540x1155, EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9747828 No.9747828 [Reply] [Original]

Once the EOS main net fully goes live, you can expect the following on a short time-line:

> User end free dApp transactions will have many high user tx ETH dApps move over to EOS.
> As hinted at by Dan, we'll soon have a STEEM 2.0, which undoubtedly will be hosted through EOS.
> Several ETH projects will relaunch to distribute ICO airdrops on EOS.

Please explain me why we are hating on this so hard.
MAIN net will soon be LIVE with a lot of use cases build into it in just weeks to come.
And then there is still 1 mil ETH from the EOS crowdsale which have to be sold.
Enough money to put a billboard on the moon for EOS advertisements.

I really don't understand /biz/, it was better before all the link bullshit memes.

>> No.9747857

literally a coin named after a lip balm that causes blisters

>> No.9747870
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i bought a small stack after the john oliver tv spot. gonna hold them and probably acquire more. if biz hates it, i'm sure it will do well

>> No.9747886
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And after a year the distribution of EOS has stopped. The issuing rate of tokens has dropped significantly, so why would it drop? We will have less inflation than before, and a year long distribution.



>> No.9747966

>And after a year the distribution of EOS has stopped
so anyone who wanted some of this garbage already has some?

>> No.9748089


EOS is #5 by volume, pretty odd if there where no buyers. Lots of volume on fiat pairs also.

50%~ of EOS market cap has actually been raised OUTSIDE of the ICO in private funding.
If there where no big projects planned, there would be no need for such huge investments.

Speculative market cap of EOS is many times higher than any other coin in the top 10 except perhaps Bitcoin right now.

You guys are really in for a surprise.

>> No.9748147

Dapp adoption by itself is worthless, steem is proof of that. There's no incentive for any steem users to actually buy steem, it works as a pyramid scheme. It's only valuable for fees and for encouraging users to buy the coin. For fees, if million users bring $10k in fees daily they are worth as much as 10k users also bringing $10k in daily fees.
That's why
>User end free dApp transactions
are bad. Dapp users don't even have to know it uses eos. A dapp of this type is actually a financial liability for eos, because its resource consumption is paid via inflation rather than direct fees. It becomes a competitor to AWS EC2 rather than ethereum.

>Several ETH projects will relaunch to distribute ICO airdrops on EOS.
As fees on ethereum are insignificant for icos, icos will continue to use ethereum due to the biggest user base. A good example of network effects. Airdrops are tiny and irrelevant, only pajeets are poor enough to create an account just to receive few cents worth of some shit token.

>Enough money to put a billboard on the moon for EOS advertisements.
If you think they are going to spend that money on eos you're deluded. At best a tiny fraction to keep up appearances.

>> No.9748323

> Dapp adoption by itself is worthless

In the current model it is, why would there be any dApp adoption if the end user has to pay for every decision, it won't market to masses.

> A dapp of this type is actually a financial liability for eos, because its resource consumption is paid via inflation rather than direct fees

Elaborate on the liability, as far as I understand there is none.

> It becomes a competitor to AWS EC2 rather than ethereum.

And ETH is not a slightly slower and worse competitor to AWS EC2 once it goes casper and still has fees?

> only pajeets are poor enough to create an account just to receive few cents worth of some shit token.

Considering you actually need capital to receive a proportional amount of airdrops I do not see how "poor pajeets" applies.

> If you think they are going to spend that money on eos you're deluded.

I don't, but they certainly have enough money to aggressively market EOS for the lifetime of the project.
And with actual investors on board, why wouldn't they?
Hype and marketing beats tech too. (just look at ripple)

>> No.9748384

How many EOSes do I need to make it? Back in November i turned all my BTC DASH and ETH into this shitcoin and haven't done anything with it. Am I going to make it?

>> No.9748608


How much ETH would you need to make it?
Pick the same amount for EOS and we might get there together.

>> No.9748639

i really hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're not gonna make it

>> No.9748673
File: 122 KB, 864x781, eosmocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please explain me why we are hating on this so hard.
Because this board is filled with plebbits who bought into the mindless FUD spread by scared mETHeads instead of doing their own research. It's the exact same thing you see with nocoiners. Instead of admitting they were wrong and getting in a little late, they double down and scream about some made up schizophrenic bullshit like how Dan is just going to walk away with $4 billion or how the Chinese own all the tokens.

