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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 535 KB, 1706x964, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 11.33.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9739296 No.9739296 [Reply] [Original]

why are you guys not mining 0xBTC?

>> No.9739302
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>> No.9739306

youtubers are now pumping it. good. less work for me. moon eoy

>> No.9739307

That is the main thing I dont get about this token.

Even if its not true mining, why refused to mine something you know is going to have a 200m market cap.

>> No.9739327

biz never learns

>> No.9739358

It's true mining, bro. You are smart to invest. See you in the rich house.
Hello fellow, 0xBTC holder. We will make it with mojitos.

>> No.9739367

How many coins can I mine with a macbook pro in one day?

>> No.9739369

not a miner but where can i view hashpower over time for 0xbtc?

>> No.9739373
File: 697 KB, 768x1156, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i mine it?

>> No.9739377

Not mining your shitcoins faggot

>> No.9739382

You need a high den graphics card you’re better off just buying it

>> No.9739388

god damn it reeks like curry in this thread

>> No.9739391


>> No.9739396

No sweat. These two will >>9739367

>> No.9739411
File: 174 KB, 323x433, 0xMoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stats: https://0x1d00ffff.github.io/0xBTC-Stats/?page=stats&#
Calculator: https://0x1d00ffff.github.io/0xBTC-Stats/?page=miningcalculator&#

>> No.9739410

Its not as if it seems in here friend.

>> No.9739431
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>> No.9739441

a 0xBTC thread without any FUD. is this coin FUD proof? how high will it rise?

>> No.9739454

beyond 1000. it's 21 mil supply like btc. it can go up and up.

>> No.9739464

this image gives me butterflies bro

>> No.9739467

nice video. one thing i’d add is the first mover advantage 0xbtc has. unlike bitcoin knockoffs like ltc that change a few parameters (security for speed etc) the only things a “fork” of 0xBTC can do differently are what, name, supply and community?

>> No.9739494

exactly. 0xbitcoin is not a "fork", it's an iteration

>> No.9739509

amd rigs...

>> No.9739516

So all someone did was create an erc20 token with a supply of 21m?

What am I missing here?

>> No.9739526
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>> No.9739530

It's still mining in the traditional sense, just not doing the confirmation work (which Ethereum already provides) So the Ethereum miners profit in ETH, the 0xBitcoin miners profit in 0xBTC

>> No.9739535

Where's your mineable Ethereum token? go make one I'll wait

>> No.9739541
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>> No.9739544

it's mineable and is bitcoin code. it's bitcoin on etheerum that actually can interact iwth smart contracts.

this is huge, sir

>> No.9739560

in all seriousness, ERC20 tokens are normally only distributed via a pre-sale or airdropped, and the creators' ability to just print more tokens anytime they want means they're not worth much. Mining keeps the distribution fair -and- adds value

>> No.9739568

Seriously? In the old days anything could mine BTC...

>> No.9739576


Hope you weren't waiting long

>> No.9739578

also nigeer yoshi owns 10% stake in bitcoin. 0xbtc is much more evenly distributed. the stats speak for themselves.

>> No.9739598


Only 3380 addresses hold this token.

>> No.9739612


>> No.9739624

early days bro. its goin fast. get in now

>> No.9739688


That's pretty cool but missing some important aspects like the automatic difficulty adjustment.

>> No.9739878

GTX960 or 1050 or higher, but older can work too, and you're p much set. But the newer+more cards the more tokens you'll get

>> No.9739960

getting fuck all with 370+280x
used to mine with a single 270x and have 3 digits

>> No.9740055

This is not a real mineable token, this is just like the failed project Minereum kek

>> No.9740088

No it's not. Bitcoin is Bitcoin because of it's liquidity. This is a pure shitcoin, with no use case other than mining. You're just buying a feature (mining on Ethereum)

>> No.9740108

it cost me like $4 to send bitcoins today and it took more than an hour. 0xBTC sends almost instantly for a lot cheaper, so

>> No.9740144

His arguments are so bad. He complains that Satoshi holds 10% of all bitcoin, muh what if he's hostile.

Nigga stfu. What about Bitmain who clearly controls over all of Bitcoin's mining power? These chinks are selling mining rigs; tell me anons, why sell a money printing machine if you can make money with it yourself? Because you already control all the mining power of BTC, and you're selling your under-powered hardware because you know it will make you more money. That's BTC's real FUD. Fuck outta here with that shit satoshi argument.

>> No.9740156

Yes, but 0xBTC won't replace Bitcoin. It will never have the same liquidity as OG Bitcoin

>> No.9740170

>buying a feature
it is the first ERC20 commodity. With 0xBitcoin you have the best of Bitcoin and Ether. Also, with the Lave Network, users will be able to pay gas fees with 0xBTC (as well as other ERC20 tokens).

>> No.9740184

the satoshi argument is the least important problem addressed in that video but it is true that a ghost owns 10% of bitcoin, which is not desirable.

>> No.9740277

I don't see this coin's value right now. I agree that it could have w-eth properties, but that's the only use case desu.

What the most important argument in your eyes?

I see where people think it could have potential. I imagine myself being in 2010 and saying the same thing about OG Bitcoin, which desu is the only reason why I am open to opinions

>> No.9740296

So far I can't use crypto in regular stores, most of them anyway, so that's an issue for every coin/token. But the easier it gets to trade it for goods/services after exchanging the more adoption there'll be sofaikt

>> No.9740344

That's a pajeet tier argument for the coin imo.

