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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9744770 No.9744770 [Reply] [Original]

Not trying to fud but I have a serious concern with Chainlink. Chainlink has been on Ropsten for a month and everyone was expecting all these potential partners to test on the test net. The team even told people to keep an eye on Ropsten to see the customers using the network. Well for 3 weeks the only transactions on Ropsten have been regular peeps taking the 100 Ropsten link from the faucet. There has been absolutely no requests for data. In fact, someone asked Thomas why and then Thomas made a run to show it works. Well I see Thomas's request for data but it is the only one.
Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink? I know the lack of communication, lack of updates from Sergey, lack of social media presence, increasing competition from large players are all red flags but this may be the largest.
Does anyone actually want to use Chainlink Network?

>> No.9745869
File: 1.01 MB, 789x608, toy-pepe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru dat

> devs went on holiday after ICO

>> No.9745882
File: 203 KB, 800x1126, 1-mnZwvCWWYBoy40ZAFaW6KQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A discord group is fudding LINK in preparation for a pump and dump. They hope many will sell so they fomo back in and buy their pumped bags. First, they ask for LINK memes a few days ago ''Oh /biz/ help, I lost my meme folder and all my LINK memes are gone'' and then they start a heavy FUD campaign. In the next few days or weeks, they will pump and dump LINK.

>> No.9745903

A discord crew is fuddin LINK up in preparation fo' a pump n' dump. They hope nuff will push so they fomo back up in n' loot they pumped bags. First, they ask fo' LINK memes all dem minutes ago ''Oh /biz/ help, I lost mah meme folda n' all mah LINK memes is gone'' n' then they start a heavy FUD campaign. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. In tha next few minutes or weeks, they will pump n' dump LINK.

>> No.9745914

Holly shit !
This is huge !
What did the CL team say ?

>> No.9745945

It's weird. in the beginning I was fudding Link to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding Chainlink. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in Chainlink I feel verydifferent. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.

>> No.9746003