>> No.9748698
File: 167 KB, 859x859, eosfud2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EOS fud on this board is proof that there's a huge amount of spillover from r/CryptoCurrency

>> No.9748719

I don't give a shit about the opinion of others on coins and went all in on EOS

>> No.9748796
File: 369 KB, 1882x941, eosprediction7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went all in back in February/March after trying the test net out and realizing how much better of a system it is than Ethereum. I only regret that I didn't look into the project sooner.

>> No.9748861

>ethereum dapps move to eos
lol, nope. most of ethereum's dapps are still in development, and by the time they're released, ethereum will have off chain scaling, which is even cheaper and faste than eos can ever be, because it bypasses the blockchain entirely.

but keep dreaming, it's adorable

>> No.9748922
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Mother. Of. God.

I have been on biz for 3 years now and I honestly could not for the life of me understand why 4chan BIZ of all places was hating EOS. Because if anything biz has usually been very contrarian and desu not very pro ethereum, like even in september/november lots of threads mocked ethereum (though people admitted hodling it for gains) and just in general there wasn't as much fanboyism or tribalistic shitting on something. Now it makes sense, I have never been on r/CryptoCurrency but these fuckers have the exact same smug writing style I see everywhere.

Can redditors please fucking go? Do we need to start posting gore?

>> No.9748935

do you not understand how eos works? it's literally ethereum with the gas limit ramped up so high only 21 servers are able to keep in sync with it.

there's no innovation, no breakthrough tech, its just effectively a private ethereum network but public, with all of the upsides, and downsides. webassembly is a decent choice, but they had the luxury of seeing what a mess solidity has turned out to be for ethereum. other than that, and a few nice additions for idiots like self-recovering addresses and scheduled transactions, everything else in eos is a huge negative. the "constitution" is something you would expect to find in a pre-bitcoin blockchain, before everyone worked out why code is king in consensus.

we're going to need significant tech improvements to see real scalability, and eos isn't scalable, if it was, they'd be able to run more than a handful of nodes at once.

>> No.9748951

>implying there's no reason to not do this.

>> No.9748967

the chinese wash trading exchanges actually do own all the tokens though, that's indisputable

>> No.9748990

it's got nothing to do with ethereum. people hate on eos because it's got a fundamentally broken design.

the people that you find on here and reddit, the late adopters, are the people hyping all of these new shitcoins, and crowning everything a bitcoin killer, or ethereum killer.

anyone that wasn't a late adopter would have so much fucking money thanks to bitcoin and ethereum that buying a few thousand eos as a hedge wouldn't even need a second thought, but that doesn't change the fact that eos has fundamental problems that dan clearly couldn't find solutions for, and whitewashed it away into a faux-legal document.

>> No.9749028
File: 150 KB, 1890x588, eosethereumprediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you not understand how eos works? it's literally ethereum with the gas limit ramped up so high only 21 servers are able to keep in sync with it.
> people hate on eos because it's got a fundamentally broken design.
Jesus christ no-EOSers are so stupid it hurts my brain. It's gotten to a point where instead of wanting to correct the idiots, I just want to watch them continue to miss out and get saltier and saltier like those boomers on r/buttcoin. It gives me a warm tingly feeling inside.

What does that have to do with EOS specifically then?

>> No.9749072

it means they can vote in whatever BPs they want, normal users don't even make up the 15% needed for mainnet

>> No.9749114

>miss out
nice meme, but unfortunately for you i have a few thousand eos, like i said, early adopters can take risks, even on fundamentally broken designs like eos. i'm not missing out on anything, and unlike you i'm about to look at it from both an investment perspective, and a tech perspective, unlike you, who went "all in" and are clearly emotionally attached to it, like so many others desperate to not miss out.

>> No.9749115

How do you get cheaper transactions than free?

>> No.9749116

This is the sort of schizophrenic idiocy I was talking about in >>9748673

It's just so stupid I feel like taking you seriously would lower my own IQ substantially.

>> No.9749141

>nice meme, but unfortunately for you i have a few thousand eos
No you don't. You're a butthurt no-eoser who's emotionally attached to the idea that you only missed out on a "scam" and were "actually right" about thinking it wasn't a good project when you first came across it on plebbit.

>> No.9749149

the "constitution" forbits proxy voting by exchanges or other custodians of eos, but even without the exchanges, a few hundred wallets control just over 50% of all eos, so it's moot what the exchanges do.

this isn't an eos problem though, this is a dpos + terrible distrubution problem, one that almost every ico coin has, apart from ones with heavy redistribution like ethereum, thanks to it being used mainly as a funding platform right now.

