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9745673 No.9745673 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9746008


>> No.9746033

Get with the times Gramps EOS is the hot new scam network

>> No.9746233


>> No.9746290

chinese guy, if you told us your life story i 100% guarantee you more people would listen
your message is not interesting, but you are, by virtue of being so obsessed with this for a whole year

>> No.9746350

Successful people talk about Facts. Unsuccessful people talk about people.

>> No.9746484

the actual quote is: great minds focus on ideas, average minds focus on events, weak minds focus on people
it's also completely unrelated to the topic at hand, except perhaps in the sense it should convince you you're going the complete wrong way about this. most people are by definition average, so a message with lackluster presentation has a much lower chance to succeed than a compelling narrative. facts come into play only once you've hooked someone in

>> No.9747276

this is actually good information.

>> No.9747783