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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9739378 No.9739378 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else getting Raiblocks vibes from this?

>> No.9739393

i took a break from /biz/ a week ago and now out of nowhere i've seen this shilled in nearly every thread, so no. why should i care about this coin?

>> No.9740031

>why should i care about this coin?
If they come thorugh with Atlantis this thing is going straight Pluto.

>> No.9740269
File: 137 KB, 774x866, Darpa_MEMEA0854585-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This dev team has the potential to make a coin better than the top10s and its current market cap is having it valued as a scam, which means you can unironically 1000x your money if they succeed

>> No.9740286

Why? They have ZERO MARKETING. They could invent a free energy device, and it's going to mean NOTHING if nobody knows about it.

>> No.9740363

You really don't think they can't market this thing? I mean it's not like they can't, there just focused on developing the product right now and once they are done and get more exchange listing this thing is going nuclear. Nothing stays hidden in crypto for long if it's a decent project, or even a shitty one like ShipChain.

>> No.9740409

Marketing isn't scheduled until Q4. They have 0 plans on marketing this thing at all until at least October. You could literally be making money in other altcoins while you wait for that.

>> No.9740420


fuck no

>> No.9740421
File: 548 KB, 800x496, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just check out their page, dero.io, and also look up their thread on Bitcointalk. It's a fast & private directed acyclic graph (DAG) blockchain with smartcontracts that uses proof of work (The devs take measures against ASIC miners, too). It already had a 10x moonshot.

>> No.9740480

And I will, after the Atlantis pump.

>> No.9740587

>its current market cap is having it valued as a scam
That's nonsensical drivel.

>> No.9740589

Or losing more money, and not remaining a single fucking Satoshi to invest into later...

>> No.9740612

you again? If I leave this thread I know I bet I'm going to see a thread shit talking Dero.

>> No.9740649

See >>9740426

>> No.9740660

Of course

>> No.9741574
File: 269 KB, 684x469, DERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9741600

I'm getting ''hide thread vibes'' from this

>> No.9741637

Just checked it out and... no
I am not going to invest in something that doesn't have its development on github. Dero just has some initial commits 4-6 months ago by 1 dev and that is it. Where is the development? Not going to trust some Chinks to: "trust us, we have the development going on on our Chinese private git that no one can watch, but it is all there"

>> No.9741718

Yeah thats the risk and keeps many people out. But I did deep DYOR into the chat archives and think they are legit, which would make me filthy rich

>> No.9741720

When this was shilled months ago, I even made the effort to report every Dero thread.

>> No.9742215

o rly?

>> No.9742290

m8.... youse bought a coin called 'dero'... are youse all fucking dero's?

>> No.9742332


>> No.9742455

Imagine being this much of a cuck

>> No.9743154

There's nothing cuckish about wanting this board pajeetscam free.

>> No.9743537


>> No.9743671

Can't wait for you to fomo in at $100

>> No.9744145

"Dero" is a navy code or something like that.

>> No.9744735


>> No.9744794

There are multiple hints to DARPA in the code

>> No.9744845

Wow...I just went on the old site for raiblocks before they rebranded, and they had no tab for the team or anything, DERO is the same, do we even know the team members yet?

>> No.9744914

>Anyone else getting Raiblocks vibes from this?
Hey, that's what I wrote in the last thread. Godspeed anon.

>> No.9745009

Can someone tell me more about this? I only have 0.08 btc and the only way for me to get even close to making it is by going all in on a 10-20x moonshot by EOY

I like what i'm seeing so far but the lack of public development on github and anonymous team members is a bit off putting. When is atlantis scheduled for release, what exactly IS atlantis? Is it mainnet or something else? thank you

>> No.9745347

The testnet is coming out in less than 36 hours. They will release the mainnet in 15ish days. This update alone should at least 2x the coins price if they pull through (which I think they definitely will). If they succeed in making private smart contacts theirs no reason why this coin couldn't be in the top 10.

>> No.9745497

I forgot to mention that smart contracts aren't coming out in this next update but later down the line.

>> No.9745713
File: 35 KB, 250x250, DERO TRTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promise smartcontracts soon, sirs
So there's some truth in pic related.

>> No.9746407

TurtleCoin is hyperinflated and will always be unless it hits mass adoption. Also I'm not saying they are going to follow through with private smart contacts but if they do Dero will be a huge success.

>> No.9746628

dero is going to be a huge designated fuckup lol