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973655 No.973655 [Reply] [Original]

Any one here who understands intelectual property?
Does the mentor of my master's thesis have an intelectual property claim on my thesis?
If my thesis is writen solely by me, does my mentor have a co-authorship claim simply by being my mentor?

>> No.973660

No, he does not. Unless he changed things. Or you signed a contract stating otherwise.

>> No.973665
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I haven't signed such contract and he didn't change anything however I applied his suggestions about changes to the text verbatim, because he wouldn't allowed it otherwise.
What do you think about this?

>> No.973688

Then he made intellectual changes, you simply did the grunt work.

>> No.973694


Looks like you can just google your school's policy

>> No.973695
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>> No.973714
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My university doesn't have an IP guideline, but the guidline regarding the application and creation of master's thesis states in one of the first articles that "the master's thesis(in general) is a result of the student's sole creation that encapsulates scientific ... bla bla bla". There's nothing else, and this is great for me.

The reason I still care however is because autorship and intelectual property rights are governed by international conventions that superimpose national laws, and might say otherwise.
I wanted to know if there is anything by the so called international IP law that governs autorship of thesis and legal relationship between the student and the advisor.

>> No.974646

just kill him. You have to make sacrifices to be successful. don't get caught