>> No.9749162


People don't hate on NEO which is fundamentally broken in many ways and has almost no actual transactions or remotely useful dAPPs. This whole meme that EOS is somehow especially scammy or worse than average for a crypto is ridiculous. Every day I see discussions about various vapourware coins and yeah some people FUD them, but no one really gives a shit. EOS actually gets full on fucking napalm'd. 2 billion for Vechain? That's fine, 5 billion for Iota? Makes sense. 1.5 billion for OMG le epic skateboard man? No biggie. If EOS pulled the skateboard stunt they'd get eviscerated.

You know what all those coins have in common? They are some of the most popular coins on reddit, and would normally get torn apart. I've also noticed way less racism on biz lately, which is another indicator of normie/redditor invasion. EVEN VERGE, which admittedly got trashed a lot, still has less negativity than EOS. Honestly I see 2 positive EOS posts for every 8 negative ones.

>> No.9749172

it's literally true though. you think okex isn't going to vote with their wallets? you're deluded

>> No.9749186

a few thousand eos was basically free at the fall dip during the year long ico, literally less than 1 BTC. you really think that's a lot of money? how late did you get in?

>> No.9749229

Nigger nigger nigger. Thats for the faggot reddit basedboy commie cucks

>> No.9749235

>a few hundred wallets control just over 50% of all eos
You mean like literally every top 50 coin? Like how a few hundred people/corporations control >50% of every valuable commodity in existence? Welcome to the free market where people with wealth own most of the shit. The only requirement necessary for DPoS to function as intended is for those few hundred addresses not to all collude with each other.

First of all they cant, because those coins don't belong to them and they need to keep them liquid. Second of all, it's against the constitution, and any nodes they vote for will be forcefully removed by other legitimate nodes.

>> No.9749245

they do, just not the blind late adopters that roam the public internet. i've had several good conversations with other large investoros about neo, and everyone agrees without the china angle it has nothing to offer.

and i dont think eos is any worse than neo, it's obviously better from a decentralization standpoint, but that's not saying anything because neo is completely centralized right now, nobody other than neo themselves are allowed to participate in consensus.

and you're only noticing the normies now? biz changed completely over a year ago, when all of this went mainstream yet again. but it's still the only decent anonymous places to discuss crypto, even with all of the paid posting.

>> No.9749253

If you own a few thousand EOS then send a couple cents of ethereum to me using the address that owns said EOS: 0x6963c5783b7d9C08cB1744fc6d94b151fD4F59c5

But you won't do that because you're a lying faggot.

>> No.9749268

so they let their whales vote by proxy then, it will happen

>> No.9749281

the difference is not every top coin uses dpos, which makes distribution of eos as important as distribution of hash rate, and we can see how bitcoin's ended up with the china problem.

eos can't use full proof of stake because it doesn't have the scalability to handle more than 21 consensus nodes right now, so unfortunately they had to chose dpos, which is a fundamentally weak algorithm when you put it in the real world, with real wealth curves.

>The only requirement necessary for DPoS to function as intended is for those few hundred addresses not to all collude with each other.
yeah, when collusion gives them anything they want to take thanks to the winner-takes all strategy eos uses. they've just dangled the biggest carrot infront of everyone.

>> No.9749284

no, i won't do it because you're a pathetic begging pajeet

>> No.9749308

Then send exactly 0.000069 ETH to any other account that you own. But you won't do that because you're a lying faggot who's trying so goddamned hard to rationalize why you missed out on the next big thing

>> No.9749334

it won't be that obvious, most people won't even see it happening. the collusion will come in the form of liberal interpretation of the "constitution" itself, as has already started happening (allowing BPs to own stakes in other BPs against most of the small-time community's wishes).

that's the problem with the lack of coded consensus eos has, you want to end up with BPs acting in their own interests in a way that means they act in the communities interest, but instead of designing a way to coerce that in code, they're trying to make all of these BPs pinkie promise that they won't collude, or form coalitions or carlets, and act in the communities interest, not just their own.

they might be able to do it, at least in the short term, but the problem with relying on humans instead of code is that humans are fickle, as we've seen during the ethereum bailout/fork. when shit hits the fan the last thing you really want and for humans to be making those decisions.

