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9735451 No.9735451 [Reply] [Original]

What is a better investment Wysker or Share Rig?

>> No.9735671

what do they mean by "booking"

>> No.9735702

are you joking? the instagram models are high end escorts

>> No.9735713
File: 10 KB, 231x218, thiscantbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9735717

That landscape is beautiful, where could it be?

>> No.9735723

Wait really

How many LINK

>> No.9736050

wysker already pumped, youll be buying others bags
im going in share ring with my nkn profits

>> No.9736056

what is search by image?

>> No.9736065

2.0 is dropping in the next few weeks, then pump.

>> No.9736318

Is it wrong that I'm imaging an elaborate fantasy around this woman? I imagine going on a hike and finding her out here larping in accordance with the deracinated, pseudo-mystical religion substitute they sell to women. I find her and force myself onto her, and she is conflicted. On one hand she is a creature of habit and vanity, and liberal social conditioning has said her whole life than woman is equal to man and independent, and that rape is a horrible crime. On the other, here she is larping in 'nature' and trying to enter a primitive, suggestive state. So her instincts win over her conditioning and she submits mentally as well as physically while I inseminate her. Confused and excited at the same time by this turn of events, she has no choice but to follow my lead. Her wish for authenticity demands this. So I take her back to my cabin and slowly condition her into a good mother.

>> No.9736406


She becomes a key part of the homestead, fulfilling her domestic duty while I collect and assemble materials for winter. Reality demands this, and she easily adapts thanks to the guidance of a strong male (myself). She births several children and we survive six or seven winters without much suffering, enjoying our semi-primitive lifestyle that allows for no shallow or vain pursuits. But when the children come of age, our first real crisis occurs. What will become of them? Will they return to the modern degenerate world and meet their grandparents and 'live their life' according to the cultural memes that their mother now vividly recalls? Or will they forge this new path, this truly revolutionary path created for them in the wilderness?

>> No.9736465

Lol but she says in one of her photos that she has a boyfriend or something. Does he just deal with it?

>> No.9736501

dunno where it is but you'll find sights like that pretty much everywhere around the alps

>> No.9736539

Or maybe by “booking” she means for photo shoots, you know, because she is trying to make money from having her picture taking. Just a thought.

>> No.9736570

I used to steal my Uncle's playboys to check out Sarah Underwood...

Damn, that was over 12 years ago

>> No.9736573

These fucking autist... and if she really is an independent woman she’ll consent to fucking you.