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I start to think why not? It's not a terrible idea. I'll sleep on it and see what other people in other threads said, because most arguments are literal pajeet tier

>> No.9740361
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>> No.9740593

Bitcoin has limitations and Ether has limitations. 0xBTC combines Bitcoin with the ERC20 protocol and removes their limitations.
>worst part about bitcoin
cant be used with smart contracts
>worst part about ether
it is inefficient to use as a currency because you have to wrap it first
it also had an ICO which i do not think is that bad, but some people think it was unfair+against the law
0xbtc solves those problems.

>> No.9740639


The hashrate for 0xBTC is 6.85 Th/s. However, 0xdogecoin, which was just released, only has a hashrate of 24.02 Mh/s:


0xdogecoin released less than 7 hours ago!

You can buy 0xBTC and mine 0xdogecoin. This will let you have your cake and eat it too!!

>> No.9740783
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"Let there be a third choice"

>> No.9740798


>> No.9740819


>> No.9740855


Running an ICO is not a problem in fact in makes perfect sense when you're a project raising funds. That's what its use is. Because of that tokens with icos can never be currency or act as a medium of exchange. This includes Ether. Not only is it weird to have to use weth, but Ether is meant to be gas for the network. Ether is an inferior store of value and medium of exchange because of the method of distribution, and the distribution and production of the supply. It has all the things that make Bitcoin a great commodity while being usable in the Ethereum ecosystem. Additionally it's not a security.

>> No.9741443
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> Bitcoin over Ethereum


>> No.9741756
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The most shillful thread since summer's start. Nice to see /biz/ doing its thing.

>> No.9742141
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>> No.9742263
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>> No.9742267
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>> No.9742273

The price fluctuates pretty rapidly. I can't help but fret about it.

>> No.9742312

thanks anon.

>> No.9743019

bumping because I have nothing else to do.

>> No.9743711


>> No.9743725

let's do nothing together then .

>> No.9743735

nice to bump onto you btw anon

>> No.9743753

My gas price is stuck at 1 gwei even though I set it to 20. How do I fix this?

>> No.9743897

same here mate

>> No.9743900
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>> No.9743953

this. 0xBTC is FUD proof except for the fact that it does not have intrinsic value. The only coins that have intrinsic value are the platform coins that are REQUIRED to use them as gas. However, 0xBTC has some desirable characteristics over those currencies. Nobody will ever NEED 0xBTC or even BTC but people will NEED Ether to use its blockchain.

>> No.9744146

what is the best mining pool for 0xBTC???

>> No.9744297
File: 61 KB, 600x789, 32935632_10155927642388451_731086902173630464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a whole discord group dedicates to shilling this shitcoin. You were warned.

>> No.9744314

Name it.

>> No.9744397


Anyone getting their tokens when mining for a pool? Are they all just scams or wtf is going on?

>> No.9744437

Pajeet tier pajeet tier I’ll have to see what other people say about it later!! Man can you think for yourself??

>> No.9744452

When is this garbage going to dump Jesus Christ you would have to be an absolute idiot to buy this

>> No.9744666


>> No.9744685

see you at $10

>> No.9744705

please explain why you think it is garbage

>> No.9744896

Look at the distribution the top holder is less than a fraction of a percent? You can get in early too, but chose to FUD it with non-arguments, do you enjoy poverty ?

>> No.9744916

this. in the time you fags have been shitposting i already switched 2 12 card 1070ti rigs running HiveOS over to 0xBTC

get in or stay poor. also thanks OP for this thread ya did gud today ya big ol straight guy

>> No.9744981
File: 19 KB, 794x338, cmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9744989

Difficulty goes up tomorrow get while the getting is good.

>> No.9745103

we on CMC BOIS

>> No.9745118

no problem fren ;)

>> No.9745336

we in

>> No.9745488

market cap: ?

this must be scam

>> No.9745529

wolfpool is down, WTF. fucksake.

>> No.9745539

>why are you guys not mining 0xBTC?
downloading ETH blockchain imposible task for 99% personal computers

>> No.9745540


Look at cmcs recently added, most don't have the circulating supply yet so they say ? That doesn't make them scams at all.

>> No.9745557

why do they try to hide circulating supply?
the author must hold a premine that can't be revealed

>> No.9745603


Hahaha. The contract is there to look at please stop posting obviously fake information. Its the first eip918 on cmc so they have to customize how it pulls the supply.

Find the actual stats here:

>> No.9745616
File: 52 KB, 1471x721, sdfgsedrfser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup definitely trying to hide it

>> No.9746127

Sorry mate.

>> No.9746215

the absolute state of biz

>> No.9746563
File: 762 KB, 770x514, jroiwrlhadoiflj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in or stay poor, boys!

>> No.9747127

Because we already mine 0xCATE :/

>> No.9747265

Smells like curry in here.

>> No.9747369

Just read the 0xBTC contract (if you understand Solidity) and you'll see the exact circulating supply... baka

>> No.9747432

2 dollars now :)

>> No.9748070
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would you guys recommend mining on a laptop? I'm a poorfag with an acer laptop containing an AMD APU (a6-5200 to be exact), would it damage my laptop if I just turn it on in the night and let it mine while I sleep?

>> No.9748178
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>> No.9748852

So... just like every other coin on this board then.

>> No.9749058

LMAO Minereum is an absolute shitcoin and the mining process is totally different.