>> No.9749365

>missed out
believe what you want, but you're giving up how little money you're playing with if you think a few thousand eos (worth literally low 4 figures) is something you feel needs to be "proven".

autists like you are the reason people post on anonymous boards here in the first place. nobody is going to deanonymize themselves for some angry late adopter.

>> No.9749399

Thanks for proving my point that you're a lying piece of shit. Everything you say is a rationalization because you can't just admit that you bought into the plebbit FUD. kys

>autists like you are the reason people post on anonymous boards here in the first place.
Autists like me are why FUDDERS hide behind anonymity to spread their bullshit, because it's harder to call them out when they can make up any backstory they want. Unfortunately for you, you're still too dumb to figure out how to not out yourself even while anonymous.

>> No.9749464

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how will no eosers ever recover

>> No.9749580


Yeah I noticed the normies but they came and went in waves, like around Feb/March things returned to normal(ish).

Yes many serious investors criticise NEO and EOS. But explain why on 4chain I never hear bad things about NEO but I constantly hear bad things about EOS? Its fucking redditors. Neo actually has a flawed dPOS algorithm, and in general has way more scam vibes than EOS (fucking chinks).

Furthermore EOS is down 40% from ATH, yet NEO is down fucking *70%*, I defy anyone to justify hating EOS but being fine with NEO.

>> No.9749665

only low IQ people aren't highly invested in EOS.

The EOS tech is different than bitcoin/eth, so it appears to be a scam for low IQ sheeple. And that's why they stay poor.

The same thing happened with ETH really. When it came out, it was highly criticized.

And no, it's not like Link at all. Link is criticized for the incompetent team and mediocre codebase and github activity.

Whereas ETH and EOS are criticized for being different than what sheeple are used to.

>> No.9749714


Because it's not a crypto. No really, why use this over AWS for creating a Web app? It's not immutable, it's not censorship resistant, it relys on human validation & interpretation of a constitution to enforce terms and conditions. It's just a distributed cloud computing platform. It's not even a real PoS platform. Seriously, I could just have a bunch of SQL instances on AWS, with a field called "tokens" on a table that matches "addresses" and call it a crypto that runs with a gorillion tps.

You've been had OP. I dumped my EOS on bagholders already, just get out now.

>> No.9749740


This guy gets it.

>> No.9749746

>I dumped my EOS on bagholders already, just get out now.
Another no-eoser making up lies to give credibility to his low IQ analysis/lack of understanding. You guys are so transparent

>> No.9749790

>In the current model it is
No, dapp users on ethereum have to pay fees in ethereum, so adoption is good for ethereum.
>Elaborate on the liability
Fees on eth are not connected with eth's price, ether is only a medium of exchange. Which means when there's high demand for transactions low-value uses get priced out, as they should. On EOS low-value dapps have a constant share in the network and everyone is forced to pay for them via inflation even if other dapps, but with less eos have much bigger demand.
If BTC had EOS' fee model a significant portion of daily transactions would be Bible quotes. LukeJr, a core developer and early developer spammed the blockchain with them in the early days.
>And ETH is not a slightly slower and worse competitor to AWS EC2
Even as fuel only, it isn't, because ethereum is decentralized and not mutable by a majority vote. EOS is as centralized as AWS. More broadly ether functions as money, more than btc at this point, eos doesn't.
>once it goes casper and still has fees?
You still don't understand that fees are an advantage. A dapp user that doesn't have to buy the coin to use a dapp is worthless to the platform. The reason for buying can be for fees or as currency to pay with.
Have you ever heard the phrase 'dollar has value because of taxes'? It's true. Same applies to fees. People have to buy ether to use anything on ethereum. This gives it a valuation point, and since they already have it, it starts to function as money.
Let's say wikipedia is ported to eos and they get lots of eos from block.one to function. End-users don't even have to know that eos exists. Where's the gain for eos? Nowhere, it's a loss, because the design forces unrelated buyers to fund the dapp via inflation.
>Considering you actually need capital to receive a proportional amount of airdrops
why would airdrops be proportional? The point is marketing. Look at eos distribution! The only future is in per account airdrops like the one tron did.

>> No.9749822

>LukeJr, a core developer and early developer
*early adopter

>> No.9749841
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>End-users don't even have to know that eos exists. Where's the gain for eos? Nowhere, it's a loss
The IQ of a no-eoser everyone

>> No.9749922

so where's the gain?
you're only thinking in terms of shitcoin hype, but eos is too big for dumb money to pump it significantly for these reasons. Even for shitcoins 'partnerships' and similar bs tricks are working less and less.

>> No.9749979

>No really, why use this over AWS for creating a Web app

lol because AWS has 0 censorship resistance, amazon can drop you anytime they want for no reason, whereas EOS has 21 elected block producers that will lose their next election if they do random shit like censoring you unjustly.

Honestly, just for even comparing AWS to EOS, you have a confirmed IQ of 60.

>> No.9750004

>so where's the gain?
The fact that it's going to have mainstream apps on it that normies use, which will massively increase demand for network resources and drive token prices up. The token's value will be derived from demand, not blind speculation. And demand comes in the ways of actual mainstream adoption.

>but eos is too big for dumb money to pump it significantly for these reasons
Dumb money isn't going to pump EOS. Institutional money that wants a stake in the network will.
Investing in EOS now is like investing in TCP/IP in the early 90s. You're not investing in just another one trick pony project. You're investing in a protocol that's going to be the backbone of a large chunk of the internet.

>> No.9750031


Take a look at MakerDAO it is one example of how useful a decentralized credit / lending system can be. It is a single structure of the financial system represented as a smart contract and DAO. In theory such systems could be used to leverage independent banking on the Blockchain (with a single structure). In the future, we'll have more dApps like this, which probably will run entirely in the background without the user noticing. Same with Basic Attention Token; you really want users to buy a token and rely on the ad network to grow large enough so they can profit? Why not the other way around? Build BAT silently in the background, reward users for attention without them having to jump through hoops or even familiarize themselves with crypto? But yeah, most brainlets can't think so far ahead.

There's the gain, and it won't work in the current model ETH is running and trying to fix.
EOS is here for dApp commercialization; and it will work because that's the only thing which will attract the masses.

>> No.9750064

>EOS is as centralized as AWS
kek what a brainlet

Sure 21 elected entities (amongst 100s) are exactly just as centralized as 1 unelected entity.

do you realize how much of a brainlet you are?

>> No.9750079

Lol.EOS is shit compared to actual frameworks breaking the TCP/IP paradigm. You are just as deluded as a link holder.

>> No.9750084

hahahah it keeps getting fucking better

https://youtu.be/vP6aB0jV-7c?t=29m52s [Embed]

This is where An Open Secret starts about Brock Pierce. He was introduced by Bryan Singer(known hollywood pedo).

You literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.9750105

>SJWs don't like your dapp
>they pressure the known BPs to shut it down
>the BPs shut it down so they don't lose their election

>> No.9750113

At least I truly see

Brock Pierce FUD is so two months ago, time to come up with something new now that he's gone. Or better yet, go post it on plebbit and get some of those sweet self-validating upvotes

>> No.9750144

SJW's have no power on the blockchain. Unless a dapp is breaking the constitution then there's nothing BP's can do. And how many SJW's do you think own EOS tokens?

>> No.9750149

>>SJWs don't like your dapp
>>they pressure the known BPs to shut it down
>>the BPs shut it down so they don't lose their election

AWS is a lot more likely to comply with SJW than 21 block producers elected by the majority.

Also SJWs are too dumb to own crypto, so any BP that complies with SJW will be voted out.

The fact that you think AWS is less likely to comply with SJW just confirms your low IQ.

>> No.9750178

they'll do it as soon as the /pol/fags make a nazi dapp, which will be immediate

>> No.9750190



>> No.9750209

They have no incentive nor constitutional rights to censor nazi memes. Any BP who attempts to break the constitution will be removed from power and lose their income. Remember, they need a 17/21 majority consensus to do something like this, so even if a handful of nodes were SJW's it wouldn't matter.

>> No.9750262

>they'll do it as soon as the /pol/fags make a nazi dapp, which will be immediate

being able to censor shit is actually a bonus. Example getting rid of CP.

There's already countless immutable blockchains. And EOS won't take over their use cases.

but EOS has 10000x other use cases. And this is why it's going to the moon.

>> No.9750302

>>EOS is #5 by volume,
nope it's higher

>> No.9750328

>icos will continue to use ethereum due to the biggest user base
What are some of the most widely adopted business applications on the Ethereum platform today?

>> No.9750351

You know that developers need to hold eos to get their dapp to function right.
It's funny how brainlets just spit shit without doing any research on how EOS actually works.

>> No.9750406

Pyramid schemes lol

>> No.9750443

If I buy EOS now, won’t I get useless ERC20 tokens? How does that work?
It’s odd that thete has been a snapshot but mainnet is not live as was promised.

>> No.9750453

snapshot is for the genesis tool moron

>> No.9750485

I'll totally concede that this probably doesn't deserve to be hated more than stuff like NEO. But are we really in a market where people want to buy things? If this starts jumping like a rocket then cool, maybe I can get some spillover for my bags.

>> No.9750490

The genesis tool? Dude wtf are you even talking about. I am getting ERC20 now correct?

>> No.9750525

Holy shit, this topic reads like a new-age economy road-map. Fuck me for being stupid enough to enter this market without grasping its implications before.

>> No.9750604
File: 13 KB, 300x300, EthPyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People have to buy ether to use anything on ethereum. This gives it a valuation point
What real value though? The Ethereum platform has been out for a few years and it's still not used by businesses.
There are no widely adopted business apps running on ETH, at all.
ETH is used for three things only... 1: Pyramid schemes. 2: Cat games. 3: Launching ERC20 shitcoins.
It has zero real-world business use, and its 'smart contracts' are a meme - no businesses are actually using them.
ETH is dead in the water as all the ERC20 shitcoins steadily dump their ETH reserves over the next year while any decent businesses move to EOS.

>> No.9750723

What do people think of EOS DPoS 21 node model vs. Vechain's 101 KYC Authority node model? I feel like they're pretty similar but 101 is better than 21. Plus we know these nodes are gonna be large enterprises who have every incentive to uphold the integrity of the network as they have live dApps on the platform. Thoughts?

>> No.9750762

They're in the process of launching it

>> No.9750864

This does make sense my guy. I dont hold eos but plebbit cucks have got it in for bch and this coin.

>> No.9750877

>Sure 21 elected entities (amongst 100s) are exactly just as centralized as 1 unelected entity.
LOL are you unironically calling democracy better than monarchy?
Amazon has a contract and they can't break it for no reason. Eos nodes can censor what they want, they only need political support which is trivial to achieve. It's enough to observe political propaganda in the world. In the case of eos it's going to be enough to rile up outrage on r/eos and twitter to force over anything. Not agreeing to censor 'evil' things is going to be interpreted as support for it.

immutable decentralization > monarchy >> democracy. There's no worse political system than democracy. Democracy is as far from decentralization as possible.
>There are no widely adopted business apps running on ETH, at all.
Because it turns out no 'business app' needs a blockchain, and even if some do in the future it's only for its immutability, which eos lacks. Immutability is literally the only difference between a typical hosting solution.
The real value of smart contracts is in manipulating tokens representing shares or real world resources. Nobody needs reddit/twitter/wikipedia on a blockchain, there's no business model. Wikipedia even stores history of all edits, making it function like a dapp on a mutable network, so there would be no difference. What you described as "Launching ERC20 shitcoins" is early phase of disrupting existing stock markets.

Online decentralized games would be cool but it's impossible to do even on a centralized blockchain, the only realistic solution is intel sgx (corda, golem?).

>> No.9751054


>> No.9751099


>Nothing can be an iterative improvement
>There is zero difference between completely centralized and owned by a single corporation and a foundation entity maintaining open source software that has integrated currency features.

Can you r*dditors please just fuck off. Don't even deny it, only r*dditors hate EOS. Getting through to you fuckers is impossible you can only ever see what's already successful. Go back and look at the thousands of posts in 2016 about how ETH is pointless because corporations would do their own version. Why do you think banks use SWIFT? Because semi decentralisation is more valuable than complete centralisation (SWIFT is a cooperative, as opposed to a company owned by a single bank).

EOS will essentially be all the corporations working together, instead of individual corporations competing.

>> No.9751197

>no 'business app' needs a blockchain
Sure, and in 1990 no business app 'needed' the internet.

>> No.9751767

You just outed yourself as a newfag, NEO got badmouthed hard when it was relevant and all the paid shills were astroturfing. Now that it's cooled off, no one shills it anymore. The only reason you have a persecution complex about EOS is because, like NEO, the shills are out in full force, and /biz/ hates shills.

>> No.9752156


It's the opposite actually, I was here when it was the antshares rebranding, in fact I made a tidy profit on bittrex. Which is my point again, the true bizraelis and oldfags were shilling NEO, whilst r*dditors were fucking criticising it as a chink scam. Now these same fags defend NEO and slander EOS, because they are always behind the curve.

>> No.9752676
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